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Pricing and Sales Promotion A Wrap Up MAR 331. Pricing and Sales Promotion A Wrap Up Marketing and Pricing –Price/Value Relationships –Role of the Distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Pricing and Sales Promotion A Wrap Up MAR 331. Pricing and Sales Promotion A Wrap Up Marketing and Pricing –Price/Value Relationships –Role of the Distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pricing and Sales Promotion A Wrap Up MAR 331

2 Pricing and Sales Promotion A Wrap Up Marketing and Pricing –Price/Value Relationships –Role of the Distribution Channel Retailer vs. Consumer

3 Pricing and Sales Promotion Pricing can be temporary and permanent Deal prices - trade promotion –Provided to get and maintain distribution –Temporary price reduction given to trade –Sometimes passed on to the consumer

4 Consumer Pricing Regular pricing Temporary sales

5 Price Elasticity Customer sensitivity to price When a relative change in volume is more than the relative change in price, demand is described as elastic.

6 Price Elasticity If the price is cut by 1% and demand increases by 5%, the brand is very elastic. When demand is that sensitive to price, it pays to cut prices.

7 Price Elasticity Some products are not terribly sensitive to price When a relative change in quantity sold is less than the relative change in price, demand is said to be inelastic. When demand is inelastic, profits can be improved by raising prices.

8 Price Elasticity and Advertising An important part of your job as marketing manager is to make your brands less elastic Higher prices Little monopoly, more perceived differences

9 Breakeven BE = Fixed Costs divided by Mfr. Price less Variable costs What is the volume necessary to cover your costs Does NOT take the demand ceiling into account

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