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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of Human Rights and Women’s International Affairs The Effectiveness of UN Resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of Human Rights and Women’s International Affairs The Effectiveness of UN Resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of Human Rights and Women’s International Affairs The Effectiveness of UN Resolution 1325 on thr lives of Women in Afghanistan

2 Resolutions adopted by UNSC regarding Women, Peace and Security  The Resolution 1325 was adopted in Oct. 2000  The Resolution 1820 was adopted in 2008  The Resolution 1888 was adopted in 2009  The Resolution 1889 was adopted in Oct. 2009

3  The first formal & legal document (by the UNSC) to address the rights of women in conflict situations  It recognizes that women play an important role in the prevention and resolution of conflict  It stresses that women’s participation in both peace negotiations and post conflict reconstruction  The Resolution calls upon all countries to enable increased representation for women at all levels  The Resolution stresses the role of women in security structures

4 Major steps taken for women’s empowerment in Afghanistan  For the protection of women rights, the Women’s Affairs Ministry was established (in 2001)  National Policy for Gender Equality  Ratification of CEDAW (2003)  Development and adoption of NAPWA (2005)  Adoption of ANDS Gender strategy  Adoption of the Law on the Elimination of Violence against women (2009)

5  In the Bonn Conference of 60 members, 4 formal women representatives and 19 women from civil society participated  20% of Emergency Loya Jirga (Grand Assembly) is composed of women  In the drafting committee of the constitution, 2 of 8 members were women  Constitution of Afghanistan calls for 30% women participation in all decision making processes  Lower House of Afghanistan has 65 women among its 249 members

6  In Afghanistan women are the main victim of conflict  Government of Afghanistan has repeatedly stressed that the peace and reconciliation processes will in no way harm women’s and human rights  In Af-Pak Peace Jirga, 20% women participated  In Afghan Consultative Peace Jirga, 25% women represented

7  Women play important role in prevention and resolution of conflicts  Gender Equality is important for the promotion of peace and security  Effective arrangements should be taken in order to ensure women and girls participation in the peace process  Member states urged to increase participation of women at all decision making levels

8  Afghan government took steps to ensure women’s participation in security sector  Currently 1163 women are recruited in ANP  More than 865 women are working with ANA Judiciary  Of 2,203 judges in criminal courts, 118 are women  75 prosecutor members are women

9  UNAMA commemorated the 10 th Anniversary of Resolution 1325 in Afghanistan in June 2010  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan drafted a Resolution entitled “Attacks on Children’s Schools, Particularly Girls’” which was adopted in the 14 th meeting of Human Rights Council on 18 June 2010  MoFA held a Seminar entitled “Women, Peace and Security: From Rhetoric to Action” in August 2010

10  Overall Women were encouraged to participate in country affairs  Women have been taking part in the peace and reconciliation processes  Women are participating in the country’s security apparatus  Women participate in open competition with their male colleagues in the civil services structure (benefiting from priority and privileges)

11  DHRIWA of MoFA is determined for  Making an Action Plan about Resolution 1325  Establishment of Steering Committee (composed of 7-8 relevant Ministries)  Establishment of a Secretariat within MoFA

12  More steps need to be taken for the comprehensive participation of women in national decision making process  In all peace negotiations and reconciliation processes, women’s participation should be thoroughly ensured  Increasing the number of women in the decision making process of judiciary  Better coordination between National Security Forces and ISAF/NATO in night raids and home searches  Number of women in police structure should be increased  Work should be done to increase the public awareness of Resolution 1325


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