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Effects of Gluten Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution on the Noodle Making Potential of Hard White Wheats Caryn Ong Bioresource Research (Biotechnology)

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of Gluten Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution on the Noodle Making Potential of Hard White Wheats Caryn Ong Bioresource Research (Biotechnology)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of Gluten Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution on the Noodle Making Potential of Hard White Wheats Caryn Ong Bioresource Research (Biotechnology) Dr. Andrew Ross Dr. Jae Ohm Crop and Soil Science/Food Science and Technology, OSU

2 The task Breeding of hard white wheat (HWW) varieties is targeted at developing wheats with both good breadmaking and good noodlemaking properties. The overall aim is to increase our knowledge about the optimum gluten protein composition to satisfy this dual-purpose requirement.

3 Specific Objectives - Determine effect of individual protein components of gluten on the texture of Asian noodles - Determine if gluten protein molecular weight distributions are predictive of noodle texture - Compare abilities of gluten protein molecular weight distributions, presence of specific protein components of gluten and mixograph data to predict noodle texture.

4 Justification - Around 600 million metric tons (mmt) of wheat produced worldwide annually (2002) - Around 400 mmt used for human food -Bread, pasta, noodle - Wheat is most valuable cereal crop in Oregon - We need to retain and expand export market share -Asian noodle market is vital

5 Justification

6 Asian Noodles Asian noodles made up of: -Flour from common wheat (Triticum aestivum) -Water -Table salt -or Alkaline salts -e.g. Sodium or potassium carbonates -Alkaline noodles are yellower, often firmer and have unique flavor and aroma compared to just salted noodles

7 Noodle quality traits Texture - Firmness -Optimum firmness is regional and type specific - Springiness, elasticity, smoothness Color - Brightness - Yellowness / whiteness

8 Factors that affect noodle texture: -Protein -content -higher protein content gives firmer noodles -composition -Starch -starch composition -amylose:amylopectin ratio

9 Materials - 35 elite HWW breeding lines from OSU - 2 replications at 2 sites -Corvallis (Western Oregon) -High rainfall, leaf disease pressure -Arlington (Eastern Oregon) -Low rainfall, deeper soils, drought stress

10 Wheat proteins Wheat endosperm proteins are made up of many component proteins 4 major categories of wheat protein based on solubility -Glutenin -Gliadin -Albumin -Globulin Within each category are many different individual proteins

11 Separation of GLUTENIN into component proteins on SDS-PAGE

12 Gluten - Gluten is made up of: - primarily glutenins and gliadins (~80%) - starch, lipid and fiber are minor components - Gluten is formed when water and mechanical energy (as mixing or sheeting) is added to the flour - Gluten gives dough its visco-elasticity and provides texture to end products

13 Glutenins - Storage proteins in endosperm -exist as high and low MW types - Functional proteins that provide the elastic component of dough visco-elasticity -Gliadins contribute the viscous component

14 Glutenin Genetics Wheat is hexaploid and contains three related genomes: A, B, & D each with 7 pairs of chromosomes numbered 1-7 HMW-GS encoded at Glu-1 loci of chromosomes 1A, 1B and 1D -Glu-1A, Glu-1B, Glu-1D Each locus has multiple alleles -Alleles not genetically linked -Any combinations possible

15 Glutenin Genetics - Some combinations of HMW-GS are associated with stronger dough and better breadmaking quality - Specific sub-unit effects in noodles not known

16 Glutenin Nomenclature - Numbering system developed by Payne and Lawrence - Assigned relative to SDS mobility 1 2 2* 5 12

17 Key Techniques - SDS PAGE - identify high molecular weight glutenin subunits - Size Exclusion HPLC - Determine molecular weight distribution - Protein Content - Quantity analysis - Mixograph - recording dough mixer - Noodle Textural Analysis - Physical parameters

18 Result MoroCajeme 71 SDS PAGE of HMW-GS

19 Result Variety1A1B1D 217+95+10 12*7+92+12 14n7+95+10 52*6+82+12 42*72+12 32*13+195+10 716+8,17+18,75+10 13n17+185+10

20 Result




24 Conclusion - Effects of HMW-GS composition on dough mixing properties similar to available literature - Flour protein content has dominant affects on cooked noodle hardness - Contributions of HMW-GS masked by flour protein content

25 Future Developments Rapid Visco Analyzer -Characterization of starch pasting properties Need to account for starch pasting properties on cooked noodle texture before reaching a final conclusion based on collected data

26 Acknowledgements HHMI Oregon Wheat Commission Dr. Andrew Ross Dr. Jae B. Ohm Dr. Kevin Ahern

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