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FIR Filter CMPE 222 – Project Divya Misra Gnanapriya Mohanavelu.

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Presentation on theme: "FIR Filter CMPE 222 – Project Divya Misra Gnanapriya Mohanavelu."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIR Filter CMPE 222 – Project Divya Misra Gnanapriya Mohanavelu

2 FIR Filter

3 Aim of the project Study the effect of latency Study the effect of type of adders on area&timing Understanding the synopsys tool Effect of taps on filters

4 Terms used Coefficients Taps –Memory –No. of calculations –Filtering –Advantages Stop band attenuation Less ripple Narrower filter

5 3-tap filter

6 Actual timing diagram

7 3-tap filter Architecture

8 What we did Combinational circuit for addition –Synthesis (had problems) All multiplications in the same stage Feeding constants externally –Synthesis (had problems)

9 Timing diagram with latency 5

10 Timing Diagram after reducing the latency to 3

11 Timing Diagram after increasing the latency to 6

12 Latency 3 clock cycles 5 clock cycles 6 clock cycles Area79051.8969508.4579051.89 Timing9.61 map_effort = medium + boundary optimization

13 Synthesis list command –Lists information about the commands,variables and licenses in the design analyzer or standard dc_shell –e.g.: list link_library link_library = {"typical.db"}

14 Shell script used for synthesis %dc_shell free –design alias veri “read –f verilog” veri fir.v veri fir_ctrl.v veri fir_dp.v link compile –map_effort medium –boundary_optimization

15 Changing the type of adder dc_shell>current_design fir_dp dc_shell> report_resources Implementation Report ========================================================================== | | | Current | Set | | Cell | Module | Implementation | Implementation | =========================================================================== | mult_30 | DW02_mult | csa | | | mult_36 | DW02_mult | csa | | | r124 | DW01_add | rpl | | ========================================================================== dc_shell>set_implementation clf r124 dc_shell> report_resources

16 Changing the type of adder (contd.) Implementation Report ========================================================================== | | | Current | Set | | Cell | Module | Implementation | Implementation | =========================================================================== | mult_30 | DW02_mult | nbw | | | mult_36 | DW02_mult | wall | | | r124 | DW01_add | clf | clf | ==========================================================================

17 Area and Timing Carry Look Forward Ripple Carry Adder Area72023.2169508.45 Timing8.909.61

18 sample c0 16-tap filter DDDD ++++ c3c2c1c15 result

19 Logic used A = sum0+sum1 +sum2+sum3 D = sum12+sum13 +sum14+sum15 C = sum8+sum9 +sum10+sum11 B = sum4+sum5 +sum6+sum7 Result =A+B+C+D

20 Timing Diagram

21 Area & timing Area = 985775.25 Timing = 9.77

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