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1 Eating Wisely/Aging Well Food as Medicine Oregon State University Extension Service Sharon Johnson M.S.

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1 1 Eating Wisely/Aging Well Food as Medicine Oregon State University Extension Service Sharon Johnson M.S.

2 2 Food as Medicine? As we age, we need… Less food More nutrient- dense food Colorful food

3 3 Less Food? Consider using a 9” plate 1/2 the plate should be vegetables 1/4 quarter should be whole grains 1/4 quarter should be protein Source: Idaho Plate Method

4 4 Nutrient-dense food? Every day: 2 cups of fruit Every day: 2 1/2 cups of vegetables Every day: 3 cups of low fat milk (or an equivalent) 2005 New Dietary Guidelines

5 5 More colorful food? “Your plate should look like a pile of color crayons” Colorful foods (red, yellow/orange, blue/purple, green, white) actually prevent disease conditions Source;

6 6 The advantages of color in your diet– it treat’s disease Vitamins and minerals Antioxidants (to neutralize free radicals) Fiber Lessened likelihood of overweight/obesity Source: USDA

7 7 Color your food and prevent disease? APPLES: 80 calories of easy eating Well-packaged fast food High in calcium, fiber and potassium

8 8 Color your food and prevent disease… SPINACH: Contains Vitamin C Important for vision protection Good source of folate (folic acid) Fewer calories

9 9 Color your food and prevent disease… BLUEBERRIES: More disease-fighting antioxidants than any other fruit Lowers risk of some cancers Improves urinary tract health Reverses mental decline

10 10 As we age, we need to…. Select carbohydrates wisely Focus on whole grains Reduce use of processed foods

11 11 Select carbohydrates wisely… Fruits Vegetables Whole grains

12 12 Really focus on whole grains… Eat three or more ounce-equivalents of whole grain products each day Make half your grains whole Source:

13 13 Reduce use of processed foods Read nutrition labels

14 14 Hydrate (drink enough water) Make it a habit: Take medications with water “Eat your water” Remember: older adults may not recognize the thirst sensation

15 15 As we age, we need to… Select protein carefully; eat seafood Eat more beans and legumes Eat low fat meats, dairy

16 16 As we age, we need… More healthy fats (olive, canola oil) “Good” fats (polyunsaturated/ monounsaturated) As little “hydrogenation” as possible

17 17 Fats and Aging Fat is not necessarily bad for you: 20-35% of our calories should be (good) fat We even need a little saturated fat NO TRANSFATS

18 18 As we age, we need to…. Focus on smaller portions Eat more slowly Increase our fiber intake

19 19 Why is it so hard to eat wisely? Food choices are not always under our control Food comforts us Food is everywhere Eating out is “in”

20 20 What works— How do you eat more wisely? Eat often Watch portions Plan for ‘problem foods’ Keep colorful, foods handy Understand that some foods “beckon”.. and some foods “hum…”

21 21 New Dietary Guidelines* Focus on fruits Vary your veggies Get enough calcium rich foods Make half your grains whole Go lean with protein *

22 22 Food as Medicine Presentation: Sharon Johnson M.S. Southern Oregon Research and Extension Service Oregon State University 569 Hanley Road Central Point, Oregon 97502 541-776-7371 x210

23 23 Informational sources Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Center on Aging Weil Cornell Food and Fitness Advisor, Cornell University Nutrition Concepts and Controversies (Sizer, F. Whitney,E.) Wellness Foods A to Z (University of California Berkley) National Academy of Sciences 2002

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