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2008 HOPWA Grant Competition1 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Competition Overview May 28, 2008 Presented by Office of HIV/AIDS Housing Benjamin Ayers
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition2 HOPWA Program Purpose To provide states and localities with the resources and incentives to devise long-term comprehensive strategies for meeting the housing and related supportive service needs of low-income persons with HIV/AIDS
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition3 HOPWA Client Outcomes Assist HOPWA Clients in establishing or maintaining stable housing, reduce risks of homelessness and improve access to care
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition4 Application Package & Instructions Down load 2 packages from Instructions-required HOPWA application forms and NOFA Application Package- SF 424
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition5 Application Submission Date Validated by by 11:59:59 PM, Eastern Time on July 18, 2008 –72 hour validation period
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition6 Other Available Funding Formula Grants in 127 St/local: $267,417,000 National Technical Assistance: $820,000 This Competition: after funding renewals Approx $8,000,000
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition7 Definitions Chronically homeless Lease or occupancy agreement Non-profit organization Permanent supportive housing Transitional housing
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition8 Award Information Projects awarded announced by 09/31/2008 Max. grant $1,430,000 +ROI $30,000 $1,460,000 Min. grant $500,000 Average award $1,200,000
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition9 Eligibility Long-term: –States & units of general local government (non-formula) –Balance of state areas: Units of general local government (not a formula grantee)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition10 Eligibility Special Project of National Significance (SPNS) –States, units of general local government, & nonprofits
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition11 Program Requirements (12) General provisions –General section provisions apply –Section III.C. National Environmental Policy Act –Facility project can’t commit or spend HUD or local funds –Tenant based rental assistance supportive services, operating costs and administrative costs excluded
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition12 Program Requirements Performance goals –Planned Yearly outputs & outcomes –80% Housing stability, reduced risk of homelessness, increasing access to care Optional local project goals
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition13 Performance Goals - Outputs Measure actual achievements against anticipated achievements, & report on housing outputs & outcomes –# of units or households assisted TBRA, STRMU, & Facilities –#of house holds that achieved outcomes
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition14 Performance Goals-Outcomes HOPWA Outcomes –housing stability, reduced risks of homelessness, & improved access to care Annual client assessment –Status in ongoing arrangements, stable, temporary or other results
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition15 Program Requirements Use of drop down logic model HOPWA facility use period –Acquisition, new construction & signification rehab 10 years –Non significant rehab 3 years
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition16 Program Requirements Disbursement of funds –3 years spend –5 years recapture Execution of grant agreement & obligation of awards –Selected applicants 6 months
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition17 Program Requirements Site control in 1 year –Acquisition or leasing Rehabilitation or new construction –Begin 18 months –Complete by end of agreement
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition18 Program Requirements Project operations –Drawdown w/ 6months –Proportionate to operating period –Delays & loss of funding
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition19 Program Requirements Section 3-Housing Urban Development ACT of 1968 –New construction & rehabilitation –Employment & economic opportunities –Address number in narrative –Report in annual reporting
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition20 Program Requirements Executive Order 13166 –Limited English Proficiency (LEP) –General Section IV Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing –General Section III
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition21 Eligible Activities Proposed project activities –Activities & budget amounts tied to housing outputs and outcomes
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition22 Eligible Activities Housing Assistance –Main focus of housing –Permanent housing w. legal right to continue in unit –Transitional with linkages to Permanent w/ 24 months
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition23 Eligible Activities Housing Assistance –Leasing including master leasing –Tenant Based Rental assistance (TBRA) scattered site vs. project based –Short-term Rent Mortgage & Utility assistance (STRMU)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition24 Eligible Activities Supportive Services –Enhance access to mainstream –No more than 35% of budget –No services-only facilities –No funds for medications (may be shown as leveraging) –Appropriate for client
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition25 Eligible Activities Permanent Housing Placement Include application fees, credit reviews, & reasonable security deposits not exceeding 2 months Does not include other move-in items e.g. furniture, minor repairs (may be shown as leveraging)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition26 Eligible Activities Housing Information –Disseminating local housing resource information to potential clients
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition27 Eligible Activities Other –Subject to HUD’s approval –Address expected beneficial housing impact w/ performance outputs & client outcomes –Based on a Need not addressed by HOPWA Activities
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition28 Eligible Activities New: Soliciting Return on Investment (ROI) cost analysis methodologies –Cost comparison on effectiveness & efficiency –Dollars saved per dollars invested, benefits per dollars invested, or both –Result in effective ROI, equal ROI, and a less than effective ROI
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition29 Eligible Activities (ROI) cost comparison –Direct HOPWA housing activity & outcome –Supportive service activity & outcome –Both & outcome Delineate the investment & the return
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition30 Eligible Activities Dollars saved per dollars invested: TBRA vs. long-term institutional care –Investment (cost of supportive housing); –return (cost savings for maintaining the client in the community)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition31 Eligible Activities Benefit per dollars invested: TBRA compared to possible institutional placement Improved quality of life measured by households
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition32 Eligible Activities –Benefit/result (achieving better relative health, greater family stability, and improved life outcomes) –investment (cost of improved quality of life)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition33 Eligible Activities ROI Methodologies address –Cost saving related to other public and private systems of housing care and related support. –Greater efficiencies in service delivery for types and levels of support.
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition34 Eligible Activities (ROI) cost analysis methodologies –One time funding up to $30,000 (justify request) –Earn up to 5 points under rating factor 5 achieving new results
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition35 Eligible Activities Resource Identification –Establish, coordinate, & develop housing assistance resources in your community
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition36 Application & Submission NOFA Copies & application forms W W Download Adobe Reader 8.1.2 & pure edge viewer from for use of Adobe formatted program forms
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition37 Application & Submission New Fax Numbers –800-894-4047 – 215-825-8796 –Third party letters, certifications & other required documentation Help at or (800) 518-4726
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition38 Application Forms SF-424 & equal opportunity Survey HUD 96010 Logic model HUD 2990 Cert on RC/EZ/EC-II, if applicable HUD 2880 Applicant/receipt disclosure/update report SFLLL Disclosures & lobbying
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition39 Application Forms HUD 40110-B HOPWA Application Budget (3-part form) HUD 27300 HUD communities Initiative Form (Reg Barrier) – must provide backup citation HUD-2991 Certification of consistency w/consolidation plan
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition40 Application Content Proof of Nonprofit status of applicants & sponsors & AIDS purpose Documentation of leveraging – Commitment letters on file Narratives for each section
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition41 Application Content Executive summary –Brief overview of project Capacity of applicant & sponsors & narrative –relevant organizational experience to proposed activities
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition42 Application Content Need/extent problem narrative –Unmet need description –Relevant statistical data –Compliments existing projects –Responds to community planning processes
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition43 Application Content Soundness of approach: –Model qualities –Responsiveness –Coordination narrative –Public Policy priorities
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition44 Application Content Achieving results & program evaluation narrative –Logic Model & supplemental narrative –ROI: description of cost effectiveness and efficiency analysis plan
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition45 Application & Submission Submitted, received & validated electronically by No later than July 18, 2008 11:59:59 PM Eastern time
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition46 Funding Restrictions Program activities directly benefiting eligible persons at least $500,000 & not more than $1,300,000 ROI activities additional funding maximum of $30,000
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition47 Funding Restrictions Grant administrative costs for grantee a maximum of 3% Grant administrative costs of project sponsors- a maximum of 7% Grantees cannot add the 7% for project sponsors if carrying out activities w/o project sponsor
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition48 Funding Restrictions Supportive Services budget line item can be no more than 35%
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition49 Funding Restrictions Total maximum grant amount $1,430,000 + $30,000 ROI $1,460,000
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition50 Funding Restrictions Three-year use period No proposals dependent on prospective Determinations
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition51 Ineligible Activities Grooming Clothing Pets Financial assistance Consumer credit payments Entertainment activities No funding for personal items:
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition52 Ineligible Activities Property taxes Personal vehicle maintenance & repairs Condominium fees Other non- housing-related costs No funding for personal items:
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition53 Ineligible Activities Data collection on project outcomes
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition54 Other Submission Requirements Electronic Submission –Waivers to electronic submission (see General Section IV F 3)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition55 Other Submission Requirements If electronic submission waived, paper applications due by –July 18, 2008, 11:59:59 PM EST –No 15 day grace period on receipt –No proof of timely submission as alternative
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition56 Application Selection Five Rating Factors: 1.Capacity 2.Need/Extent of Problem 3.Soundness of Approach 4.Leveraging 5.Achieving Results & Program Evaluation
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition57 Rating Factor 1 Capacity (20 Points) –Minimum of 14 points required for funding eligibility
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition58 Rating Factor 1 Capacity-Past Experience & Knowledge –Proposed activities –Serving individuals & households w/ HIV/AIDS –Monitoring & evaluating programs –Fiscal responsibility
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition59 Rating Factor 2 Need/Extent of the Problem (15 points) –5 points awarded based on AIDS cases & per capita AIDS incidence –10 points: Description of unmet housing need
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition60 Rating Factor 2 Need/Extent of the Problem –Housing need not addressed by other projects in the area –Unresolved or emerging issues/need for alternative forms of assistance
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition61 Rating Factor 2 Need/Extent of the Problem –project’s enhancement to community’s Consolidated Plan & other planning processes –Prove need & Subpopulation targets: statistics & data sources
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition62 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach (45pts.) –15 for responsiveness – 5 for coordination – 7 for public policy priorities –18 for model qualities 45
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition63 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness (15 points) –Response to unmet need Persons served by each activity for each year –Housing units provided by type & year
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition64 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness –Roles, responsibilities –Organizations providing leveraged resources –How leveraged resources are used
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition65 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness- Housing Activities –Access to permanent supportive housing –Use of permanent housing placement
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition66 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness- Housing Activities –Description of housing site –Development & operations plan –Operational procedures
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition67 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness- Supportive Service Activities –Plan for delivering supportive services
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition68 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness- Supportive Service Activities –How agreements provide access to mainstream programs –How project plans ensure client participation
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition69 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Responsiveness- Other approvable activities – Not at 24 CFR 574.300 – Only approved by HUD – Describe the need – Describe the benefits – Report annually
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition70 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Coordination (5 points) –Coordination of activities with other organizations prior to application submission –Developed project through consultation w/ other stakeholders
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition71 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Coordination w/ other HUD-funded programs & programs outside of Con. Plan Coordinated client assistance w/ mainstream resources All parties aware of service delivery & each others roles in stabilizing the clients
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition72 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Public Policy Priorities (7pts.) –1pt describe use of universal design & visitablility –1pt participation of non-profit grassroots community-based (including faith-based)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition73 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Public Policy Priorities –1pt promote energy efficiency & energy star products –2pt completion of regulatory barriers policy questionnaire –2pt target of chronically homeless
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition74 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Model Qualities (18 Points) –Meet HUD policy priorities –Method of project management & oversight –Your evaluation plan: What you measure & how
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition75 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Model Qualities –Exemplary service delivery & management connected to other HOPWA funded projects –Activities expand knowledge in serving eligible persons
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition76 Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach Model Qualities-descriptive budget –How funding is used & the related use of leveraging –How BLIs relate to planned activities –Clarity & completeness of summary statement
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition77 Rating Factor 4 Leverage (5 Points) –Minimum of 1 point for funding eligibility –Address: secure community resources, achieve program purposes & ensure sustainability of housing efforts
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition78 Rating Factor 4 Leverage –Committed at the time of application submission –Points based on amount of commitments
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition79 Rating Factor 4 Organizations name & address Type of commitment Dollar value Date of letter Authorized representative Contact information Leveraging Chart/List
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition80 Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results & Program Evaluation(15 points) –Logic Model 10 pts. –ROI methodology 5 pts
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition81 Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results & Program Evaluation- Logic Model (HUD- 96010) –Measure actual achievements against anticipated achievements –Commitment to obtaining goals –Commitment to ensuring performance assessment
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition82 Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results & Program Evaluation- ROI Methodology –1 pt description of methodology & rational –1 pt identify service to be addressed & why –1 pt description of expected benefit / outcome
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition83 Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results & Program Evaluation- ROI Methodology –1 pt submission of data collection & analysis plan –1 pt description of capacity to conduct ROI
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition84 Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results & Program Evaluation- Top scoring –HOPWA housing output measures –HOPWA client outcome goals –Increase housing stability
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition85 Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results & Program Evaluation- Top scoring –Reduce risks of homelessness –Improve access to care –ROI activities
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition86 Application Review HUD reviewers- CPD staff at Headquarters & in Field Offices Reviews & Selection Process –Threshold reviews (Field Office) –Substantive reviews (headquarters)
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition87 Application Review Rating & Selection process –HUD rates applicants in rank & order according to rating factors Total of 100 points w/ 2 bonus points for completing HUD- 2990 (RC/EZ/EC-II) form
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition88 Rating & Selection Process Expiring renewal projects funded first –(CPD Notice 08-03) applicants selected by rank & order
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition89 Rating & Selection Process HUD will not fund applications –Scored below 75 points –Capacity scored below 14 –Leveraging score of zero Conditional Selection
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition90 Rating & Selection Process Tie breaker score higher in the following order: –Factor 3-responsiveness –Factor 1-capacity –Factor 2-need –Factor 5-evaluation –Factor 4-leveraging
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition91 Application Review Estimated Announcement of Awards –September 30, 2008
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition92 Award Administration Applicant Notification Award modifications Applicant Debriefing –30 days after announcements for 120 days
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition93 Agency Contacts Technical assistance for downloading application package 800-518-Grants or Program information contact your area HUD field office- see listings ndsavail.cfm ndsavail.cfm
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition94 For More Information Office of HIV/AIDS Housing HOPWA@HUD.GOV HUD Website for AIDS Housing aidshousing For area formula programs see local/index.cfm
2008 HOPWA Grant Competition95 Helpful Hints Read & study the NOFA Clarity in your presentations Check consistency, completeness of plans, accuracy of budgets & leveraged documentation Keep within program limits Don’t be late
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