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IMAGINE… Exploring radical visions for tomorrow's schools Vienna, Austria, 20-22 September 2010 Poster exhibition submission form Organised by OECD/CELE,

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Presentation on theme: "IMAGINE… Exploring radical visions for tomorrow's schools Vienna, Austria, 20-22 September 2010 Poster exhibition submission form Organised by OECD/CELE,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMAGINE… Exploring radical visions for tomorrow's schools Vienna, Austria, 20-22 September 2010 Poster exhibition submission form Organised by OECD/CELE, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Austria and Vienna University of Technology

2 The deadline for submission of proposals is 25 June 2010. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 July 2010. Applicants will then be requested to prepare their posters in A1 format using an In-Design layout template. In this submission form, you will be asked to provide; 1. Submission category and criteria, and concept of your project 1. Submission category and criteria, and concept of your project Select the submission categories and criteria for your school building project, and briefly describe the design concept of the school building project. 2. Photos 2. Photos Include a site plan, ground floor plan, floor plan, cross-section and other digital photographs. 3. Information 3. Information Provide contact information and general information of the school building project. After completing this form, please upload it the following server address : For further questions, please contact: Eunah Park, NOTICE

3 In submitting any material (e.g. documents or images) on this poster submission form, you accept that they may be posted on the Internet for public access. You also grant the OECD the non-exclusive publication rights, royalty free, of any submitted material, including the right to edit, publish, distribute, and sell (or license others to publish, distribute, and sell), selections, abridgments, reprints, translations, or adaptations of the material in either print or electronic form, or any other medium of publication or presentation (including downloadable files, web pages, dynamic graphics, images, posters, brochures and slide shows), throughout the world without exception. You further accept that OECD may adapt the material (building plans, graphs, tables, maps, photos) in line with its publication standards (e.g. to change the colours or adapt the size). You confirm that you have the authority to grant these rights. You further confirm that all sources in the material are properly cited, and that all necessary permissions have been obtained for use of previously published material which may be incorporated in the material which you submit. For photographs, you confirm that all permissions have been obtained: (1) from the photographer, and (2) from the creator or owner of the underlying work shown in the photograph and/or from the subject, where the photograph depicts recognisable people. If the quality of the file is not sufficient, the material may be refused for publication. TERMS AND CONDITIONS

4 Please provide the name and background information of the school Name of school Full postal address Postal codeCity Country TelephoneFax E-mailWeb site

5 1. In which category is the facility exemplary? (Please underline one category) ● City level: Networks of learning, integration into the urban or natural environment ● School level: Flexible space usage and layout ● Classroom level: Supportive to teaching and learning activities ● Outside of classrooms: In/outdoor learning spaces (e.g. cafeteria, auditorium, school grounds) 2. Which criteria do the project fulfil? (Please underline all that apply) ● Innovative design: Aspires to satisfy future needs and expectations ● High technology: Provides appropriate technologies for future learners ● Cost efficiency: Employs cost-efficient procurement strategies, e.g. low-cost construction ● Eco-friendly: Demonstrates energy saving, sustainable usage and respect for the environment ConceptPhotosInformation

6 ConceptPhotosInformation 3. Please explain the concept of the school building project and how it exemplifies the selected criteria (150 words).

7 ConceptPhotosInformation Please insert photos of your school building project here, with captions. A site plan A site plan, Ground floor plan, floor plan, cross-section, and other digital photographs

8 ConceptPhotosInformation Ground floor plan A site plan, Ground floor plan, floor plan, cross-section, and other digital photographs Please insert photos of your school building project here, with captions.

9 ConceptPhotosInformation Floor plan A site plan, Ground floor plan, Floor plan, cross-section, and other digital photographs Please insert photos of your school building project here, with captions.

10 ConceptPhotosInformation Cross-section A site plan, Ground floor plan, floor plan, Cross-section, and other digital photographs Please insert photos of your school building project here, with captions.

11 ConceptPhotosInformation Other digital photographs A site plan, Ground floor plan, floor plan, cross-section, and Other digital photographs Please insert photos of your school building project here, with captions.

12 1. Please provide your name and contact information: Last nameFirst name Professional title Organisation Full postal address Postal codeCity Country TelephoneFax E-mailWeb site 2. Please provide the name and contact of the project architect: Name of architectural firm Full postal address Postal codeCity Country TelephoneFax E-mailWeb site ConceptPhotosInformation

13 ConceptPhotosInformation 3. Which level of education does the facility serve? Please underline the level(s) of education. Pre-primaryPrimaryLower secondaryUpper secondary 4. Number of users (including teachers, students, staff) 5. What type of project is this? Please underline the project type. New buildingExtensionRenovation 6. What is the gross surface area of the construction, extension or renovation in m²? 7. What is the gross surface area of the whole school in m²? 8. What is the total cost of the project? 9. In what year was the project completed?

14 End of submission form Please upload this form to the following server address by 25 JUNE 2010 : For further questions, please contact: Eunah Park,

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