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Guidelines for Term Paper Cultural Geography Spring 2011.

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1 Guidelines for Term Paper Cultural Geography Spring 2011

2 The Basics  Paper must focus on an human geography topic.  Specific topic is up to you, but must be approved.  Topic must be geographical (Include a Map).

3 Guidelines  Each paper will have: Title Page 8-10 page paper  Must include the basics parts of a paper  Introduction, Main Body, Conclusions  Minimum 8 pages of text.  Graphics are also required, but don’t count as text  You must include a Map Bibliography page

4 Format  1 inch margins  10-12 point times new roman font.  DO NOT WASTE SPACE  Cite sources within the text. (Style is up to you)  Insert images within text.

5 Sources  Minimum of Three Sources  At least one must be a NON- internet/textbook sources.  No Encyclopedias (including online)

6 Presentation  8-10 Minutes  Power Point  Professional presentation

7 Due Dates  Topic Proposal 1 Paragraph describing your topic, why you chose it, and how it relates to the class. Due – Friday, February 4 th  Final Paper Due – Wednesday, April 20 th Presentations will start the same day

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