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The Xitact Platform for Laparoscopic Surgery Training Ivan Večerina, M.D. – Xitact S.A. MMVR11, 2003 LS 500 Trainer Platform.

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Presentation on theme: "The Xitact Platform for Laparoscopic Surgery Training Ivan Večerina, M.D. – Xitact S.A. MMVR11, 2003 LS 500 Trainer Platform."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Xitact Platform for Laparoscopic Surgery Training Ivan Večerina, M.D. – Xitact S.A. MMVR11, 2003 LS 500 Trainer Platform

2 A Complete Solution for Surgery Training Force Feedback Instruments Simulation Software Training Curricula Analysis & Administration

3 Hardware Platform 2 Instruments –Force Feedback –Genuine Handles 1 Endoscope –Angled Optics Fully Adjustable –Port Placement –Operating Height –Trendelenburg –Touch-Screen

4 Simulation Software Camera Navigation – angled optics Advanced Dissection –Blunt Dissection with curved Grasper –Flagging, Two Handed Manipulation –Complete Anatomy: Liver, Fat Tissue, Exposure of Duct & Artery Clip & Cut Training Superficial Dissection ( hook, scissors ) 4 Sets of Training Modules (Curricula)

5 Camera Navigation

6 Advanced Dissection

7 Training Curricula Autonomous Training –Didactic Materials Procedure broken down into Modules –Progressive Difficulty –Modules are Combined Together –Interactive Guidance and Assessment Evaluation Report

8 Administration & Analysis Class and User Management Review Results & Playbacks Learning Curves & Comparisons Exhaustive Data Collection, Exported for Analysis & Study

9 Validation Studies (1/2) Rosenthal R. and Gantert W.A., VITOMS Project : Virtual Environments for Team Oriented Medical Simulation, Poster Presentation at the 11 th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference, Newport Beach, 2003. Schijven M. and Jakimowicz J., Construct Validity : Experts and Residents performing on the Xitact LS500 Laparoscopy Simulator, submitted for publication in Surg Endosc, 2002 Schijven M. and Jakimowicz J., The intercollegiate Basic Surgical Skills Course: laparoscopic skill assessment using the xitact LS500 Laparoscopy Simulator, submitted for publication in Br. J. Surg, 2002 Schijven M. and Jakimowicz J., Introducing the Xitact LS500 Laparoscopy Simulator: towards a revolution in surgical education, submitted for publication in Universal Medical Press, 2002

10 Validation Studies (2/2) Schijven M. and Jakimowicz J., Face-, expert and referent validity of the xitact LS500 Laparoscopy Simulator. Surg Endosc, 2002. DOI : 10.1007/s00464-001-9229-9 Schijven M. Face-, expert and referent validity of the xitact LS 500 Laparoscopy Simulator, Oral Presentation at the 10 th International Congress of the EAES, Lisboa, 2002. Jakimowicz J. xitact® LS 500 Virtual Reality Laparoscopy Simulator, Oral Presentation at the Endoscopische Chirurgie, Rotterdam, 2002. Gantert W.A. The virtual patient, a VR simulator for training in Laparoscopic surgery: initial experience in a training course, Oral Presentation at the 9 th International Congress of the EAES, Maastricht, 2001.

11 Thank You ! Ivan Večerina, M.D.

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