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Wave-Equation Interferometric Migration of VSP Data Ruiqing He Dept. of Geology & Geophysics University of Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "Wave-Equation Interferometric Migration of VSP Data Ruiqing He Dept. of Geology & Geophysics University of Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wave-Equation Interferometric Migration of VSP Data Ruiqing He Dept. of Geology & Geophysics University of Utah

2 Outline Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Wave-equation Interferometric Migration Wave-equation Interferometric Migration –3D Migration of VSP Multiples –Salt Flank Imaging Conclusion & Technical Contributions Conclusion & Technical Contributions

3 Outline Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Wave-equation Interferometric Migration Wave-equation Interferometric Migration –3D Migration of VSP Multiples –Salt Flank Imaging Conclusion & Technical Contributions Conclusion & Technical Contributions

4 Acknowledgements Thank Jerry Schuster for enlightening lectures, innovating discussions, supervising and support. Thank Jerry Schuster for enlightening lectures, innovating discussions, supervising and support. Thank Bob Smith, Cari Johnson, Kris Sikorski for teaching and supervising. Thank Yue Wang for supervising. Thank Bob Smith, Cari Johnson, Kris Sikorski for teaching and supervising. Thank Yue Wang for supervising. Thank my family. Thank my family.

5 Outline Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Wave-equation Interferometric Migration Wave-equation Interferometric Migration –3D Migration of VSP Multiples –Salt Flank Imaging Conclusion & Technical Contributions Conclusion & Technical Contributions

6 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry Passive Seismic Imaging: Passive Seismic Imaging: –Claerbout (1968) –Katz (1990); Cole (1995) –Daneshvar et al. (1995)

7 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Daylight Imaging: Daylight Imaging: –Rickett & Claerbout (1996, 1999, 2000) –Helioseismologists (Duvall et al., 1993) –Schuster (1999,2000), Wapenaar (2003)

8 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Virtual Source: Virtual Source: –Calvert, Bakulin, et al. (2004) Overburden Target

9 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Seismic Interferometry: Seismic Interferometry: –Schuster & Rickett (1999) –Schuster (2001) –Yu & Schuster (2001, 2006) –Jiang et al. (2005) No restriction on source distribution Arbitrary velocity model Many types of events used

10 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Seismic Interferometry Theory: Seismic Interferometry Theory:

11 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Migration of VSP Multiples: Migration of VSP Multiples:

12 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Successful Applications: Successful Applications: Xiao, et al. (2005) UTAM report Drilling … 3D

13 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Robust Imaging: Robust Imaging: Kirchhoff Migration Interferometric Migration KM IM Overburden

14 Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Super Resolution: Super Resolution: Kirchhoff MigrationInterferometric Migration

15 VSP salt flank imaging HSP imaging VSP multiple migration CDP multiple migration Salt Dome Introduction of Seismic Interfeometry (continued) Various applications: overburden

16 Outline Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Wave-equation Interferometric Migration Wave-equation Interferometric Migration –3D Migration of VSP Multiples –Salt Flank Imaging Conclusion & Technical Contributions Conclusion & Technical Contributions

17 Wave-Equation Interferometric Migration (WEIM): consideration Kirchhoff Migration Costs: 1)Crosscorrelation 2)Ray tracing 3)Storage for traveltime tables For Example: To obtain 85 x 87 x 1400 migration cube, ~300 GB disk is required. IVSP

18 WEIM: theory WEIM costs for one gather: 1)One wavefield extrapolation 2)One ray tracing 3)One traveltime table IVSP

19 Line-source Ray Tracing Known medium Unknown medium The picked time is imposed as an initial condition in ray tracing. It is as efficient as conventional point-source ray tracing.

20 3D WEIM of VSP Multiples

21 2D Synthetic Test Offset (m) 0 6000 Depth (m) 0 4000 Offset (m) 0 6000 Time (s) 0 5 Synthetic modelSynthetic data 12 geophpnes 600 shots Multiples

22 Migration Comparison Offset (m) 0 6000 Depth (m) 0 4000 Migration of primariesMigration of multiples Offset (m) 0 6000 Depth (m) 0 4000

23 Field Data Application

24 Survey Geometry Each geophone group has 12 geophones. ~ 11 km ~ 5 km deep 3 similar spirals, each corresponding to an offset-ed geophone group.

25 3D WEIM Result Migration of only one receiver gather

26 Slice Movie Migration of only one receiver gather

27 Slice of 3D Migration Cube Offset (m) 0 11000 Depth (m) 0 6500

28 Common Image Gather Offset (m)136 Depth (m) 0 6500

29 VSP Salt Flank Imaging ? 98 geophones 120 shots Overburden

30 Interferometric Migration Result

31 A Synthetic Experiment 94 geophones 10 shots Overburden

32 A Shot Gather

33 WEIM Result (one shot) Offset (m) 01700 Depth (m) 2700 5500 Artifacts

34 WEIM Result (ten shots) Offset (m) 01700 Depth (m) 2700 5500

35 Outline Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Introduction of Seismic Interferometry Wave-equation Interferometric Migration Wave-equation Interferometric Migration –3D Migration of VSP Multiples –Salt Flank Imaging Conclusion & Technical Contributions Conclusion & Technical Contributions

36 Conclusion Seismic interferometry is a robust imaging tool, and has a variety of applications. Seismic interferometry is a robust imaging tool, and has a variety of applications. However, the relatively weak energy waves and low fold imaging in some applications could result in the low S/N ratio of the image. However, the relatively weak energy waves and low fold imaging in some applications could result in the low S/N ratio of the image.

37 Technical Contributions (I) Wave-equation interferometric migration is proposed for efficient 3D migration of VSP multiples. Wave-equation interferometric migration is proposed for efficient 3D migration of VSP multiples. –It is as robust to velocity estimation errors as surface seismic imaging. –It is much more cost efficient than surface seismic surveys in obtaining a 3D subsurface image volume. –It might be also useful for time-lapse (4D) seismic monitoring for some oil fields.

38 Technical Contributions (II) Apply interferometric migration to salt flank imaging with VSP data: Apply interferometric migration to salt flank imaging with VSP data: –A huge chunk of overburden is ignored, so that the imaging is not only efficient, but also robust to velocity estimation errors. –Other vertical structures, such as faults that are difficult to image by surface seismic surveys could also be imaged.

39 The End Thank you.

40 Ray Distribution CDP ray distribution VSP ray distribution

41 Migrating Missed Near-offset Traces Missed near-offset traces due to limited acquisition. Some of the missed near-offset traces can be migrated in the migration of multiples.

42 Synthetic Test Offset (m)0 5000 Depth (m) 0 1500 300 m20 m

43 Migration of Primaries Offset (m)0 5000 Depth (m) 0 1500

44 Migration of Multiples Offset (m)0 5000 Depth (m) 0 1500

45 Migration of Field Data Primaries Offset (m)0 26000 Depth (m) 0 3500 Shortest offset=262 m; Shot and geophone spacing=25 m

46 Migration of Field Data Multiples Offset (m)0 26000 Depth (m) 0 3500

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