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OCL Extension of Location Based Access Control Presented by Paul Whyman Based on the work of Indrakshi Ray and Mahendra Kumar.

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Presentation on theme: "OCL Extension of Location Based Access Control Presented by Paul Whyman Based on the work of Indrakshi Ray and Mahendra Kumar."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCL Extension of Location Based Access Control Presented by Paul Whyman Based on the work of Indrakshi Ray and Mahendra Kumar

2 Location Based Access Control Information about Location can strengthen access control policy  Not just which subject is accessing what object  Where the subject and object are located Extension of Mandatory Access Control (MAC)  Enables increased access constraints for critical military applications GPS & Infrared sensors determine location

3 Class Diagram Formall model of LBAC relationships

4 Contains implies Dominates

5 OCL Specification Constraint 1 [ Contains implies Dominates ] -- The security level of a containing location is dominated by the -- security level of a contained location { Context location inv : Location.allInstance() -> forAll ( loc 1, loc 2 : Location | loc 2.containment(loc 1 ) implies dominates )} Constraint 3 [ Userclearance dominates Userlocation ] -- The security clearance of a user must dominate the location of -- the user { Context User inv : UserLocation -> implies ( User.Clearance dominates User.Location ) }

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