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Driving toward organized paragraphs: Start, Stay steady, Stop! Sarah Ducharme AISB Elementary School Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Driving toward organized paragraphs: Start, Stay steady, Stop! Sarah Ducharme AISB Elementary School Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving toward organized paragraphs: Start, Stay steady, Stop! Sarah Ducharme AISB Elementary School Librarian

2 Green Light = GO! Introduce the MAIN IDEA For example: Fall is my favorite time of year.

3 Yellow Light = Steady now! Add your SUPPORTING DETAILS, the FACTS, the IDEAS, that prove your main idea. For example: The fall air is crisp and cool. Pumpkins decorate doorsteps up and down my street. The smell of leaves fills my nose.

4 Red = Stop! Close your paragraph by giving the reader a clear STOP sign. For example: That is why fall is my favorite season.

5 Put it all together and you’re CRUISING! Fall is my favorite time of the year. The fall air is crisp and cool. Pumpkins decorate doorsteps up and down the street. The smell of fallen leaves fills my nose. That’s why I like fall so much.

6 Try this one… Identify main idea, supporting details, closing sentence. When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut. Astronauts explore places where people have never been before. They make new discoveries about our solar system. Some astronauts even walk in space. Being an astronaut would be fun and challenging work.

7 Your Turn! Label your handout! Together with a partner, read one of the DK books. Identify a paragraph that has an introductory sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion. Be prepared to show your teacher what you decided.

8 Your Turn…on your own! WRITE a paragraph according to the traffic light steps. Choose one of the introductory sentences below. Add supporting details (3 sentences) and a concluding sentence. President Obama has a very difficult job. _______ is my favorite sport. My country is a great place to live. The weatherman warned us to prepare for the storm.

9 Remember the traffic light when you READ and WRITE!

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