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IUFRO TF Public Relations in Forest Science Communicating Science M. Krott.

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1 IUFRO TF Public Relations in Forest Science Communicating Science M. Krott

2 Communicating Science Science in public = open communication about science 1. Public of the citizen 2. Public of the media 3. Public of research

3 Per cent % AustriaGermanyFranceItalyU.K. Satisfac- tion with the stage of the local forests high4,82,02,41,74,4 rather high 59,022,034,214,430,6 low29,143,038,450,431,5 very low3,217,113,021,117,4 no answer4,015,912,012,516,2 total %100,0 Satisfac- tion with the stage of the forests in tropical countries high2,50,80,40,90,3 rather high 4,91,76,27,39,8 low34,719,725,537,720,4 very low45,550,943,524,139,7 no answer12,427,024,329,9 total %100,0 Tab 1:Satisfaction with the stage of the forest (In percentage of citizen 1997; source: Rametsteiner 1998)

4 1. Public of the citizen High diversity of science in the heads of people High diversity among target groups IUFRO PR: Active creation of different opinions among citizen

5 Forestry SectorForest MagazineNature Conservation Magazine 1990-951960-891990-951960-89 Party Responsible for the problem16 11 Victim of the problem453424 Solver of the problem626768 News source755835 Tab. 2: Forest Sector within Journals of Forestry and Nature Conservation 1960-95 (In percentage of papers; source: Hütte 1999)

6 2. Public of the media Selection criteria for news Career of issues Type of events IUFRO PR: Media cannot communicate scientific knowledge

7 3. Public of research PR for forest science: systematic activities in order to build up public understanding and trust in forest science Little public understanding of science High public trust in science

8 3. Public of research Interests of research institutions Target groups Dialog and communication networks

9 Lighthouse Communication Strategy Media communicate image of competent researcher in specific topics Public communication uses selection criteria, career if issues and types media events Interested clients get into direct contact with researcher

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