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SXDS database and Japanese Virtual Observatory Yuji Shirasaki and JVO collaborations National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
What is Virtual Observatory ? Real ObservatoryVirtual Observatory SkyCatalog DB, Data Archive TelescopeInternet DetectorComputer Data Reduction Reduced data will be provided or auto reduction service Weather sensitiveany time OK (need network connection) Long observation timeShort observation time Small portion of SkyWhole Sky Virtual Observatory (VO) is an collection of the astronomical DBs which are accessible with a standard protocol over the internet.
Why do we need a Virtual Observatory ? Avalanche of the observational data – Nobeyama~ 1TB/year – Subaru~ 20TB/year – ALMA~ 1PB/year – XMM, Chandra, Astro-E2, Astro-F,... – The data growth rate (T 2 < 1 year) is higher than the improvement of computational power (T 2 ~ 18 months) and network bandwidth (T 2 ~ 20 months) the newest informational technology, Data Grid and Computational Grid. A multiwavelength study is crucial for understanding the nature of astronomical objects, however... – Calibration and analysis methods are highly non-uniform across archives manual data reduction is required. It is a physical and mental barrier to the multiwavelength study. Astro-E2 Subaru ALMA SDSS 2MASS HSTXMM Astro-F
What is enabled in the VO era ? Easy and seamless access to a large number of databases. You don’t need to access to tens or hundreds of web sites. Automated data reduction. You are free from calibration issues. Federation of databases and analysis tools. Efficient data analysis environment. Discovery of rare and exotic objects based on multiwavelength observations of billions of objects instead of hundreds. Discovery of transient phenomena exploring the time-domain. Discovery of... VO Request result Astro-E2 Subaru ALMA SDSS 2MASS HSTXMM Astro-F SExtractorHyperZIRAF... federation of data and analysis services by VO standards Digital Universe is on your desktop !
DB Open Sky Server DB Registry VO Query Language VOTable FITS Source Extractor Hyper-Z IRAFSubaruVLAXMM RegistryRegistry: Data & Analysis Service Discovery Service. OpenSkyServer: VO Compliant Data Service. VO Query LanguageVO Query Language: Multi-Purposes Standard Query Language for VO VOTableVOTable: Tabular Data Transfer Format (XML) Key components realizing the VO
Resource Meta Data in Registry Identity Title ShortName Identifier Curation Publisher PublisherID Creater Contributor Date Version Contact General Content Subject Description Source ReferenceURL Type ContentLevel Relationship RelationshipID Collection and Service Content Facility Instrument Coverage Resolution UCD Format Rights Interface InterfaceURL BaseURL HTTPResultsMIMEType Capabilities StandardURI StandardURL MaxSearchRadius MaxReturnRecords data quality DataQuality Uncertainty Resource metadata describes what data and computational facilities are available where, and once identified, how to use them.
VO Query Language Unified Query Language based on JVO Query Language Astronomical Data Query Language (SQL) Simple Image Access Protocol (URL based query) Simple Spectrum Access Protocol (URL based query) Select a.* from Tab a where Region('Circle Cartesian 1.2 2.4 3.6 0.2'),-30.&SIZE=0.0125...,-30.&SIZE=0.0125... VO Query Language defines a syntax for searching astronomical data.
VOTable Velocities and Distance estimations Distance of Galaxy, assuming H=75km/s/Mpc 010.68 +41.27 N 224 -297 5 0.7 287.43 -63.85 N 6744 839 6 10.4 023.48 +30.66 N 598 -182 3 0.7 VOTable is an XML format for exchanging tabular data
International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) 14 projects, ~$25 million in R&D an alliance of existing and future national and international projects to define standards on access to any kind of astronomical resources (database, analysis tools and so on...)
Working Group in the IVOA Registry : standardization of meta data VOTable : define XML format for the exchange of tabular data VO Query Language : standard query language for astronomical data base Data Access Layer : define and formulate VO standards for remote data access. UCD : defining and standardizing meta data (Unified Content Descriptors) Data Modeling : the IVOA data modeling standardization Grid & Web Service : Use of Grid technologies and Web Services in the VO context
IVOA Interest Groups Application: intended to support developers and users of Virtual Observatory applications VO Theory: formed with the goal of ensuring that theoretical data and services are taken into account in the IVOA standards process Mailing List discussions:
Interoperability Meeting 2003-05Cambridge, UK 2003-10Strasbourg, France 2004-05Boston, USA 2004-09Pune, India 2005-05?Japan aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.
Japanese Virtual Observatory Takes the initiative of DB standardization in the Japanese astronomical community. –Nobeyama, Subaru and ALMA DBNobeyama, Subaru and ALMA DB –Databases managed by ISAS and other institutes.Databases managed by ISAS Contributes to standardization of VO query language.VO query language Provides a VO portal where one can seamlessly access to the VO compliant data and analysis services.
JVO Collaborators Project Scientists NAOJ Mizumoto Ohishi Shirasaki Tanaka Honda ICRC Yasuda Ochanomizu U. Masunaga System Engineers Fujitsu Ltd. Monzen Kawarai Ishihara Yanaka Yamaguchi Ishida Saito Abe Tsutsumi SEC Ltd. Morita Nakamoto Kobayashi Yoshida
JVO Prototype Experiment for DB federation Functionality test of JVO Query LanguageJVO Query Language Globus Toolkits 3 –Remote processing and file transfer. Web based User Interface –Tomcat and Struts Distributed Databases –DB1 SXDS Suprime-Cam (Catalog & Image) –DB2 SXDS XMM (Catalog & Image) –DB3 SDF –DB4 SDSS Spectrum –DB5 2MASS
1.User input 2.Create an observation procedure 3.Resolve data service location using registry 4.Execute data search and/or data analysis 5.Save results in the user DB Architecture of JVO Proto 2 Registry (XMLDB) Grid Service Catalog DB Grid Service Meta DB Grid Service Meta DB Controller Parser Scheduler Executer User Interface JVOQL Editor VOTable Viewer DB Search Plotter etc User DB Data Search JVOQL Analysis Parameters XPath XML JVOQL (VOTable) JVOQL (VOTable) VOTable FITS VOTable FITS Parameter List XML etc. Catalog DB FITS Resource Metadata JVO Server Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 JVO Portal Server
cross match result Demo 1: Cross match & Image request Cross match of the optical and X-ray catalogs of SXDS and image retrievals. Grid Service Meta DB Catalog DB FITS Data Server 1 (SXDS Subaru) Grid Service Meta DB Catalog DB FITS Data Server 2 (SXDS XMM) Registry (XMLDB) Grid Service JVO Portal Server Search Request (JVOQL) resolve data service URL Registry Server (1 ) (3 ) (4 ) (7) (6) (5 ) (2 ) catalog search image xmatch request result (8)
Sample Query select opt.POS_EQ_RA_MAIN as ra, opt.POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN as dec, opt.N18APMAGB as mag_B, opt.N18APMAGR as mag_R, opt.N18APMAGi as mag_i, opt.N18APMAGz as mag_z, x.POS_EQ_RA_MAIN as ra_x, x.POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN as dec_x, x.flux0, x.flux1, x.flux2, x.flux3, x.flux4, img_opt.BOX(POINT(ra, dec), 20 arcsec, 20 arcsec) as image_opt, img_x.BOX(POINT(ra, dec), 20 arcsec, 20 arcsec) as image_x from naoj.sxds.sxdsR1 opt, naoj.xmm.xmm_epic_sxds x, naoj.sxds.sxds_image img_opt, naoj.xmm.xmm_image img_x where XMATCH(opt, x) < 5 arcsec and opt.N18APMAGR < 24 and BOX(POINT(34.5, -5.0), 0.1, 0.1) optical catalog X-ray catalog optical image X-ray image Precision for the cross identification of the optical and X-ray objects. region selection
String search Data request to the SXDS optical catalog, GL candidate selection, String search by pattern recognition. Grid Service Analysis Server Grid Service Meta DB Catalog DB FITS Data Server 1 (SXDS Subaru) Registry (XMLDB) Grid Service JVO Portal Server Data request GL candidate selection String search resolve data service URL in each request Registry Server (1)(4)(6 ) (2 ) (5) (3) (7 ) catalog search result GL cand. selection result(8) Demo 2: Cosmic String Search
Cosmic String Prediction by Unified theory – super heavy cosmic strings with linear mass density of 10 22 g/cm in the early universe. The lens effect by a long cosmic string – undistorted lensed image – co-aligned in a direction of string network – distributed in a very large scale. Because of its large scale nature, wide fied deep survey is crucial for its discovery. Data mining from Subaru Suprime- Cam image data
User Authentification
JVO QL Editor Create SQL Search
Search Status
Search Result
Cosmic String Search Demo using SXDS Data base 1. Catalog Search 2. GL Candidate Search Select pair objects of similar color. 3. Cosmic String Search Pattern recognition
Cosmic String Search Result
Summary Road map of the JVO project 2004 Prototype 3 –development of components for operational system –Subaru Suprime-Cam reduced data DB –ISAS DARTS ? –Test connection to the international VO 2005 start to develop operational system –late 2005 ?? trial use 2006-2007 trial use & upgrade 2007 prepare for partial operation of ALMA
Subaru Nobeyama ALMA
JVO Query Language select optCat.ra, optCat.dec, xCat.ra, xCat.dec, optImage.Image, xImage.Image from optCat, xCat, optImage, xImage where ((‘ICRS’, 270.0 deg, -1.5 deg), 0.2 deg) ~ (optCat.ra, optCat.dec) and Distance((optCat.ra, optCat.dec), (xCat.ra, xCat.dec)) < 5 arcsec and optImage.regionSky = ((optCat.ra, optCat.dec), 10 arcsec) and xImage.regionSky = ((optCat.ra, optCat.dec), 10 arcsec) and optImage.FORMAT = “FITS” and xImage.FORMAT = “FITS” 1.Select objects located in a circle region centered at ra=270 and dec=- 1.5 with 0.2 deg radius from optical catalog. 2. Identify X-ray counter part for each selected object with 5 arcsec precision. 3. Get FITS images of 10” radius size from optical and X-ray image data service.
DB Search
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