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Tjalling Jager molecular genetics evolutionary ecology dynamic energy budgets Mechanisms behind life- history trade-offs.

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Presentation on theme: "Tjalling Jager molecular genetics evolutionary ecology dynamic energy budgets Mechanisms behind life- history trade-offs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tjalling Jager molecular genetics evolutionary ecology dynamic energy budgets Mechanisms behind life- history trade-offs

2 Trade-offs A ‘beneficial’ change in life-history trait connected to a ‘detrimental’ change in another Trade-offs … constrain evolutionary pathways information on mechanisms underlying traits environmental relevance: ‘costs for tolerance’

3 Compare two strains life-history traits molecular level

4 Compare two strains  Molecular level affects traits unspecifically no unique (set of) gene(s) exist for a single trait  Traits themselves cannot be independent traits are constrained by mass and energy balance  Strong theory exists for allocation rules life-history traits molecular level metabolic organisation

5 Metabolic organisation maturation maintenance Dynamic mass and energy budgets SINKSSOURCE

6 Metabolic perspective Change in one energy-budget parameter: fraction allocated reserves to growth vs. reproduction

7 Costs of tolerance  Under long-term exposure, tolerance can evolve e.g., metals and pesticides  Trade-offs: associated metabolic costs? somatic maintenance increased by 25% tolerant sensitive tolerant

8 patterns & trade-offs Research approach full life- cycle data primary energy- budget parameters genotypic differences population effects validationtolerance theory and models

9 Research approach  Strains differ in more parameters simultaneously test large number of pure strains (RI strains) collaboration with Dept. Nematology (WUR)  Difficult to extract all energy-budget parameters perturbations (food level and toxicants)  Traits do not fully depend on genotype quantify inter- and intra-genotype variation  How to link to genotypic differences? QTL-mapping (strains are genotyped) patterns & trade-offs primary energy- budget parameters genotypic differences population effects validationtolerance theory and models full life- cycle data

10 allocation rules maximum size size at maturity reproduction rate etc. … maintenance rate assimilation rate costs for an egg etc. … Outlook: causality genotype molecular genetics life- history traits life-history ecology population biology population effects metabolic organisation primary parameters of energy budget “fitness” evolutionary biology

11 allocation rules genotype molecular genetics life- history traits life-history ecology population biology population effects metabolic organisation primary parameters of energy budget Outlook: causality evolutionary biology “fitness” variation stressors

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