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Challenges of ASG: II. Legitimacy (slide 1 of 3)  A Basic Attribute of Good Government (RCAP identified three such attributes: legitimacy, power, & resources)

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges of ASG: II. Legitimacy (slide 1 of 3)  A Basic Attribute of Good Government (RCAP identified three such attributes: legitimacy, power, & resources)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Challenges of ASG: II. Legitimacy (slide 1 of 3)  A Basic Attribute of Good Government (RCAP identified three such attributes: legitimacy, power, & resources)  Definition: the public confidence in, and support for, the govt, on the basis of its congruence (in design and performance) with the values held by the people  Relationship Between Legitimacy, Trust, and Sense of Political Efficacy - Mutually reinforcing - When legitimacy is lost, alienation sets in and voluntary compliance may be withdrawn.

3 Legitimacy (cont’d: slide 2 of 3 )  Seeing self reflected in symbolic output of the aboriginal state Very important. In the absence of that, legitimacy is withdrawn & alienation rises.  “Delivering the Goods” The onus will be on ab. govts to “deliver the goods”, symbolically and materially, to their constituents. Life must be better than it had been under DIAND, or legitimacy will be withdrawn.  importance of re-distributive function of ab. govt.

4 Legitimacy (slide 3 of 3)  Legitimacy With External Actors - e.g., H of C; investors; lobby grps - Very important - Fiscal mismanagement undermines legitimacy internally and externally.  Types (Loci) of Legitimacy Crisis - Incumbents - Policies - Regime - Political Community  Other Threats to Legitimacy - Unrealistically high expectations - Tension betw tradition & modernity - Co-optation by the larger state - Other govts downloading responsibs without providing commensurate resources (incl. socio-fiscal control)

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