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1 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008  Given the acknowledged need for more accurate geographic data and to provide better quality assurance of authoritative geographic datasets, the following events have taken place recently:  A group of surveying professionals have been appointed forming a committee under the authority of the West Virginia Board of Professional Surveyors, namely, the Licensing Steering Committee. The members comprising the steering committee represent the following fields and organizations:  Professional Surveyors  Photogrammetrists  Engineers  Department of Highways  WV Senate  WVSPS  WVAGP

2 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 UNDERSTANDING THE INVOLVEMENT OF YOUR PRESENTER Jeffrey L. Stephens, PS  Owner of GeoSAM – Geomatics, Surveying and Mapping Consulting Firm  Member of Board of Directors – WVAGP  Member of Licensing Steering Committee - WVBPS  Chairman of GIS Committee – WVSPS  Past President - WVSPS  County Surveyor – Cabell County

3 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 On October 7, 2008, the first formal meeting was held by the WVBPS Licensing Steering Committee. LICENSING STEERING COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES  Develop and recommend a licensing structure that will accommodate the disciplines of Geomatics, Remote Sensing and Construction into the current licensing structure. Hydrographic surveying was discussed as another optional discipline.  Recommend examination requirements under the proposed structure.  Recommend minimum standards under the proposed structure.  Recommend grandfather requirements under the proposed structure.

4 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 DISCIPLINES  Boundary: Cadastral surveying with educational emphasis on boundary law. The current licensing of professional surveying obviously includes boundary, however the educational opportunities are limited.  Geomatics: Authoritative GIS, Land Information Systems (LIS) and the management of other authoritative graphic database systems and establishing large scale reference networks.  Remote Sensing: Photogrammetry, 3-D Laser Sensing (Point Clouding), Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging), Point Modeling and other similar mapping technologies.  Construction: Machine Control, Construction Layout (all types), Volumetrics and Surface Modeling for Land Fills, Surface Mining Operations, etc.  Hydrographic: NSPS currently has certification.

5 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES The committee met via web conference call October 30, 2008. ITEM OF ACTION  Officer Elections  Jeff Stephens – Chair  Matthew Mullenax - Vice Chair  Kurt Donaldson - Secretary

6 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008 ITEM OF ACTION  NCEES MODEL LAW: That WV Code definition of Land Surveying is the same as the Model Law dated August 2007. Verify if NCEES definition already exists in WV Code. Recommendation Carried.  Task of verification assigned to Jeff Stephens. FINDING Upon review of WV Code and NCEES Model Law it has been determined that WV law is substantially identical to the NCEES Model Law. Detail comparisons have been compiled and available for review and comment.

7 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008 ITEM OF ACTION  NCEES MODEL RULES: That WV Code incorporate NCEES inclusions/exclusions for GIS. Recommendation Carried.  Inclusions/Exclusions to surveying activities as contained within NCEES Model Rules have been made available for review and comment.

8 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008 ITEM OF ACTION  SURVEYING OR GIS CHECKLIST: That a surveying or GIS checklist similar to Oregon ’ s be created for educational purposes which would benefit the GIS community. Recommendation Carried.  The GIS Checklist is a conditional questionnaire to assist persons in determining if the activities they are to perform, or have performed, is a survey product; It is modeled after the NCEES Model Rules and has been made available for review and comment.  It is suggested by the chairman of this committee that WVAGP begin with the NCEES Model Rules Inclusions/Exclusions as published, because Oregon has added several state specific items which may not be suited for West Virginia.

9 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008 ITEM OF ACTION  MAP DISCLAIMER: That a map disclaimer policy is developed for West Virginia. Use the Oregon model with minor changes. Draft WV map disclaimer. Recommendation Carried.  Task assigned to Kurt Donaldson.  OREGON MAP DISCLAIMER This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information.

10 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008 ITEM OF ACTION  MAP DISCLAIMER: That a disclaimer for assessor tax maps should be required, not recommended. That this mandatory requirement is reflected in the proposed procedural rule, Statewide Procedures for the Maintenance and Publishing of Surface Tax Maps (Title 189-3). Recommendations Carried.  Jeff Stephens to submit proposed change in writing to WV Tax Department  Submitted via overnight am delivery Friday, October 7, 2008

11 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008 ITEM OF ACTION  TIERED LICENSING OF SURVEYORS: That a document/white paper be drafted on the potential need for tiered licensing for a Geomatics Professionals. A Geomatics Professional could not perform boundary or underground surveying, but could perform geodetic control, elevation certificates, infrastructure mapping, etc.. Any additional certification or licensure would require a different exam that currently exists. Recommendation Carried.  Task assigned to Jeff Stephens.  Informational/white paper is currently under development, and in need of input of the membership to complete. Drafts will be made available to committee members for review, comment and revision.

12 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WVAGP GIS/SURVEYING COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES October 30, 2008  NEXT STEPS:  (1) Prepare reference documents including review of URISA News handout for membership,  (2) Forward preliminary recommendations to WVAGP Board,  (3) Call for participation at November 13 membership meeting.  (4) Convene meeting of full committee to review and finalize recommendations,  (5) Propose adoption of Committee recommendations by WVAGP Board,  (6) Propose motion to communicate with surveying community in effort to create a combined task force to develop a collaborative solution.

13 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 Why is it important to use NCEES Model Law Definitions of “ SURVEYING ” and include NCEES Model Rules “ Inclusions and Exclusions to SURVEYING ” in WV Code? We can begin by examining the current WV Code Definition: Under the current WV definition of surveying, many persons are performing surveying activities without obtaining professional licensure. A large percentage of persons are under the impression that specific education and experience is not necessary to obtain and disseminate geographic information if the data is collected utilizing GPS. WV needs a more specific definition delineating what is “ surveying ”

14 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 WEST VIRGINIA STATUTORY DEFINITION of “ SURVEYING ” §30-13A-3. Definitions (hh) "Surveying" or "land surveying" means providing, or offering to provide, professional services using such sciences as mathematics, geodesy, and photogrammetry, and involving both: (1) The making of geometric measurements and gathering related information pertaining to the physical or legal features of the earth, improvements on the earth, the space above, on or below the earth; and (2) providing, utilizing or developing the same into survey products such as graphics, data, maps, plans, reports, descriptions or projects. Professional services include acts of consultation, investigation, testimony evaluation, expert technical testimony, planning, mapping, assembling and interpreting gathered measurements and information related to any one or more of the following:

15 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008  (A) Determining by measurement the configuration or contour of the earth's surface or the position of fixed objects thereon.  (B) Determining by performing geodetic surveys the size and shape of the earth or the position of any point on the earth.  (C) Determining the position for any survey control monument or reference point.  (D) Creating, preparing or modifying electronic, computerized or other data relative to the performance of the activities in the above-described paragraphs (A) through (C), inclusive, of this subdivision.  (E) Locating, relocating, establishing, reestablishing or retracing property lines or boundaries of any tract of land, road, right-of-way or easement.  (F) Making any survey for the division, subdivision, or consolidation of any tract or tracts of land.  (G) Locating or laying out alignments, positions or elevations for the construction of fixed works.  (H) Determining, by the use of principles of surveying, the position for any boundary or nonboundary survey monument or reference point; or establishing or replacing any such monument or reference point.  (I) Creating, preparing or modifying electronic or computerized or other data relative to the performance of the activities in the above-described paragraphs (E) through (H), inclusive, of this subdivision. WV Legislation is substantially identical to NCEES Model Law definition of “ SURVEYING ”

16 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 ARE YOU PERFORMING SURVEYING WORK? CURRENT LEGISLATION MAY IMPLY THAT YOU ARE. The National GIS and Surveying Communities participated in a joint task force in effort to provide a more elaborative definition … Which resulted in a revision to NCEES Model Rules known as: “ INCLUSIONS and EXCLUSIONS of SURVEYING ” The inclusions and exclusions to the practice of “ surveying ” are important because the language helps identify activities more specifically, providing a better delineation between surveying and non- surveying activities.

17 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. The creation of maps and georeferenced databases representing authoritative locations for boundaries, the location of fixed works, or topography. This includes maps and georeferenced databases prepared by any person, firm, or government agency where that data is provided to the public as a survey product.

18 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. Original data acquisition, or the resolution of conflicts between multiple data sources, when used for the authoritative location of features within the following data themes: geodetic control, orthoimagery, elevation and hydrographic, fixed works, private and public boundaries, and cadastral information.

19 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 3. Certification of positional accuracy of maps or measured survey data.

20 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 4. Adjustment or authoritative interpretation of raw survey data.

21 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 5. Geographic Information System (GIS) - based parcel or cadastral mapping used for authoritative boundary definition purposes wherein land title or development rights for individual parcels are, or may be, affected.

22 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 6. Authoritative interpretation of maps, deeds, or other land title documents to resolve conflicting data elements.

23 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 7. Acquisition of field data required to authoritatively position fixed works or cadastral data relative to geodetic control.

24 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice A. Activities INCLUDED within Surveying Practice Activities that must be accomplished under the responsible charge of a professional surveyor (unless specifically exempted in Section B on the next page) include, but are not limited to, the following: 8. Analysis, adjustment or transformation of cadastral data of the of the parcel layer(s) with respect to the geodetic control layer within a GIS resulting in the affirmation of positional accuracy.

25 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 1. The creation of general maps: a. Prepared by private firms or government agencies for use as guides to motorists, boaters, aviators, or pedestrians; b. Prepared for publication in a gazetteer or atlas as an educational tool or reference publication; c. Prepared for or by education institutions for use in the curriculum of any course of study; d. Produced by any electronic or print media firm as an illustrative guide to the geographic location of any event; e. Prepared by laypersons for conversational or illustrative purposes. This includes advertising material and users guides.

26 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 2. The transcription of previously georeferenced data into a GIS or LIS by manual or electronic means, and the maintenance thereof, provided the data are clearly not intended to indicate the authoritative location of property boundaries, the precise definition of the shape or contour of the earth, and/or the precise location of fixed works of humans.

27 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 3. The transcription of public record data, without modification except for graphical purposes, into a GIS- or LIS-based cadastre (tax maps and associated records) by manual or electronic means, and the maintenance of that cadastre, provided the data are clearly not intended to authoritatively represent property boundaries. This includes tax maps and zoning maps.

28 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 4. The preparation of any document by any federal government agency that does not define real property boundaries. This includes civilian and military versions of quadrangle topographic maps, military maps, satellite imagery, and other such documents.

29 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 5. The incorporation or use of documents or databases prepared by any federal agency into a GIS/LIS, including but not limited to federal census and demographic data, quadrangle topographic maps, and military maps.

30 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 6. Inventory maps and databases created by any organization, in either hard- copy or electronic form, of physical features, facilities, or infrastructure that are wholly contained within properties to which they have rights or for which they have management responsibility. The distribution of these maps and/or databases outside the organization must contain appropriate metadata describing, at a minimum, the accuracy, method of compilation, data source(s) and date(s), and disclaimers of use clearly indicating that the data are not intended to be used as a survey product.

31 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 7. Maps and databases depicting the distribution of natural resources or phenomena prepared by foresters, geologists, soil scientists, geophysicists, biologists, archeologists, historians, or other persons qualified to document such data.

32 WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WEST VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS GIS/Surveying Committee WV Statutory Code / NCEES Model Law Surveying/Geomatics Definition October 31, 2008 NCEES Model Rules 210.25 Inclusions and Exclusions of Surveying Practice (continued) B. Activities EXCLUDED from Surveying Practice A distinction must be made in the use of electronic systems between making or documenting original measurements in the creation of survey products, versus the copying, interpretation, or representation of those measurements in such systems. Further, a distinction must be made according to the intent, use, or purpose of measurement products in electronic systems to determine a definitive location versus the use of those products as a locational reference for planning, infrastructure management, and general information. The following items are not to be included as activities within the definition of surveying: 8. Maps and georeferenced databases depicting physical features and events prepared by any government agency where the access to that data is restricted by statute. This includes georeferenced data generated by law enforcement agencies involving crime statistics and criminal activities.


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