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義守大學企管系B班 策略管理 Lecture 9 2009.11.25
國際化競爭優勢 義守大學企管系B班 策略管理 Lecture 9
大綱 Define the International Strategies
Distinguish the Possible Motivations for FDI and MNC Describe the Diamond Model International Corporate level Strategy Discussions
Definition of International Strategy
A strategy through which the firm sells its goods or services outside its domestic market 如何執行活動?是否涉及生產行為? 找國外代理商、授權製造、特許加盟、設分公司(獨資或是合資) International markets yield potential new opportunities A possible way for extending a product’s life cycle A opportunity for developing the globally branded product
International Opportunities(1)
Increased Market Size Extending the Product life cycle Access the large potential market Lower the risk for R&D investment Lower the risk for Marketing investment Similar demand derived from industrialization 規模愈大,除了可降低成本的意涵外,還代表可執行差異化的能耐與資源 Whirlpool in India The Importance of China Market Example of Coca-Cola and Pepsi
International Opportunities (2)
Return on Investment Large market is crucial for earning a return on investment ( R&D intensive industries or Marketing intensive industries) Increasing the development pace for new technology (Auto industry) Recoup the new-product development cost by internationalization (Computer Hardware) Generate the above-average returns on investment (McDonald, KFC)
International Opportunities (3)
Economies of Scale and Learning Technology Driving forces for lower cost Product standardization & Similar product facilities Large size is positively related with slack resource Exploit the core competencies through resource and knowledge sharing Pursuit synergy Provide new learning opportunity
International Opportunities (4)
Advantage in Location Lower the basic costs of the goods or service they provide Access to lower-cost labor, energy or other natural resources Access to critical suppliers and customers 地點優勢不只是來自於具有低成本的勞工或生產,還可能因為靠近市場、具有整合資源效益、具有附加價值… Example of Hong Kong, Hungary, New York… 台灣電子廠商的海外佈局 在台外商
FDI and MNC Foreign Direct Investment Multi-national Company
針對單一國家的單一投資案與價值活動的策略考量 赴該國投資的成本與效益考量 Multi-national Company 跨國企業視全球為一個大市場 考慮整體海外活動的策略佈局與競爭優勢 考量整體跨國營運所達成之優勢 全球佈局的優劣比較
Motivations for Foreign Direct Investment (1)
開發市場 透過新市場,提高潛在報酬率 資源取得 向上整合以取得原料 提昇生產效率 低成本考量(要素成本、運輸成本、營運成本…)
Motivations for Foreign Direct Investment (2)
技術取得 以海外投資方式,或技術移轉方式,取得關鍵技術 趨避風險 整體經濟風險、政治風險、原物料來源風險、競爭風險… 防禦或報復 主要市場受到外國企業之競爭威脅,故採取進入對方市場之方式
Comparative Advantage for FDI:折衷典範
Ownership Advantage (所有權與資源擁有優勢) 進入新市場,有哪些能力與資源上之優勢? 營運Know-how, R&D, Marketing… Location Advantage(區位優勢) 進入此市場,比其他國家擁有哪些區位上優勢 Internalization (內部化優勢) 採取哪種進入模式(entry mode) 獨資、合資、授權、加盟…
進入模式的選擇(Entry Mode) 各種進入模式之差異 在策略意義上,合資與否(獨資v.s. 合資)最具有討論意義
控制程度、資源承諾程度、風險分擔程度 在策略意義上,合資與否(獨資v.s. 合資)最具有討論意義 獨資:控制程度高、資源承諾程度高、風險分擔程度高 合資:控制程度低、資源承諾程度低、風險分擔程度低 合資是一種面對國家法令限制、具有學習效果的選擇;但是需建立在足夠的合作誠信基礎上
進入模式的選擇(Entry Mode) 出口(Exporting) 授權(Licensing) 特許權(Franchising)
化妝品 授權(Licensing) 軟性飲料製造業、日用品業 特許權(Franchising) McDonald、KFC(混合直接投資) 合資(Joint Venture) 新光三越、SOGO、星巴客 直接投資(Wholly Owned Subsidiary) 自己設立,或是購併 Honda in Taiwan, British American Tobacco in Korea, Channel, LV…等精品
Motivations for Multi-national Company
達成經濟規模,降低成本 在生產製造、研發、行銷等達成經濟規模 因應各國市場之差異 各地消費行為有所差異 針對市場特徵做區隔 整合各地知識資源,快速相互學習 需能整合各地的技術資源,共同研發新產品 達到資源運用之綜效
International Business Level Strategy: Diamond Model
Factor of Production Necessary inputs to compete in any industry Demand Conditions Nature and size of a market segment in the home market Related and Supporting Industries Contributors to the success of an industry Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry
Determinants of National Advantage
Factors of Production Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry Demand Conditions Related and Supporting Industries
Implications for Diamond Model
Importance for Home Country Market The home country of operation is often the most important source of competitive advantage Forming a Competitive Population Government Role Challengers, Catalyst
International Corporate Level Strategy
High Global Strategy Transnational Strategy Multi-domestic Strategy Need For Global Integration High Need for Local Responsiveness
International Corporate Level Strategy (1)
Multi-domestic strategy(多地區策略) Higher degree of local responsiveness and Lower degree of global integration Strategic and operating decisions are decentralized to the business unit in each country Pursuit Customization in each country Increasing the potential local market share Increasing the operating uncertainty 顧問業、MTV台、速食連鎖業
International Corporate Level Strategy (2)
Global Strategy(全球策略) Lower degree of local responsiveness and Higher degree of global integration Offer standardized products across countries Emphasize economies of scale Offer greater opportunities to utilize innovations Forgo growth opportunities in local 電腦硬體業、化妝品業、精品業、高價手錶
International Corporate Level Strategy (3)
Transnational Strategy(跨國策略) Higher degree of local responsiveness and Higher degree of global integration Achieve both global efficiency and local responsiveness Flexible coordination Possible conflicting goals in each country 日用品(P&G、Unilever(由多地區策略轉為跨國策略)) 汽車業(GM, Chrysler, Toyota…) 電信業、航空業、低價手錶
Choose Among International Corporate Level Strategy
不同產業有不同國際化策略選擇趨勢 化妝品業回應當地程度低、國際化整合程度高 顧問業回應當地程度高、國際化整合程度低 汽車業回應當地程度高、國際化整合程度高 產業內各公司國際化策略的趨同現象,反應產業內何種公司的運作或是商業模式會獲利 Unilever由「多地區策略」,轉變為「跨國策略」 Prada宣稱有些產品的製造或行銷,要「貼近亞洲或是中國市場」
Choose Among International Corporate Level Strategy
同一產業當中,不同公司有不同的國際化策略選擇 日用品業當中,Unilever的回應當地程度高、國際化整合程度低;P&G的回應當地程度高、國際化整合程度高 網路拍賣業當中,e-bay的回應當地程度低、國際化整合程度高;Yahoo的回應當地程度高、國際化整合程度低。 但是同一產業內,各公司的國際化策略有趨同現象
Discussions 如何由價值鏈活動, 思考全球佈局 世界經濟板塊的區分 Liability of Foreignness
配置性、協調性 世界經濟板塊的區分 Liability of Foreignness Focus less on truly global markets, and more on regional adaptation Importance of local adaptation Regionalization Location choice for implementing Choose similar location or not
Discussions: Semi-Globalization(準全球化)
The regional economic integration is a trend The MNC’s global expansion varies according to its distance framework Cultural distance Administrative distance Geographic distance Economic distance Distance does matter, and it is possible the explanation for regional economic integration
Discussions 如何在新興市場(emerging market)取得競爭優勢?
該市場的中產階級需要什麼?哪種商業模式(business model)可吻合此種需求? 該市場的配銷網路為何種型態? 該市場的領導或管理方式應該如何運作?外派人員好嗎? MNC是否需要一致性的全球策略?或是提高因地制宜比例? 在該地選擇策略伙伴好嗎?策略伙伴是否有益MNC在該地的成長?
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