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Effective Study Memory & Concentration Enhancement.

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2 Effective Study Memory & Concentration Enhancement

3 Effective Students Are Motivated Intrinsically –Appreciate the value of lifelong learning Set Realistic, Yet Challenging, Goals Evaluate Goals Regularly Are Disciplined Are Active in Their Learning Style Integrate both Classroom & Life Lessons

4 What Kind of Student Are You? Crammers –Is this good for long term retention? Book highlighters –Is the whole page highlighted? Do you integrate lectures, readings and discussions?

5 It Has Been Said That We Remember: of what we read. of what we hear. of what we hear and see. of what we say or write. of what we say as we do. 10% 20% 30% 70% 90% Passive Active

6 Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning

7 Address External Distractions Friends, family, and the phone. Blow up the television! Create a study area for studying. Stay away from the windows. What about music and studying? Watch those lyrics!

8 Address Internal Distractions Use time management - start at designated time. Confront the personal issues. What about daydreaming? What if it is the professor? Reality check time. Don’t over prepare the study area!

9 Take Care of the Physical Self Eat regular and well balanced meals. Be aware of ergonomics. Exercise! Get the right amount of sleep.

10 Ways to Remember Interest + Intent = Relevancy Selecting major points - Outlining Active Recitation & Ongoing Review Distribute Learning 30 + 3 plan

11 SQ3R S Q R R R urvey uestion ead eview ecite

12 PRESP P R E S P review ead xamples ummarize roblems

13 Mnemonics Acronyms Rhymes Associations

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