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Laser Sensors & JMRI SHMRRC June 17, 2010 Revised 6-16-10.

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1 Laser Sensors & JMRI SHMRRC June 17, 2010 Revised 6-16-10

2 Laser Sensors Sensors at each end of the module’s main line were used to stop the mining train when a train on the main line approached They worked most of the time but could easily be tricked

3 Laser Sensors A redesign has the laser shooting right down the center of the main line Any train on the main interrupts the laser beam

4 Laser Sensors The only problem that remained was the bright laser light that was quite visible as it was shining on the train & its cars Since a microcontroller was in charge of the laser being on or off some experiments were in order

5 Laser Sensors First the laser was turned on for ½ second then off for ½ second –It still worked but… –The laser light was even more noticeable due to its flashing on & off

6 Laser Sensors The length of “on” time was gradually decreased I was hoping that the sensor would still detect brief laser light pulses 1/10 second on / 1/100 second off –OK 1/100 second on / 1/100 second off – OK 1/1000 second on / 1/100 second off –still OK!

7 Laser Sensors The time was decreased till it hit the fastest pulse that the controller could produce – 1/1,000,000 second Still OK And…. It produced a virtually undetectable laser beam

8 Laser Sensors Top: HIGH laser‘turn on laser PAUSEUS 1‘pause 1/1,000,000 second IF PhotoTran=1 THEN‘if detected then do stuff HIGH led1:HIGH relay‘LED & RELAY on ELSE ‘if not do other stuff LOW led1:LOW relay‘LED & Relay off ENDIF IF SWBright=1 THEN LOW laser 'if switch on dim Laser else leave on full PAUSE 10‘leave laser off 1/10 second GOTO Top‘do it again

9 Laser Sensors A switch was added to keep the laser on at full brightness while aiming the laser and aligning it with the sensor Once it is integrated with the main controller the problem, hopefully, will be solved! … and Chuck’s blood pressure will drop measurably!


11 JMRI Introduction What is JMRI? What hardware / software is needed? Is it better than standard DCC controllers? How do you set up a new locomotive What makes it really special?

12 What is JMRI? JMRI stands for Java Model Railroading Interface It is open source (no cost) software for connecting a model railroad layout to a computer Once connected various model railroading tasks can be performed with the computer

13 What Hardware & Software are Needed for JMRI? Any recent Windows, Apple or Linux computer – an old laptop is ideal Digitrax or another supported DCC system An inexpensive computer interface (~$60) JMRI software (a free download from the Internet)

14 Is JMRI Better than Standard Hand Held Controllers? JMRI advantages …replaces obscure button sequences with pull-down menus and plain English commands …makes setting up DCC locomotives much easier …keeps a database of locomotives & settings

15 Is JMRI Better than Standard Hand Held Controllers? JMRI disadvantages …requires a computer & interface …you must stay by the computer (there is a really cool way around this!) …you must be reasonably computer literate

16 Setting Up a New Locomotive Start Decoder Pro Select Service Mode (programming track) Select “Read type from decoder” Select “Open Programmer” Name the locomotive & fill in other items File / Save

17 Setting Up a New Locomotive If you are programming a locomotive with sound you need to switch to “Operations Mode (Main Track) Programming Select loco / Open Programmer Move loco to main track

18 Select Basic Tab Select two byte (extended) address Enter loco number (use cab number) under Active DCC address Select “Write changes on sheet” Done! Setting Up a New Locomotive

19 Throttles Exit Program mode From Decoder Pro select Tools / Throttle / New From the throttle select your loco at the bottom – Note the button change! Select Power / On Run your train!

20 Throttles Multiple throttles can exist on one screen Multiple computers can be networked to operate multiple trains WiThrottle allows control from iPod Touch or iPad –Free application controls one locomotive –$10.00 app controls two locomotives

21 To Be Continued… JMRI has scores of additional functions and capabilities We can explore them as time and interest dictate Thank You!






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