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URBAN TRANSPORTATION RENEWAL. ACTIVITY 1 TASK: Your job is to design and present a plan for a city. You will use wood blocks to represent buildings, and.

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Presentation on theme: "URBAN TRANSPORTATION RENEWAL. ACTIVITY 1 TASK: Your job is to design and present a plan for a city. You will use wood blocks to represent buildings, and."— Presentation transcript:


2 ACTIVITY 1 TASK: Your job is to design and present a plan for a city. You will use wood blocks to represent buildings, and erasable markers for roads.

3 Resources 1. $10,000,000 2. An 11" x 17" piece of metal representing your city 3. Wood blocks representing buildings 4. Erasable markers representing roads, train tracks, and bike paths

4 Buildings GREEN for homes GOLD for businesses (like stores) ORANGE for industries (like factories) BLUE for public buildings (like schools, police stations, etc.)

5 Roads GREEN for bike paths RED for car roads BLACK for bus roads BLUE for train tracks

6 Constraint #1: Your city must contain… Homes for at least 100 people – 4 people can live in each GREEN home 15 businesses GOLD – Each GOLD building can hold 2 businesses 3 industries – One industry in each ORANGE building

7 Constraint #2 buildings must be accessible Vehicle…may travel on TrainsBLUE train tracks only BikesGREEN bike paths only Buses or trucksBLACK bus roads only CarsBLACK bus roads or RED car roads only

8 Constraint #3 You should $ave some money for the future!!

9 Building costs GREEN home$ 40,000 GOLD GOLD business$ 100,000 ORANGE industry$ 1,000, 000 BLUE public buildingsFREE! Park land (yellow or orange marker) FREE!

10 Road costs per inch GREEN bike paths$ 5,000 RED car roads$ 20,000 BLACK bus roads$ 50,000 BLUE train tracks$ 50,000

11 Jobs Treasurer – Keeps track of the MONEY!! Architect – In charge of putting the plan together Mayor – Reports to the group Town Planner – In charge of building & roads

12 The Teams 1 — Purple 2 — Blue 3 — Green 4 — Grey Δ — DELTA ε — EPSILON ζ — ZETA

13 Activity #1 1. Plan out on paper 2. Buy materials 3. Build your city 4. Report to group

14 READY??

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