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Introduction to ubiquitous security Kevin Wang. Scenario Take photos Ask position Position voice Time More information.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ubiquitous security Kevin Wang. Scenario Take photos Ask position Position voice Time More information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ubiquitous security Kevin Wang

2 Scenario Take photos Ask position Position voice Time More information

3 Essential terminology Oxford English Dictionary –Ubiquitous: present or appearing everywhere; omnipresent Like: light switches, door locks, fridges and shoes –Ad hoc networking: Devoted, appointed, etc., to or for some particular purpose.

4 Common mistake Security = cryptology? What fails in real life is rarely the crypto. –Record voice to photo, the phone is in hand. –Need to crypto?

5 Example of Resident Security

6 Assessment Threat –Your money getting stolen Vulnerability –Thin wood and glass, your front door or windows. Attack –Thief breaks and in your house. Safeguard –A priori vaccines Countermeasure –A posteriori remedies RFID …

7 Problem Confidentiality –Disclosed to unauthorized principals Integrity –Altered in an unauthorized way Availability –Honors any legitimate requests by authorized principals –As attacks succeed in denying service to legitimate users, typically using up all the available resources Authorize Authentication Anonymity –Traffic analysis –Intrusive dossiers, credit cards … can make data fusion.

8 Notation E(m) E K (m)

9 A Secure Technology for Determining Client Computer User and Location Authentication Braun martin Chief Technology Officer Kevin Wang

10 Introduction Scenario? Technology background Possible inherent problem Conclusion

11 Scenario Nevada 內華達州

12 Nevada Casino Gamble Drinking 51 area Reno city And so on

13 Casino In room, we can make sure who is adult, who is boy. But in internet, how can I know who are you? –A dog? –A cat? –Or dinosaur?

14 Solution User authentication Location authentication

15 User authentication Information the user knows –Password, personal identification number An object (access token) the user possesses –Physical keys, mag stripe cards and smart cards A personal (biometric) characteristic –Hand geometry, fingerprints, voiceprint, retinal scans and DNA profiles

16 Location authentication Telephone –Prefix region Internet protocol mapping –IP is address Cellular digital packet data –Precise location of the transmitting dervice Global positioning system –Satellite

17 Possible inherent pronlems In user authentication –Passwords and PINs Share or hacking –Access token Be duplicated easily –Biometric characteristics False positive False negative duplication

18 In location authentication –Caller ID Some area doesn ’ t permit gambling –IP addressing Real ip can map area, but, visual ip? –Cellular digital packet data Low reliability or nonexistent in many areas. –Global position system Steel buildings

19 Conclusions Combine user and location authentication Integrate biometric scanner with smart card in a secure networked computers.

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