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Tutorial 12 Cover: *Conditional Distribution and Expectation *Assignment 7 8 Conica, Cui Yuanyuan.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial 12 Cover: *Conditional Distribution and Expectation *Assignment 7 8 Conica, Cui Yuanyuan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial 12 Cover: *Conditional Distribution and Expectation *Assignment 7 8 Conica, Cui Yuanyuan

2 Erlang  r-stage Erlang Cold Standby

3 Hypoexponential  r-stage Hypo Warm Standby

4 Laplace Transform Continuous non-negative r.v.


6 Z Transform Discrete non-negative r.v.

7 Z Transform

8 Conditional Distribution

9 Discrete X and Y

10 Example

11 Continuous X and Y

12 Example

13 Discrete X and Continuous Y

14 Example  Consider a file server whose work load may be divided into r distinct classes. For class i, the CPU service time is exponential distributed with i. Y : the service time of a job X : the job class

15 Continuous X and Discrete Y

16 Example X : the service time of a request to a web server X~EXP(  ) Y : the number of requests arriving Y~Poisson( t)

17 Conditional Expectation



20 Example: r-stage Hyperexponential

21 Example



24 Imperfect fault coverage and R(t) X=lifetime of a system Y=fault class

25 Example


27 Random Sum


29 Example





34 Thanks for coming! Questions?

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