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1 Wake Turbulence Topics in SESAR Dave Booth & Andrew Harvey EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Wake Turbulence Topics in SESAR Dave Booth & Andrew Harvey EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Wake Turbulence Topics in SESAR Dave Booth & Andrew Harvey EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

2 2 Wake Turbulence Separations SESAR IP1 Dave Booth EUROCONTROL Project Manager Crosswind Operations European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

3 3 SESAR IP1 EUROCONTROL Involvement Time Based Separation (TBS) Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPRs) Crosswind Operations Re-categorisation of the Wake Turbulence Separation Minima (RECAT)

4 4 Time Based Separation (TBS) SESAR Operational Improvement Step AO-0302 Validate a concept substituting distance based separation with minima based on time To prevent loss of runway capacity during strong headwinds while maintaining safe operations Considered highly beneficial to capacity constrained aerodromes

5 5 Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPRs) Wake-Independent Departure & Arrival Operations (WIDAO) at Paris, Ch. De Gaulle. Collaborative Study / EUROCONTROL & DSNA 1 st Phase of Safety Case for CDG Approved 1 st Phase of Implementation Dec. 2008

6 6 Crosswind Operations SESAR Operational Improvement Step AO-0301 CREDOS - Crosswind Reduced Separations for Departure Operations Investigating the possibilities of safe conditional reductions of wake turbulence separation minima. Crosswind Arrival Separations in very early development stage

7 7 Wake Turbulence Separations – the SESAR mid-term view Andrew Harvey EUROCONTROL Project Manager WP6.8.1 European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

8 8 Aims What is WP6.8.1? How does it interact with other programmes? What will happen in 2009?

9 9 The 681 Vision: Optimised Application of Wake Turbulence Separations WT separations are reduced or suspended when the operating conditions make their use unnecessary. WT separations are tailored to the particular safety needs of a specific pair of aircraft (leader - follower)

10 10 Getting there (1): Application Conditions Identify the conditions enabling reduction or suspension of WT separations: due to the weather e.g. CREDOS due to the infrastructure e.g. WIDAO Understand the operational & technical issues Document the concepts and Validate them operationally

11 11 Getting there (2): Tailored Separations Identify the influence parameters: Generation and persistence of wake vortices; ability of an aircraft to tolerate a wake vortex encounter; that contribute to the actual risk associated with an encounter. Define encounter hazard metrics and compute acceptable levels using current ICAO reference system. Define safe separations based on maintaining acceptable levels of the identified hazard metrics;

12 12 Three Phases for the work Specification (24 months) Concepts Systems Metrics Validation (60 months) Collect data Validate Models Validate Concepts Integration (24 months) Generalise Optimise

13 13 (Scope &) Interactions NextGen Other SESAR Past & Ongoing WV Projects IP1 WV WP6.8.1

14 14 First Steps / Next Steps planning for 2009… Identify main partners (& stakeholders) Agree project scope and interfaces Develop WBS Plan & agree resourcing (including sub-contracts). Project Execution starts: November 2009… 20092010201120122013201420152016 Planning Specification Validation Integration

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