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Bethe Ansatz in the AdS/CFT correspondence Konstantin Zarembo (Uppsala U.) EuroStrings 2006 Cambridge, 4/4/06 Thanks to: Niklas Beisert (Princeton) Johan.

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Presentation on theme: "Bethe Ansatz in the AdS/CFT correspondence Konstantin Zarembo (Uppsala U.) EuroStrings 2006 Cambridge, 4/4/06 Thanks to: Niklas Beisert (Princeton) Johan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bethe Ansatz in the AdS/CFT correspondence Konstantin Zarembo (Uppsala U.) EuroStrings 2006 Cambridge, 4/4/06 Thanks to: Niklas Beisert (Princeton) Johan Engquist (Utrecht) Gabriele Ferretti (Chalmers) Rainer Heise (Potsdam) Vladimir Kazakov (Paris) Thomas Klose (Uppsala) Andrey Marshakov (Moscow) Joe Minahan (Uppsala & Harvard) Kazuhiro Sakai (Paris) Sakura Schäfer-Nameki (Hamburg) Matthias Staudacher (Potsdam) Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College) Marija Zamaklar (Potsdam)

2 AdS/CFT correspondence Maldacena’97 Gubser,Klebanov,Polyakov’98 Witten’98

3 Strings in AdS 5 xS 5 World-sheet theory is Green-Schwarz coset sigma model on SU(2,2|4)/SO(4,1)xSO(5). Conformal gauge is problematic: no kinetic term for fermions, no holomorphic factorization for currents, … RR flux requires manifest space-time supersymmetry Green,Schwarz’84 Metsaev,Tseytlin’98

4 Integrability in string theory But the model is integrable! Bena,Polchinski,Roiban’03 infinite number of conserved charges separation of variables in classical equations of motion quantum spectrum is determined by Bethe equations √ ? √ Dorey,Vicedo’06

5 Integrability in N=4 SYM Bethe ansatz for planar anomalous dimensions: rigorous up to three loops conjectured to all loop orders Infinite number of conserved charges associated with local operators (with unclear interpretation) Minahan,Z.’02 Beisert,Kristjansen,Staudacher’03 Beisert,Staudacher’03 Beisert,Dippel,Staudacher’04 Beisert,Staudacher’05; Rej,Serban,Staudacher’05

6 N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory Field content: The action: Brink,Schwarz,Scherk’77 Gliozzi,Scherk,Olive’77

7 Operator mixing Renormalized operators: Mixing matrix (dilatation operator):

8 Local operators and spin chains related by SU(2) R-symmetry subgroup a b a b

9 One loop planar (N→∞) diagrams:

10 Permutation operator: Integrable Hamiltonian! Remains such at higher orders in λ for all operators Beisert,Kristjansen,Staudacher’03; Beisert’03; Beisert,Dippel,Staudacher’04; Rej,Serban,Staudacher’05 Beisert,Staudacher’03 Minahan,Z.’02

11 The spectrum Ground state: Excited states (magnons):

12 Zero momentum (trace cyclicity) condition: Anomalous dimension: Bethe’31 Exact spectrum Rapidity:

13 Exact periodicity condition: momentum scattering phase shifts periodicity of wave function

14 u 0

15 bound states of magnons – Bethe “strings” mode numbers u 0

16 Sutherland’95; Beisert,Minahan,Staudacher,Z.’03 Macroscopic spin waves: long strings

17 defined on a set of conoturs C k in the complex plane Scaling limit: x 0

18 Classical Bethe equations Normalization: Momentum condition: Anomalous dimension:

19 Heisenberg model in Heisenberg representation Heisenberg operators: Hiesenberg equations:

20 Continuum + classical limit Landau-Lifshitz equation

21 Consistent truncation String on S 3 x R 1 :

22 Conformal/temporal gauge: Pohlmeyer’76 Zakharov,Mikhailov’78 Faddeev,Reshetikhin’86 2d principal chiral field – well-known intergable model ~energy

23 Equations of motion Currents: Virasoro constraints:

24 Light-cone currents and spins Virasoro constraints: Classical spins: Equations of motion:

25 High-energy approximation Approximate solution at : The same Landau-Lifshitz equation. Kruczenski’03 Kruczenski,Ryzhov,Tseytlin’03

26 Integrability Zero-curvature representation: Equations of motion: equivalent

27 Conserved charges time on equations of motion Generating function (quasimomentum):

28 Non-local charges: Local charges: Analyticity:

29 Classical string Bethe equation Kazakov,Marshakov,Minahan,Z.’04 Normalization: Momentum condition: Anomalous dimension:

30 Quantum Bethe equations (two particle factorization)

31 find the dispersion relation (solve the one-body problem): find the S-matrix (solve the two-body problem): Bethe equations full spectrum find the true ground state Successfully used on the gauge-theory side Staudacher’04; Beisert’05

32 WZ term: Landau-Lifshitz model

33 Perturbation theory in order to get canonical kinetic term Minahan,Tirziu,Tseytlin’04

34 = is not renormalized … S 2→2 = Σ p p` p

35 Summation of bubble diagrams yields Bethe equations

36 Heisenberg model: the same equations with The difference disappears in the low-energy (u→∞) limit. Klose,Z.’06

37 AAF model SU(1|1) sector: in SYM: Callan,Heckman,McLoughlin,Swanson’04 in string theory: Alday,Arutyunov,Frolov’05

38 p0

39 -μ-μ μ – chemical potential μ→-∞ All poles are below the real axis.

40 -m Empty Fermi sea: E +m -m E +m Physical vacuum: Berezin,Sushko’65; Bergknoff,Thaker’79; Korepin’79

41 … S 2→2 = Σ p p` p NO ANTIPARTICLES

42 Exact S-matrix θ – rapidity:

43 Bethe ansatz Im θ j =0: positive-energy states Im θ j =π: negative-energy states Klose,Z.’06

44 Ground state θ iπiπ 0 -k+iπ k+iπ - UV cutoff

45 Mass renormalization: This equation also determines the spectrum, the physical S-matrix,...

46 Weak-coupling (-1<g<1): Non-renormalizable (anomalous dimension of mass is complex) Strong attraction (g>1) Unstable (Energy unbounded below) Strong repulsion (g<-1): Spectrum consists of fermions and anti-fermions with non-trivial scattering

47 Questions Continuous Discrete (string worldsheet) vs. (spin chain) in Bethe ansatz: Possible resolution: extra hidden d.o.f. (“particles on the world sheet that create the spin chain”) spin chain is thus dynamical Choice of the reference state, the true vacuum, antiparticles, … Mann,Polchinski’05 Rej,Serban,Staudacher’05 Gromov,Kazakov,Sakai,Vieira’06 Berenstein,Maldacena,Nastase’02 Beisert,Dippel,Staudacher’04

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