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1 Conjunctive, Subset, and Range Queries on Encrypted Data Presenter: 陳國璋 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007 Dan Boneh and Brent Waters
2 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
3 Introduction(1/3) Visa Credit card payment Gateway Encrypted Transaction Visa ’ s Public Key Encrypted Transaction Encrypted Transaction Predicate P [value over $1000] Given by Visa Yes No More Secure Processing Normally Secure Processing
4 Introduction(2/3) Mail Server PP’P’ Satisfy P Satisfy P ’ inbox Discard Recipient ’ s pager Recipient ’ s Public key Given by Recipient
5 Introduction(3/3) Hidden Vector Encryption (HVE) Extreme example, Anonymous Identity Based Encryption (AnonIBE) Query type Equality query Comparison query Subset query
6 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
7 Definition(1/4) Σ: finite set of binary strings Predicate P over Σ is a function P: Σ → {0,1} S ∈ Σ if P(S)=1
8 Definition(2/4) Φ: set of predicates over Σ Φ-searchable public key system Setup(λ) Input security parameter λ Output public key PK and secret key SK Encrypt(PK,S,M) Public key PK S ∈ Σ as the searchable field, called an index M as the data
9 Definition(3/4) Φ-searchable public key system GenToken(SK, ) Input secret key SK and a predicate P ∈ Φ Output a token TK Query(TK,C) Input token TK for some predicate P and a ciphertext C that is an encryption of (S,M) Output M or ⊥
10 Definition(4/4) Correctness Query correctness
11 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
12 Brute Force Construction(1/9) Σ: finite set of binary strings Build a Φ-searchable public key system ε TR ε=(Setup ’, Encrypt ’, Decrypt ’ ) be a public key system Φ={P 1,P 2, …,P t }
13 Brute Force Construction(2/9) Setup(λ) Run Setup ’ (λ) t times PK ← (PK 1, …,PK t ) SK ← (SK 1, …,SK t ) Output (PK, SK)
14 Brute Force Construction(3/9) Encrypt(PK,S,M) For i= 1, …,t define: Output C ← (C 1, …,C t )
15 Brute Force Construction(4/9) GenToken(SK, ) is the description of predicate Φ The index i of P i in Φ Output TK ← (i,SK i )
16 Brute Force Construction(5/9) Query(TK,C) C=(C 1, …,C t ) TK=(i,SK i ) Output Decrypt ’ (SK i,C i )
17 Brute Force Construction(6/9) Example for single query Σ={1,2,3,4,5} Φ={P 1,P 2,P 3 } Setup(λ) Run 3 times Setup ’ (λ) PK ← (PK 1,PK 2,PK 3 ) SK ← (SK 1,SK 2,SK 3 )
18 Brute Force Construction(7/9) Encrypt(PK,4,M) C 1 ← Encrypt ’ (PK 1, ⊥ ) C 2 ← Encrypt ’ (PK 2, ⊥ ) C 3 ← Encrypt ’ (PK 3,M) C ← (C 1,C 2,C 3 ) x12345 P 1 (x)01100 P 2 (x)10000 P 3 (x)00011
19 Brute Force Construction(8/9) x12345 P 1 (x)01100 P 2 (x)10000 P 3 (x)00011 GenToken(SK, ) TK 1 ← (2,SK 2 )TK 2 ← (3,SK 3 ) Query(TK 1,C)Query(TK 2,C) Decrypt ’ (SK 2,C 2 )= ⊥ Decrypt ’ (SK 3,C 3 )=M
20 Brute Force Construction(9/9) Example for conjunctive comparison predicates Σ={1, …,n} w ={1,2,3,4,5} 4 n is the maximum value for each cell w is the number of the cells Φ n,w be a set of predicates, |Φ n,w |=n w= 5 4
21 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
22 Pairings and complexity assumption(1/5) p, q are two big primes. n =pq G: bilinear group, order = n G p : cyclic group, order = p G q : cyclic group, order = q G T : cyclic group e:G 2 → G T satisfied as follows Biliner: ∀ u, v ∈ G, e(u a,v b )=e(u,v) ab Non-degenerate: ∃ g s.t. e(g,g) has order n in G T
23 Pairings and complexity assumption(2/5) The composite Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption (cBDH)
24 Pairings and complexity assumption(3/5) The advantage of cBDH
25 Pairings and complexity assumption(4/5) The composite 3-party Diffie-Hellman assumption (c3DH)
26 Pairings and complexity assumption(5/5) The advantage of c3DH
27 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
28 Hidden Vector Encryption(1/10) Conjunctive General Predicate Multi-cell Practical Value Predicate Vector Practical Vector SK Ciphertext Token Data / ⊥ Data PK GenToken HVE Encrypt HVE Query HVE
29 Hidden Vector Encryption(2/10) Σ: finite set *: special symbol, plays the role of a wildcard or don ’ t care. Σ * = Σ ∪ {*}
30 Hidden Vector Encryption(3/10)
31 Hidden Vector Encryption(4/10)
32 Hidden Vector Encryption(5/10) Particular HVE construction Σ=Z m for some integer m Σ * =Z m ∪ {*}
33 Hidden Vector Encryption(6/10) Setup HVE (λ) Choose random primes p,q > m Create a bilinear group G of order n Picks random elements
34 Hidden Vector Encryption(7/10)
35 Hidden Vector Encryption(8/10) Encrypt HVE (PK,I,M)
36 Hidden Vector Encryption(9/10) GenToken HVE (SK,I * ) S be a set of all index i s.t. I i ≠ * Choose random Generate a token for the predicate
37 Hidden Vector Encryption(10/10) Query HVE (TK,C) First, compte If M is not in data space, output ⊥. Otherwise, output M.
38 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
39 Application of HVE(1/15) Conjunctive General Predicate Multi-cell Practical Value Predicate Vector Practical Vector SK Ciphertext Token Data / ⊥ Data PK GenToken HVE Encrypt HVE Query HVE
40 Application of HVE(2/15) Example for conjunctive comparison queries Σ 01 ={0,1}=Z 2 Σ 01* ={0,1,*}=Z 2 ∪ {*} Take n=3, w=4, then l =nw=12, m=2 Secure HVE over Σ 01 12 (Setup HVE, Encrypt HVE, GenToken HVE, Query HVE ) Construct a Φ n,w -searchable system as follows
41 Application of HVE(3/15) Setup(λ) Run Setup HVE (λ) Get public key PK and secret ket SK.
42 Application of HVE(4/15) Encrypt(PK,S,M) S=(x 1, …,x w ) ∈ {1, …,n} w ={1,2,3} 4 Build a vector σ(S)=(σ i,j ) ∈ Σ 01 nw =Σ 01 12 σ i,j =1 if x i ≧ j; σ i,j =0, otherwise For example, take S=(1,3,2,1) Vector σ(S) = (100 111 110 100) Output C ← Encrypt HVE (PK,σ(S),M), size = O(nw) x i j123 x 1 =1100 x 2 =3111 x 3 =2110 x 4 =1100
43 Application of HVE(5/15) GenToken(SK, ) a=(a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4 ) ∈ {1, …,n} w ={1,2,3} 4 Build a vector σ * (a)=(σ *i,j ) ∈ Σ 01* nw =Σ 01* 12 σ *i,j =1 if x i =j; σ *i,j =*, otherwise For example, take a = (2,3,1,1) Vector σ * (a) = (*1* **1 1** 1**) Output TK a ← GenToken HVE (SK,σ * (a)), size = O(w) a i j123 a1=2*1* a2=3**1 a3=11** a4=11**
44 Application of HVE(6/15) Query(TK a,C) Run Query HVE (TK a,C)
45 Application of HVE(7/15) S=(1,3,2,1) and a=(2,3,1,1) P a (S)=(x 1 ≧ 2)^(x 2 ≧ 3)^(x 3 ≧ 1)^(x 4 ≧ 1)=0
46 Application of HVE(8/15) S=(2,3,2,1) and a=(2,3,1,1) P a (S)=(x 1 ≧ 2)^(x 2 ≧ 3)^(x 3 ≧ 1)^(x 4 ≧ 1)=1
47 Application of HVE(9/15) Conjunctive range queries To search for plaintext where x ∈ [a,b] Encrypts the pair (x,x) The predicate then tests x ≧ a ^ x ≦ b
48 Application of HVE(10/15) Subset queries T: set of size n A ⊆ T Subset predicate P A (x)=1 if x ∈ A; P A (x) = 0, otherwise
49 Application of HVE(11/15) Conjunctive subset predicates over T w σ=(A 1, …,A w ) where A i ⊆ T, i=1, …,w σ ∈ (2 T ) w x=(x 1, …,x w ) P σ (x)=1, if x i ∈ A i ∀ i=1, …,w; P σ (x)=0, otherwise
50 Application of HVE(12/15) T={1,2,3,4,5}, |T|=n=5, w=4 A 1 ={1,2,4}, A 2 ={3,5}, A 3 ={1,5}, A 4 ={2} Φ={P σ, ∀ σ ∈ (2 T ) w }, |Φ|=2 nw =2 20
51 Application of HVE(13/15) Encrypt(PK,S,M) S=(x 1, …,x w ) ∈ {1, …,n} w ={1,2,3,4,5} 4 Build a vector σ(S)=(σ i,j ) ∈ Σ 01 nw =Σ 01 20 σ i,j =1 if x i ≠j; σ i,j =0, otherwise For example, take S=(4,5,2,3) Vector σ(S) = (11101 11110 10111 11011) Output C ← Encrypt HVE (PK,σ(S),M), size = O(nw) xi j12345 x1=411101 x2=511110 x3=210111 x4=311011
52 Application of HVE(14/15) GenToken(SK, ) a=(A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4 ) ∈ {1, …,n} w ={1,2,3,4,5} 4 Build a vector σ * (a)=(σ *i,j ) ∈ Σ 01* nw =Σ 01* 20 σ *i,j =1 if j≠A i ; σ *i,j =*, otherwise For example, take a = (A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4 ) A 1 ={1,2,4}, A 2 ={3,5}, A 3 ={1,5}, A 4 ={2} Vector σ * (a) = (**1*1 11*1* *111* 1*111) Output TK a ← GenToken HVE (SK,σ * (a)), size = O(nw) Ai j12345 A1={1,2,4}**1*1 A2={3,5}11*1* A3={1,5}*111* A4={2}1*111
53 Application of HVE(15/15) S=(4,5,2,3) and a=(A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4 ) A 1 ={1,2,4}, A 2 ={3,5}, A 3 ={1,5}, A 4 ={2} P a (S)=(4 ∈ A 1 )^(5 ∈ A 2 )^(2 ∈ A 3 )^(3 ∈ A 4 )=0
54 Outline Introduction Definition Brute Force Construction Pairings and complexity assumption Hidden Vector Encryption Application of HVE Conclusion
55 Conclusion(1/2) Conjunctive General Predicate Multi-cell Practical Value Predicate Vector Practical Vector SK Ciphertext Token Data / ⊥ Data PK GenToken HVE Encrypt HVE Query HVE
56 Conclusion(2/2) As the width of HVE is 1, the HVE scheme is essentially an Aonymous IBE system. Improve the size of ciphertext. The predicate vector and the practical vector are unique. Composite queries. Range query + Subset query
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