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CS Graduate Orientation August 22, 2006 Slides from today are available at grad/orientation06f/ Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Graduate Orientation August 22, 2006 Slides from today are available at grad/orientation06f/ Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Graduate Orientation August 22, 2006 Slides from today are available at grad/orientation06f/ Welcome

2 Introductions Degree Requirements, Administrative Information -Terry Hayden GCC Chair’s Welcome – Boleslaw Szymanski Computer Systems – Jon Chen Break Agenda, p. 1

3 Research Presentations Worldwide Computing – C. Varela Wireless Sensor Networks - B. Szymanski Concepts in Software Engineering - D. Musser Vision, Graphics, and Robotics Research – V. Isler Barb Cutler Peer advisor meetings Pizza Agenda, p. 2

4 Where are you from? (country, school, job, etc.) Are you here for MS or PhD? What is your intended research area? Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? Introductions

5 23 new students About 100 total CS students About 85% are PhD students. 16 female Students from about 20 countries. Highest numbers from US, China, India, Turkey. People: Students

6 Take initiative Involvement in department life Exceptions to rules Life as a grad student

7 Terry Hayden, Manager of Student Affairs Bob Ingalls, Executive Officer Chris Coonrad, Lally, Dept Secretary Shannon Carrothers, MRC, grad. adm. Pam Paslow, Amos Eaton, payroll Jacky Carley, Assistant to Chair People: Administrative Staff

8 Jon Chen David Cross Steven Lindsey People: Labstaff

9 Role of advisor Research advisor vs. CS advisor If you want to change advisors, talk to the advisor you want to switch to. If he/she agrees to the change, let me know and I’ll make the change. You should also inform your original advisor about the switch. People: Advisors

10 Jeffrey Trinkle, Chair Mark Goldberg, Interim Graduate Advisor Boleslaw Szymanski, Chair, GCC Graduate students often call faculty by their first names, but if in doubt, faculty can be addressed as Professor [last name] People: Faculty

11 Emphasis is on milestones (exams) and research rather than specific course requirements. Requires 45-60 course credits and 30-45 research credits. If you have MS already, requires 15-30 course credits and 30-45 research credits. 2 public talks PhD Requirements

12 Most students are in the general CS program, but there are also tracks for Computational Molecular Biology and Computational Science and Engineering. The qualifying exam courses are different for the different tracks. There are no required courses for the general PhD program, but there are some for the tracks. PhD Tracks

13 The PhD qualifying exam must be passed by the end of the first year. The five components of the exam, based on the content of five courses, are taken separately. You may pass the each component by course or by oral. You have two chances at each component. PhD Qualifying Exam

14 CSCI-4020 Computer Algorithms CSCI-4250 Computer Architecture CSCI-4430 Programming Languages CSCI-6050 Computability and Complexity CSCI-6140 Operating Systems Qualifying Exam Courses

15 Must get final grade of A and meet additional criteria defined by instructor. You may not take the course twice as a grad student. (May take as grad if you have taken previously as undergrad) Qualifying Exams: Taking the courses

16 Offered at start of Fall & Spring semesters. You will meet with 3 faculty examiners. You will be asked one or several questions from a list available in advance. Password to view questions online: 5components Some components give you time to prepare after you are told the questions; others don’t. Oral qualifying exams

17 End of second year: research qualifying exam End of third year: candidacy exam End of everything: defense Other PhD milestones

18 CSCI-4210 Operating Systems CSCI-6050 Computability and Complexity 2 systems courses 1 course each in theory and applications 6 credit thesis 30 credits total MS Requirements

19 TAs must take at least 9 credits. Others must take at least 12 credits to maintain full-time status. Flat rate tuition allows up to 15 credits, but RAships only pay for 12 credits. You can use research credits to take more credits without taking more classes. How many credits to take

20 Most new PhD students will take: CSCI-4250 Computer Architecture CSCI-6050 Computability and Complexity CSCI-6140 Computer Operating Systems MS students may want to take CSCI-4210 Operating Systems CSCI-6050 Computability and Complexity a breadth course You might also take a few research credits What to take

21 If you can’t register for a class because it is full, contact the professor and/or go to class the first day to find out if you can get it in anyway. If you register for an independent study, you must fill out the corresponding form, otherwise your registration will be dropped. Registration issues

22 Research credits are graded IP (in progress) until you submit your thesis, so it’s more important that you finish your thesis eventually than that the amount of work done in a semester corresponds to the number of research credits taken. You need 30-45 credits of CSCI-9990 to get a PhD. You need 6 credits of CSCI-6990 to get an MS. Research Credits

23 If you enter as full-time, you can’t change to part-time when you have few credits left. Instead, you must take as many credits as needed to attain full-time status. You can’t just not register for a semester. If you aren’t going to be taking any credits, you need to have some status such as in absentia, on leave, etc. Maintaining your status

24 Graduate students are reviewed at the end of each semester. You will need to fill out an online form to report your progress. You will receive a letter about how you are doing and expectations for the coming semester. Semiannual review of students

25 In your packet, available online too. Certifies department approval of your courses and research credits. Can re-do as often as needed if you change your plans. Could do once near beginning and once near end. Credits must total 90 for PhD or 30 for MS. Signed by you, advisor, and Terry Hayden. Plan of Study

26 Please register ASAP if on payroll International students See Judy Sawyer Call x2385. Bring Passport. Domestic students See Pam Paslow in AE 123B, 7:00am 2:30pm M-F. Bring photo ID and social security card. Pick up check in Academy Hall every other Friday or get direct deposit (see Pam Paslow). If you are getting aid

27 If you are required to do microteaching tomorrow, make sure you got the e-mail about the schedule change, or see Terry for more information. International TAs

28 TA waiting list If you are not getting aid

29 Rest rooms in Lally Amos Eaton, Lally and MRC buildings. Dept. office, faculty/staff mailboxes Student mailboxes, lounge Conference rooms, kitchenettes Department library Places

30 You will share an office with others in your research group. (see blue form in packet) If your research advisor is in a different department, your advisor should provide space there. If not, contact Terry Hayden to see if you can get space in CS. Use AE 217 for TA office hours. Student offices, p. 1

31 Talk with your officemates about sharing space, who sits at which desk. Make your office nice. Check with Chris Coonrad, Pam Paslow, Shannon Carrothers, Bob Ingalls, or Terry Hayden if your office needs anything. Student offices, p. 2

32 Check with all your officemates, and if you find things that belong to none of the occupants, throw them away. Or if you think someone may want them, check with Terry Hayden. When you move out, be courteous to future occupants and remove your stuff. Student offices, p. 3

33 Key rings available Staff have master keys You have no keys in packet if you got them before Everyone else has: –KA48 lab, lounge, coffee room, xerox –1B59 Amos Eaton building Keys, Part 1

34 Most people also have an office key If your office is in Lally, you also have MOA25 for Lally building If your office is in MRC, you will have card access to the building and MG15 for conference room. If your advisor is outside CS, get office assignment and key through advisor Keys, Part 2

35 Fill out yellow form with your local address, phone number, etc. Fill out evaluation form Return these forms to Terry Hayden during break, end of session, or another day. Get your photo taken at the mixer or stop by Bob Ingalls’ office. To do

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