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UCI Interdisciplinary Computational Applied Mathematics Program (iCAMP) Opening Workshop, May 5, 2010 Faculty Team: Jack Xin (Math), Hongkai Zhao (Math),

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Presentation on theme: "UCI Interdisciplinary Computational Applied Mathematics Program (iCAMP) Opening Workshop, May 5, 2010 Faculty Team: Jack Xin (Math), Hongkai Zhao (Math),"— Presentation transcript:

1 UCI Interdisciplinary Computational Applied Mathematics Program (iCAMP) Opening Workshop, May 5, 2010 Faculty Team: Jack Xin (Math), Hongkai Zhao (Math), Max Welling (ICS), Sarah Eichhorn & Ernie Esser (Math)

2 Funded by National Science Foundation Proactive Recruitment in Introductory Science and Mathematics (PRISM) The goal is to strengthen the nation's scientific competitiveness by increasing the numbers of well-prepared, successful U.S. undergraduate majors and minors in science and mathematics.

3 Who and What first and second year undergraduate students (all majors, undeclared); learn mathematics and algorithms for digital information processing; gain research and programming experience; earn a summer paycheck and a valuable resume builder for future career in science and mathematics, related employment.

4 Course Offering: Math/ICS 77 Learn math, computing, applications. Pre-req: Math 2A/2B, ICS/CSE 21. Fulfill general education requirement. Offered quarterly (F/W/S), starting Fall 2010. May take any of the 4 topics: signal processing, collaborative filtering, image processing, game simulation & analysis. Projects and Presentations

5 3 Summer Month Research 10 students upon completion of a Math77 / ICS77 course are selected per year (starting summer 2011, mid June — mid Sept) for paid summer research (monthly stipend ≥ $1900, monthly housing ≥ $800). Engage in mentored research in a topical area: read research articles, do creative work, write up results. Present, publish and learn career opportunities in science and math.

6 New iCAMP Lab

7 iCAMP and Beyond Web: Have fun learning math and developing algorithms to make a difference in the digital world. Get a head start on research and a future career in mathematical sciences.

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