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1 Multi-Dimensional Range Query over Encrypted Data Presenter: 陳國璋 Elaine Shi, John Bethencourt, T-H. Hubert Chan, Dawn Song and Adrian Perrig IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May, 2007
2 Outline Induction Problem Definition and Preliminary AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Main Construction Conclusion
3 Introduction 接續上一次報告的 HVE (Hidden Vector Encryption) 方法,裡面提到 3 種 Query 形 式, Comparison / Range / Subset ,此 篇重點在 Conjunctive Range Queries. Recall: HVE
4 Introduction Conjunctive General Predicate Multi-cell Practical Value Predicate Vector Practical Vector SK Ciphertext Token Data / ⊥ Data PK GenToken HVE Encrypt HVE Query HVE
5 Introduction Multi-dimensional Range Query over Encrypted Data, MRQED For example Network audit log has 3 attributes, time- stamp t, source address a and destination port number p. (t, a, p) tuple Conjunctive ranges: [t 1, t 2 ], [a 1, a 2 ] and [p 1, p 2 ]
6 Introduction SchemePub Key Size Enc CostCT SizeDec Key Size Dec Cost HVEO(DT) O(D) Na ï ve AIBE-base O(1)O((log T) D ) MRQEDO(Dlog T) O((log T) D ) D: #(Dimension), T: #(Point)
7 Introduction Application Financial audit log Medical privacy Untrusted remote storage Using biometrics in anonymous IBE
8 Outline Induction Problem Definition and Preliminary AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Main Construction Conclusion
9 Problem Definition Network audit log has 3 attributes, time-stamp t, source address a and destination port number p. (t, a, p) tuple Conjunctive ranges: [t 1, t 2 ], [a 1, a 2 ] and [p 1, p 2 ]
10 Problem Definition [t 1, t 2 ] [a 1, a 2 ] [p 1, p 2 ] Hyper-rectangle B X = (t, a, p) Testing whether a point X falls inside the Hyper-rectangle B
11 Problem Definition An attribute can be encoded using discrete integer values 1 through T. [T]={1, …, T} S ≦ T, [S, T]={S, S+1, …, T} D different attributes, each of them can take on value in [T 1 ], [T 2 ], …, [T D ] respectively.
12 Problem Definition D-dimensional lattice, point, hyper- rectangle Δ=(T 1, …, T D ) L Δ = [T 1 ] × [T 2 ] × … × [T D ] D-dimensional lattice X = (x 1, …, x D ) Point B(s 1, t 1, s 2, t 2, …, s D, t D ) = {(x 1, …, x D ) | ∀ d ∈ [D], x d ∈ [s d, t d ]} Hyper-rectangle
13 Problem Definition Network audit log Time-stamp t, address a, port number p D = 3 Time-stamp [T t ]={0000, …, 1439} Address [T a ]={0, …, 255} Port number [T p ]={0, …, 65535}
14 Problem Definition Δ=(T t, T a, T p ) L Δ = [T t ] × [T a ] × [T p ] =[1439] × [255] × [65535] X = (t, a, p) = (603, 97, 777) B(540, 720, 84, 124, 700, 800)
15 Problem Definition [T t ]=[1439] [T a ]=[255] [T p ]=[65535] [540, 720] [84, 124] [700, 800] X = (603, 97, 777) B(540, 720, 84, 124, 700, 800) L Δ = [1439] × [255] × [65535]
16 Problem Definition MRQED scheme consists of 4 polynomial time algorithms: Setup Encrypt DeriveKey QueryDecrypt
17 Problem Definition Setup(Σ, L Δ ) Input a security parameter Σ and D- dimensional lattice L Δ Output public key PK amd master private key SK
18 Problem Definition Encrypt(PK, X, Msg) Input a public key PK, a point X and a message Mag Output a ciphertext C
19 Problem Definition DeriveKey(PK, SK, B) Take a public key PK, a master private key SK and a hyper-rectangle B Output decryption key DK for hyper- rectangle B
20 Problem Definition QueryDecrypt(PK, DK, C) Take a public key PK, a decryption key DK and a ciphertext C Output either a plaintext Msg or ⊥
21 Problem Definition Correctness ∀ message Msg ∈ message space M, hyper- rectangle B ⊆ L Δ, and a point X ∈ L Δ, the above algorithm must satisfy the following consistency constraints:
22 Preliminary Decision BDH Assumption Given[g, g a, g b, g c, Z] ∈ G 4 ×G ’, where exponents a, b, c are picked at ramdom from Z p, decide whether Z=e(g, g) abc
23 Preliminary Decision Linear Assumption Given [g, g a, g b, g ac, g bd, Z] ∈ G 4, where a, b, c, d are picked at random from Z p, decide whether Z=g c+d
24 Outline Induction Problem Definition and Preliminary AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Main Construction Conclusion
25 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme Interval tree tr(T) denote a binary interval tree over integer from 1 to T. Each node has a pre-assigned unique ID. cv(ID) denote the range represented by node ID ∈ tr(T)
26 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme Interval tree The set P(x) of IDs covering a point x ∈ [1, T] The set Λ(s, t) of IDs representing a range [s, t] ⊆ [1, T] If x ∈ [s, t], then P(x) ∩ Λ(s, t)≠φ |P(x) ∩ Λ(s, t)| = 1 If x [s, t], then P(x) ∩ Λ(s, t)=φ
27 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme IJHKOLMN EFDG BC A 12345678 tr(T)=tr(8) cv(L)={5} cv(E)=[4,5] cv(C)=[5,8] P(3)={A, B, E, J} Λ(2, 7)={I, E, F, N}
28 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme MROED 1 scheme AIBE scheme Setup*(Σ) DeriveKey*(PK, SK, ID) Encrypt*(PK, ID, Msg) Decrypt*(PK, DK, C) Setup(Σ, T) Encrypt(PK, x, Msg) DeriveKey(PK, SK, [s, t]) QueryDecrypt(PK, DK, C)
29 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme Setup(Σ, T) Call Setup*(Σ) Output PK and SK
30 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme Encrypt(PK, x, Msg) x → P(x) ∀ ID ∈ P(x), c ID =Encrypt*(PK, ID, Msg||0 m ’ ), where 0 m ’ is fill the Msg to {0, 1} m Output ciphertext C={c ID | ∀ ID ∈ P(x)}
31 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme DeriveKey(PK, SK, [s, t]) [s, t] → Λ(s, t) ∀ ID ∈ Λ(s,t), k ID =DeriveKey*(PK, SK, ID) Output DK[s, t]={kID | ∀ ID ∈ Λ(s, t)}
32 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme QueryDerive(PK, DK, C) If x ∈ [s,t], then ∃ ! ID, s.t. P(x) ∩ Λ(s,t)=ID Call and output Decrypt*(PK, kID, cID) = Msg||0 m ’. Otherwise, output ⊥.
33 AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme IJHKOLMN EFDG BC A 12345678 tr(T)=tr(8) cv(L)={5} cv(E)=[3,4] cv(C)=[5,8] P(3)={A, B, E, J} Λ(2, 7)={I, E, F, N}
34 Outline Induction Problem Definition and Preliminary AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Main Construction Conclusion
35 AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme As AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme, the changed points as follows: Encrypt(PK, X, Msg) DeriveKey(PK, DK, C)
36 AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Encryption A point X =(x 1, x 2, …, x D ) For each dimension, x d has each P(x d ), ∀ d ∈ [d] Denote P × (X)=P(x 1 )×P(x 2 )× … ×P(x D ) Call Encrypt*(PK, P × (X), Msg) = C
37 IJHKOLMN EFDG BC A 12345678 XYWZD’D’ A’A’ B’B’ C’C’ TUSV QR P 87654321 X X=(x 1, x 2 )=(3, 5) P(x 1 ) = {A, B, E, J} P(x 2 ) = {P, Q, T, Z} P × (X) = {A, B, E, J}×{P, Q, T, Z}
38 AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Key Derivation All dimension range combine a hyper- rectangle B(s 1, t 1, …, s D, t D ) Each range [s d, t d ] has Λ(s d, t d ), ∀ d ∈ [d] Denote Λ × (B)=Λ(s 1, t 2 )× … ×Λ(s D, t D ) Call DeriveKey*(PK, SK, Λ × (B)) = DK
39 IJHKOLMN EFDG BC A 12345678 XYWZD’D’ A’A’ B’B’ C’C’ TUSV QR P 87654321 B=(s 1, t 1, s 2,, t 2 )=[2, 6]×[3, 7] Λ(s 1, t 1 ) = {E, F, I} Λ(s 2, t 2 ) = {T, U, X} Λ × (B) = {E, F, I}×{T, U, X}
40 AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Collusion attack R4R4 R1R1 R3R3 R2R2 kdkd kckc kaka kbkb
41 Outline Induction Problem Definition and Preliminary AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Main Construction Conclusion
42 Main Construction Reducing the ciphertext size P × (X) = P(x 1 ) × … × P(x D ) ↓ P ∪ (X) = P(x 1 ) ∪ … ∪ P(x D )
43 Main Construction Reducing the decryption key size Λ × (B)=Λ(s 1, t 2 ) × … × Λ(s D, t D ) ↓ Λ ∪ (B)=Λ(s 1, t 2 ) ∪ … ∪ (s D, t D )
44 Main Construction Preventing the collusion attack Using binding technique Using re-randomization to tie the sub- keys in different dimensions
45 Main Construction Preventing the collusion attack R4R4 R1R1 R3R3 R2R2 kdkd kckc kaka kbkb In R1, {k a, k c } → {μ 1 k a, μ 2 k c } In R4, {k b, k d } → {μ 3 k b, μ 4 k d } (μ 1, μ 2 ) are independently from (μ 3, μ 4 ) μ 1 μ 2 =μ 3 μ 4 = some invariant
46 Main Construction Define L=O(log T) be the height of a tree All IDs are picked from Z * P Message Msg ∈ {0, 1} with a series of trailing zero 0 m ’
47 Main Construction Setup(Σ, L Δ )
48 Main Construction Setup(Σ, L Δ )
49 Main Construction DeriveKey(PK, SK, B)
50 Main Construction Encrypt(PK, X, Msg)
51 Main Construction QueryDecrypt(PK, DK, C)
52 Outline Induction Problem Definition and Preliminary AIBE-Based MRQED 1 Scheme AIBE-Based MRQED D Scheme Main Construction Conclusion
53 Conclusion Using tree data structure. Reducing the ciphertext size and Decryption key size.
54 Conclusion Using advance/better/original data structure. Multi-dimension into One-dimension.
55 Conclusion [3, 6], [4, 9], [5, 8] ↓ [2, 7], [3, 10], [4, 9] ↓ [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]
56 Conclusion Real value is (5, 7, 6) Predicate range is [3, 6]×[4, 9]×[5, 8] 0 1 23 [2 7] [3 10] [49] 576
57 Conclusion About subset query Lattice diagram/Hasse diagram Binary string method
58 Conclusion Lattice diagram/Hasse diagram
59 Conclusion Binary string method 假設有 5 個元素 U={1, …,5} Predicate set A={1,4}, 轉換 predicate set A 成 binary string 為 01001 Real value T={1,5}, 轉換成 binary string 為 10001 兩個 binary string 做 OR 運算, 其結果與 predicate set 的 binary string 相同即為 T 是 A 的子集, 反之, T 不是 A 的子集
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