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Title Philippine Fight For Indepedence And Role Of United Stetes In Asian Region Osmanoviç Ismar.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Philippine Fight For Indepedence And Role Of United Stetes In Asian Region Osmanoviç Ismar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Philippine Fight For Indepedence And Role Of United Stetes In Asian Region Osmanoviç Ismar

2 INTRODUCTION Aim Explaining the activities of rebel forces, proclaiming first indepedence and an influnce of American government. USA Freedom Of Philippine

3 Outline INTRODUCTION Menthion of lost lives during the war and strategical interest of United States in region. WAR USA

4 Members of Aguinaldo's cabinet failed in May 1899 when the American commander, General Ewell Otis, demanded an unconditional surrender. May 1899 USA

5 Aguinaldo disbanded his regular forces in November 1899 and began a guerrilla campaign concentrated mainly in the Tagalog areas of central Luzon November 1899

6 Aguinaldo was captured on March 23, 1901. In Manila he was persuaded to swear allegiance to the United States and called on his soldiers to put down their arms. March 23, 1901 MANILA USA

7 The United States declared an end to military rule on July 4, 1901. Sporadic resistance continued until 1903. USA July 4, 1901 PEACE

8 June 23, 1899 Republic of Philippine Aguinaldo decided to proclaim the Malalos ConstitutionConstitution and the First Philippine Republic on June 23, 1899 FROM FIRST SLIDE

9 USA 03 1901 On Mart 1901 the United State president, Mc Kinley, sent troopstroops to establish and subdue Philippines. FROM SECOND SLIDE

10 1903 Filipino’s resistance was led or organized by Philipine’s ConstabularyConstabulary continuing until 1903 FROM THIRD SLIDE

11 03.16.1903 On March 16, 1903 the war for indepedence was stillindepedence far from over, President McKinley established military government. Indepedence FROM FOURTH SLIDE

12 Constitution is a body of fundamental principles by which a State or other body is governed Rules of government GO BACK

13 Troop is a company of large people usually soldiers or armed forces. It also may be unit of artillery or armoured vehicles. GO BACK

14 Constabulary is organization of police forces usually established in temprorary governments. POLICE GO BACK

15 Independence is state of being not depedent on authority or control of other governments. Be self-governed. USA GO BACK

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