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Existing Industrial Solutions and Virtual Instrumentation Integration into GANMVL Reinhard Bacher, Michael Seebach DESY.

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Presentation on theme: "Existing Industrial Solutions and Virtual Instrumentation Integration into GANMVL Reinhard Bacher, Michael Seebach DESY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Existing Industrial Solutions and Virtual Instrumentation Integration into GANMVL Reinhard Bacher, Michael Seebach DESY

2 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration2 Motivation Use of stand-alone, off-the shelf T&M (test and measurement) instruments such as –Oscilloscopes –Spectrum analyzers –Signal and function generators –Digital multi-meters etc. Scenarios: –In a mobile environment –For a short time –On short notice etc.

3 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration3 Objectives 1 st Priority: Visualization and / or control of T&M-specific functions through the MVL framework from a remote site 2 nd Priority: Integration of the T&M specific data-flow into the MVL framework

4 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration4 Off-the Shelf T&M Instruments Databus interface: USB TCP/IP Ethernet GPIB Operating system: Proprietary operating system Windows (desktop-type, embedded / restricted)

5 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration5 Scenario 1 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Vendor-Specific Application Software VNC Server / Remote Desktop Server Intranet / Internet VNC Client / Remote Desktop Client for Instrument Control and Data Visualization

6 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration6 Scenario 2 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Vendor-Specific Application Software Web Server Intranet / Internet Web Browser Customized Page (e.g. HTML, Applet) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization

7 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration7 Scenario 3 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Vendor-Specific Server Software Intranet / Internet Vendor-Specific Client Software (Licenses!) Vendor-Specific Application Software (Licenses!) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization / Data Integration

8 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration8 Scenario 4 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Data Bus Interface (e.g. GPIB, RS232, PXI, TCP/IP) Data Bus Link Bus-Specific Data Bus Driver Software Vendor-Specific Instrument Driver Software Customized Application (e.g. LabView) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization / Data Integration Web Server Intranet / Internet Web Browser Customized Page (e.g. HTML, Applet) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization

9 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration9 MVL Instrument Integration Web Server-based Integration VNC Remote Desktop Server-based Integration IVI-based Integration T&M Instrument Vendor-specific Application Software Client

10 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration10 Standardization by Industry Problem: Vendor-specific instrument drivers Vendor-specific virtual instrument software Proposed MVL solution: Generic virtual instruments based on VISA-compliant databus drivers (VISA = Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) IVI-compliant instrument drivers (IVI = Interchangeable Virtual Instrument) LabView / Web-Publishing

11 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration11 IVI Foundation Members e.g. Agilent Technologies Keithley Instruments National Instruments Rohde & Schwarz Tektronix LeCroy

12 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration12 IVI-Supported Instrument Classes DC power supply Digital multi-meter Function & Arbitrary generator Oscilloscope Power meter RF signal generator Spectrum analyzer Switch

13 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration13 IVI: Example IviScopeBase Functions Abort Acquisition Status Actual Record Length (IVI-C only) Configure Acquisition Record Configure Acquisition Type (IVI-C only) Configure Channel Configure Channel Characteristics Configure Edge Trigger Source Configure Trigger Configure Trigger Coupling (IVI-C only) GetChannelName (IVI-C Only) Fetch Waveform Initiate Acquisition Is Invalid Waveform Element Read Waveform Sample Rate (IVI-C only) IviScopeBase Attributes Acquisition Start Time Acquisition Type Channel Count Channel Enabled Channel Item (IVI-COM only) Channel Name (IVI-COM only) Horizontal Minimum Number of Points Horizontal Record Length Horizontal Sample Rate Horizontal Time Per Record Input Impedance Maximum Input Frequency

14 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration14 IVI Architecture e.g. ividmm.dll e.g. ke2700_32.dll e.g. VISA Library COM specific Specific Instruments IVIConfigurationStore.xml

15 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration15 Prerequisites Install “IVI Shared Components” and “IVI –supported Instruments” class libraries (→ IVI foundation) Install “NI IVI Compliance Package” (→ National Instruments) Install “VISA Runtime” and “NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)” (→ National Instruments)

16 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration16 Instrument Integration (1/6) Connect instrument to data bus and configure communication parameters, e.g. IP address Install IVI class compliant specific driver (→ instrument vendor or National Instruments)

17 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration17 Instrument Integration (2/6) Configure the device interface parameters using MAX –e.g. Specify / check IP address and TCP-port number

18 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration18 Instrument Integration (3/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Specify / check hardware asset

19 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration19 Instrument Integration (4/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Specify / check instrument driver software module

20 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration20 Instrument Integration (5/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Create driver session Hardware Software

21 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration21 Instrument Integration (6/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Create logical name –Save IVI configuration

22 2005-12-06R. Bacher et al. VI Integration22 Generic Instrument Test Applications

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