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Henry Hexmoor
10-1 Computer Specification
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) - the specification of a computer's appearance to a programmer at its lowest level Computer Architecture - a high-level description of the hardware implementing the computer derived from the ISA The architecture usually includes additional specifications such as speed, cost, and reliability. Henry Hexmoor
Introduction (continued)
Simple computer architecture decomposed into: Datapath for performing operations Control unit for controlling datapath operations A datapath is specified by: A set of registers The microoperations performed on the data stored in the registers A control interface Henry Hexmoor
Datapaths 10-2 Guiding principles for basic datapaths:
The set of registers Collection of individual registers A set of registers with common access resources called a register file A combination of the above Microoperation implementation One or more shared resources for implementing microoperations Buses - shared transfer paths Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU) - shared resource for implementing arithmetic and logic microoperations Shifter - shared resource for implementing shift microoperations Henry Hexmoor
Datapath Example Figure 10-1
Four parallel-load registers (R0-R3) Two mux-based register selectors Register destination decoder Mux B for external constant input Buses A and B with external address and data outputs ALU and Shifter with Mux F for output select Mux D for external data input Logic for generating status bits V, C, N, Z Load enable A select B select Write A address B address D data n Load R0 2 2 n n Load R1 n 1 MUX 2 n 3 1 Load MUX R2 2 3 n n Load R3 n n 1 2 3 n Register file Decoder D address A data B data 2 Constant in n n Destination select n 1 MB select MUX B Bus A n Address n Out Bus B Data A B n Out G select H select 4 A B 2 B S || C S V 2:0 in Arithmetic/logic I R Shifter I L C unit (ALU) G H N n n Z Zero Detect MF select 1 MUX F Function unit F n n Data In Henry Hexmoor MD select 1 MUX D n Bus D
Datapath Example: Performing a Microoperation
MD select 1 MUX D V C N Z n 2 A data B data Register file MUX B Address Out Data Bus A Bus B Function unit A B G select 4 Zero Detect MF select F MUX F H select S 2:0 || C in Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) G Shifter H MUX 3 Decoder Load Load enable Write D data D address Destination select Constant in MB select A select A address B select B address R3 R2 R1 R0 Bus D Data In I L R Microoperation: R0 ← R1 + R2 Apply 1 to Load Enable to force the Load input to R0 to 1 so that R0 is loaded on the clock pulse (not shown) The overall microoperation requires 1 clock cycle Apply 0 to MF select and 0 to MD select to place the value of G onto BUS D Apply 01 to A select to place contents of R1 onto Bus A Apply 00 to Destination select to enable the Load input to R0 Apply 10 to B select to place contents of R2 onto B data and apply 0 to MB select to place B data on Bus B Apply 0010 to G select to perform addition G = Bus A + Bus B Henry Hexmoor
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
In this and the next section, we deal with detailed design of typical ALUs and shifters Decompose the ALU into: An arithmetic circuit A logic circuit A selector to pick between the two circuits Arithmetic circuit design Decompose the arithmetic circuit into: An n-bit parallel adder A block of logic that selects four choices for the B input to the adder See next slide for diagram Henry Hexmoor
Arithmetic Circuit Design Figure 10-3 and Table 10-1 and table 10-2 (pages 435, 438)
There are only four functions of B to select as Y in G = A + Y: All 0’s B All 1’s Cin = 0 Cin = 1 G = A G = A + 1 G = A + B G = A + B + 1 G = A + B G = A + B + 1 Subtraction G = A – 1 G = A C in n A X n n-bit n G = X Y + Cin B parallel adder n B input Y S logic S 1 Henry Hexmoor C out
Logic Circuit AND OR XOR NOT 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
The text gives a circuit implemented using a multiplexer plus gates implementing: AND, OR, XOR and NOT Here we custom design a circuit for bit Gi by beginning with a truth table organized as logic operation K-map and assigning (S1, S0) codes to AND, OR, etc. Gi = S0 Ai Bi + S1 Ai Bi S0 Ai Bi + S1 S0 Ai Gate input count for MUX solution > 29 Gate input count for above circuit < 20 Custom design better S1S0 AND OR XOR NOT AiBi 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Henry Hexmoor
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The custom circuit has interchanged the (S1,S0) codes for XOR and NOT compared to the MUX circuit. To preserve compatibility with the text, we use the MUX solution. Next, use the arithmetic circuit, the logic circuit, and a 2-way multiplexer to form the ALU. See the next slide for the bit slice diagram. The input connections to the arithmetic circuit and logic circuit have been been assigned to prepare for seamless addition of the shifter, keeping the selection codes for the combined ALU and the shifter at 4 bits: Carry-in Ci and Carry-out Ci+1 go between bits Ai and Bi are connected to both units A new signal S2 performs the arithmetic/logic selection The select signal entering the LSB of the arithmetic circuit, Cin, is connected to the least significant selection input for the logic circuit, S0. Henry Hexmoor
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Figure 10-7
The next most significant select signals, S0 for the arithmetic circuit and S1 for the logic circuit, are wired together, completing the two select signals for the logic circuit. The remaining S1 completes the three select signals for the arithmetic circuit. C i + 1 One stage of arithmetic circuit logic circuit 2-to-1 MUX S A B 2 G in Henry Hexmoor
Combinational Shifter Parameters 10-4
Direction: Left, Right Number of positions with examples: Single bit: 1 position 0 and 1 positions Multiple bit: 1 to n – 1 positions 0 to n – 1 positions Filling of vacant positions Many options depending on instruction set Here, will provide input lines or zero fill Henry Hexmoor
4-Bit Basic Left/Right Shifter (Figure 10-8)
3 I R L S Serial output L output R 2 1 H M U X Serial Inputs: IR for right shift IL for left shift Serial Outputs R for right shift (Same as MSB input) L for left shift (Same as LSB input) Shift Functions: (S1, S0) = 00 Pass B unchanged Right shift Left shift Unused Henry Hexmoor
Barrel Shifter (Figure 10-9)
D 3 S 1 M U X 2 Y A rotate is a shift in which the bits shifted out are inserted into the positions vacated The circuit rotates its contents left from 0 to 3 positions depending on S: S = 00 position unchanged S = 10 rotate left by 2 positions S = 01 rotate left by 1 positions S = 11 rotate left by 3 positions See Table 10-3 in text for details (page 440) Henry Hexmoor
Barrel Shifter (continued)
Large barrel shifters can be constructed by using: Layers of multiplexers - Example 64-bit: Layer 1 shifts by 0, 16, 32, 48 Layer 2 shifts by 0, 4, 8, 12 Layer 3 shifts by 0, 1, 2, 3 See example in section 12-2 of the text 2 dimensional array circuits designed at the electronic level Henry Hexmoor
Datapath Representation 10-5
Here we move up one level in the hierarchy from that datapath The registers, and the multiplexer, decoder, and enable hardware for accessing them become a register file A register file is an array of fast registers The ALU, shifter, Mux F and status hardware become a function unit The remaining muxes and buses which handle data transfers are at the new level of the hierarchy Address out Data out Constant in MB select Bus A Bus B FS V C N Z MD select n D data Write D address A address B address A data B data 2 m x Register file A B Function unit F 4 MUX B 1 MUX D Data in Henry Hexmoor
Datapath Representation (continued)
Address out Data out Constant in MB select Bus A Bus B FS V C N Z MD select n D data Write D address A address B address A data B data 2 m x Register file A B Function unit F 4 MUX B 1 MUX D Data in In the register file: Multiplexer select inputs become A address and B address Decoder input becomes D address Multiplexer outputs become A data and B data Input data to the registers becomes D data Load enable becomes write The register file now appears like a memory based on clocked flip-flops (the clock is not shown) The function unit labeling is quite straightforward except for FS Henry Hexmoor
Definition of Function Unit Select (FS) Codes (Table 10-4, page 443))
H Select, and MF in T of FS Codes FS(3:0) MF Select G Select(3:0) H Micr ooperation 0000 XX 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1 X 00 1001 01 1010 10 1011 11 1100 XXXX 1101 1110 F A F A + B - F A A B Ù Ú sr sl Å Boolean Equations: MF = F3 F2 Gi = Fi Hi = Fi Henry Hexmoor
The Control Word The datapath has many control inputs
The signals driving these inputs can be defined and organized into a control word To execute a microinstruction, we apply control word values for a clock cycle. For most microoperations, the positive edge of the clock cycle is needed to perform the register load The datapath control word format and the field definitions are shown on the next slide Henry Hexmoor
The Control Word Fields
DA – D Address (destination) AA – A Address BA – B Address (source for MUXB MB – Mux B (constant/source FS – Function Select MD – Mux D RW – Register Write The connections to datapath are shown in the next slide Control word D A AA BA M B FS R W 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Henry Hexmoor
Control Word Block Diagram (Figure 10-11)
8 14 13 11 Bus D Constant in n MUX B 1 D data Write D address A address B address A data B data x Register file A B Function unit MUX D Data in Bus A Bus B R W 12 AA 15 D BA 9 Address out Data out V C N Z 7 MD MB 6 4 FS 5 3 2 Henry Hexmoor
Control Word Encoding Table 10-5
Encoding of Control W D A , AA, B A MB FS MD R W Function Code Function Code Function Code Function Code Function Code R 000 Register F A 0000 Function No write R 1 001 Constant 1 F A + 1 0001 Data In 1 Write 1 R 2 010 F A + B 0010 R 3 011 F A + B + 1 0011 R 4 100 F A + B 0100 R 5 101 F A + B + 1 0101 R 6 110 F A - 1 0110 R 7 111 F A 0111 F A Ù B 1000 F A Ú B 1001 F A Å B 1010 F 1011 A F B 1100 F sr B 1101 F sl B 1110 Henry Hexmoor
Microoperations for the Datapath - Symbolic Representation Table 10-6
W R 1 R 2 – R 3 R 1 R 2 R 3 R e g ister F A = + + B 1 F unction Write R 4 s l R6 R 4 — R 6 R e g ister F = sl B F unction Write R 7 R 7 1 + R 7 R 7 — Re gister F A = + 1 Function Write R 1 R 0 2 + R 1 R — Con s tant F A = + B Func tio n Write Data out R 3 —— R 3 R eg i s t e r — — N o Wr it e R 4 D ata in R 4 —— — — Data in Write R R 5 R R R e g ister F A = Å B F unction Write Henry Hexmoor
Microoperations for the Datapath - Binary Representation Table 10-7
Microoperations from T a Binary C o o Results of simulation of the above on the next slide Micr o- o p eratio n D A B M F S R W 1 011 010 10 XX X 110 111 11 XXX 000 00 001 101 2 3 – 4 s l R6 7 7 1 + 0 2 Data out ata in Henry Hexmoor
Datapath Simulation Figure 10-12
4 7 5 2 3 6 X 14 10 18 255 12 8 clock DA AA BA Constant_in MB Address_out Data_out FS Status_bits Data_in MD RW reg0 reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6 reg7 Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) for Simple Computer (SC) 10-7
A programmable system uses a sequence of instructions to control its operation An typical instruction specifies: Operation to be performed Operands to use, and Where to place the result, or Which instruction to execute next Instructions are stored in RAM or ROM as a program The addresses for instructions in a computer are provided by a program counter (PC) that can Count up Load a new address based on an instruction and, optionally, status information Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) (continued)
The PC and associated control logic are part of the Control Unit Executing an instruction - activating the necessary sequence of operations specified by the instruction Execution is controlled by the control unit and performed: In the datapath In the control unit In external hardware such as memory or input/output Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Storage Resources Figure 10-13
The storage resources are "visible" to the programmer at the lowest software level (typically, machine or assembly language) Storage resources for the SC => Separate instruction and data memories imply "Harvard architecture" Done to permit use of single clock cycle per instruction implementation Due to use of "cache" in modern computer architectures, is a fairly realistic model Program counter (PC) Instruction memory 2 15 x 16 Register file x 8 16 Data memory 2 15 x 16 Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Format
A instruction consists of a bit vector The fields of an instruction are subvectors representing specific functions and having specific binary codes defined The format of an instruction defines the subvectors and their function An ISA usually contains multiple formats The SC ISA contains the three formats presented on the next slide Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Format Figure 10-14
(c) Jump and Branch (a) Register Opcode Destination register (DR) Source reg- ister A (SA) ister B (SB) 15 9 8 6 5 3 2 (b) Immediate Operand (OP) Address (AD) (Right) (Left) The three formats are: Register, Immediate, and Jump and Branch All formats contain an Opcode field in bits 9 through 15. The Opcode specifies the operation to be performed More details on each format are provided on the next three slides Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Format (continued)
(a) Register Opcode Destination register (DR) Source reg- ister A (SA) ister B (SB) 15 9 8 6 5 3 2 This format supports instructions represented by: R1 ← R2 + R3 R1 ← sl R2 There are three 3-bit register fields: DR - specifies destination register (R1 in the examples) SA - specifies the A source register (R2 in the first example) SB - specifies the B source register (R3 in the first example and R2 in the second example) Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Format (continued)
(b) Immediate Opcode Destination register (DR) Source reg- ister A (SA) 15 9 8 6 5 3 2 Operand (OP) This format supports instructions described by: R1 ← R2 + 3 The B Source Register field is replaced by an Operand field OP which specifies a constant. The Operand: 3-bit constant Values from 0 to 7 The constant: Zero-fill (on the left of) the Operand to form 16-bit constant 16-bit representation for values 0 through 7 Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Format (continued)
(c) Jump and Branch Opcode Source reg- ister A (SA) 15 9 8 6 5 3 2 Address (AD) (Right) (Left) This instruction supports changes in the sequence of instruction execution by adding an extended, 6-bit, signed 2s-complement address offset to the PC value The 6-bit Address (AD) field replaces the DR and SB fields Example: Suppose that a jump is specified by the Opcode and the PC contains 45 (0… ) and Address contains – 12 (110100). Then the new PC value will be: 0… (1…110100) = 0… (45 + (– 12) = 33) The SA field is retained to permit jumps and branches on N or Z based on the contents of Source register A Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Specifications
The specifications provide: The name of the instruction The instruction's opcode A shorthand name for the opcode called a mnemonic A specification for the instruction format A register transfer description of the instruction, and A listing of the status bits that are meaningful during an instruction's execution (not used in the architectures defined in this chapter) Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Specifications (continued)
fications for the Simple Comput er - Part 1 Instr u ctio O pc ode Mnem on ic Form a t D escrip tion St s Bits Move A MO V A RD ,RA R [DR] R[SA ] N , Z Increment INC RA R[DR] [ SA] + 1 Add ADD RA,RB + R[ SB] Subtr ct SUB - e crement DEC 1 AND Ù R[SB , Z OR ,RA,RB Ú Exclusive OR XOR Å R[SB] NO T N, Henry Hexmoor
ISA: Instruction Specifications (continued)
fications for the Simple Comput er - Part 2 Instr u ctio O pc ode Mnem on ic Form a t D escrip tion St s Bits Move B MO VB RD ,RB R [DR] R[SB] Shift Right SHR , RB R[DR] sr Shift Left SHL sl Load Imm e diate LDI P zf OP Add Immediate ADI RA,OP R[SA] + zf OP Load LD ,RA M[ SA ] Store ST RA,RB M [SA] Branch Zero BRZ A,AD if (R[ S A] = 0) PC PC + s A Negative BRN A] < J mp JMP C R[SA Henry Hexmoor
ISA:Example Instructions and Data in Memory
Memory Repr esentation of Instruc t ions and Data D eciimal Ad d r ess Mem o y C ontents Dec i mal Op cod e Other F elds eration 25 00001 01 001 010 011 5 (Subtract) DR:1, SA:2, SB:3 R1 R2 - R3 35 01000 00 000 100 101 32 (Store ) S A:4, SB:5 M[ R4] R5 45 10000 10 010 111 66 (Add Im mediate) DR: 2 , S A : 7 , OP :3 R R7 + 3 55 11000 00 101 110 96 (Branch on Z ro AD: 44, SA:6 If R6 = 0, PC 20 70 000 00000 Data = 1 92. Aft r execution of instruction in 35, 8 . Henry Hexmoor
Single-Cycle Hardwired Control 10-8
Based on the ISA defined, design a computer architecture to support the ISA The architecture is to fetch and execute each instruction in a single clock cycle The datapath from Figure will be used The control unit will be defined as a part of the design The block diagram is shown on the next slide Henry Hexmoor
Figure 10-15 IR(8:6) || IR(2:0) Extend V C Branch PC N Control Z P J B
Address L B C Instruction memory RW D Instruction DA Register file AA A B BA Zero fill IR(2:0) Constant in Instruction decoder 1 MB MUX B Address out Bus A Bus B Data out MW D B A M F M R M P J B A A A B S D W W L B C A B Data in Address FS CONTROL V Data Function C memory unit Figure 10-15 N Data out Z F Data in 1 MD MUX D Henry Hexmoor Bus D DATAPATH
The Control Unit The Data Memory has been attached to the Address Out and Data Out and Data In lines of the Datapath. The MW input to the Data Memory is the Memory Write signal from the Control Unit. For convenience, the Instruction Memory, which is not usually a part of the Control Unit is shown within it. The Instruction Memory address input is provided by the PC and its instruction output feeds the Instruction Decoder. Zero-filled IR(2:0) becomes Constant In Extended IR(8:6) || IR(2:0) and Bus A are address inputs to the PC. The PC is controlled by Branch Control logic Henry Hexmoor
PC Function (continued)
Branch Control determines the PC transfers based on five of its inputs defined as follows: N,Z – negative and zero status bits PL – load enable for the PC JB – Jump/Branch select: If JB = 1, Jump, else Branch BC – Branch Condition select: If BC = 1, branch for N = 1, else branch for Z = 1. The above is summarize by the following table: PC Operation PL JB BC Count Up X Jump 1 Branch on Negative (else Count Up) Branch on Zero (else Count Up) Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Decoder The combinational instruction decoder converts the instruction into the signals necessary to control all parts of the computer during the single cycle execution The input is the 16-bit Instruction The outputs are control signals: Register file addresses DA, AA, and BA, Function Unit Select FS Multiplexer Select Controls MB and MD, Register file and Data Memory Write Controls RW and MW, and PC Controls PL, JB, and BC The register file outputs are simply pass-through signals: DA = DR, AA = SA, and BA = SB Determination of the remaining signals is more complex. Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Decoder (continued)
The remaining control signals do not depend on the addresses, so must be a function of IR(13:9) Formulation requires examining relationships between the outputs and the opcodes… Observe that for other than branches and jumps, FS = IR(12:9) This implies that the other control signals should depend as much as possible on IR(15:13) (which actually were assigned with decoding in mind!) To make some sense of this, we divide instructions into types as shown in the table on the next page Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Decoder (continued)
ruth a ble for Instruction Decoder Logic Instruction Function ype Instruction Bits Contr ol W o r d Bits 15 14 13 9 M B D R P L J C Function unit operations using registers X X X Memory read 1 Memory write register and constant Conditional branch on zero (Z) X Conditional branch on negative (N) X X Unconditional J ump X X Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Decoder (continued)
The types are based on the blocks controlled and the seven signals to be generated; types can be divided into two groups: Datapath and Memory Control (First 4 types) PC Control (Last 3 types) In Datapath and Memory Control blocks controlled are considered: Mux B (1st and 4th types) Memory and Mux D (2nd and 3rd types) By assigning codes with no or only one 1 for these, implementation of MB, MD, RW and MW are simplified. In Control Unit more of a bit setting approach was used: Bit 15 = Bit 14 = 1 were assigned to generate PL Bit 13 values were assigned to generate JB. Bit 9 was use as BC which contradicts FS = 0000 needed for branches. To force FS(6) to 0 for branches, Bit 9 into FS(6) is disabled by PL. Also, useful bit correlations between values in the two groups were exploited in assigning the codes. Henry Hexmoor
Instruction Decoder (continued)
The end result by use of the types, careful assignment of codes, and use of don't cares, yields very simple logic: This completes the design of most of the essential parts of the single-cycle simple computer 19 – 17 DA 16 14 AA 13 11 BA 10 MB 9 6 FS 5 MD 4 RW 3 MW 2 PL 1 JB BC Instruction Opcode DR SA SB Control word 15 12 8 Henry Hexmoor
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