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By Email:. Retirement Part of the American dream is to retire as soon as you hit approximately 65 and then spend the rest of your life traveling, relaxing,

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Presentation on theme: "By Email:. Retirement Part of the American dream is to retire as soon as you hit approximately 65 and then spend the rest of your life traveling, relaxing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Email:

2 Retirement Part of the American dream is to retire as soon as you hit approximately 65 and then spend the rest of your life traveling, relaxing, and doing all the things you love; however, where are the resources to fund all of these wonderful experiences beyond your working years coming from? Will you have enough money to fund your retirement adventures?  Click here to evaluate your current savings plan…

3 Saving for RetirementSaving for Retirement “Most of us will outlive our finances making retirement fear filled rather than days of golf” explains business expert and author Grant Cardone Click above ^ to view The Ultimate Guide to Retirement

4 Why Start Saving Early?Why Start Saving Early? In order to illustrate the importance of beginning to save at an early age to support oneself comfortably in retirement I will provide figures from my own retirement savings projections: In order to put my analysis into perspective the following data must be catered to your lifestyle; however, for the purpose of this example we must assume:  I begin working at the age of 22 years old  My career is in Marketing and my first job as a Product Marketing Analyst pays a starting salary of $51,724.00$51,724.00  I plan to retire at the age of 68 years old  I expect to live to the age of at least 81 years,81 years which is 13 years after I retire  Click here to find out how much you can make throughout your dream career

5 These percentages have been calculated by analyzing market trends over the past 20 years, to view historical and prospective inflation and savings rate data click the links below Other Factors to Keep in MindOther Factors to Keep in Mind We must factor in the inflation rate to be expected over my working career…We must also take into consideration the average savings rate to be expect on the money I have saved… Based on these rates, my salary by the time I retire would be approximately … …is how much I will need a year while in retirement in order to live comfortably off of 75% of my final salary annually …is how much I will need to save over my working life in order to enjoy my 13 years of retirement (if I live any longer I will be broke)

6 If I Wait to Start Saving…If I Wait to Start Saving… If I wait 10 years I will need to save… If I wait 15 years I will need to save… If I wait 20 years I will need to save… If I wait 25 years I will need to save… These figures represent how much I must save per year to reach my prospective total annuity… However, if I am willing to take serious RISKS with my investments I may be able to watch my money multiply… click on the link above ^ to learn more about high risk, high return investments and to find answers to any of your investment questions (Just remember that these investments are called high risk for a reason and can cause you to lose all of your hard earned retirement money!)

7 If I Begin Saving Early…If I Begin Saving Early… I would only have to save… (Which is about 1/5 of what I would have to save a year if I waited 25 years before saving!!!!) Click here to find out how much you should be saving


9 Now Let’s CompareNow Let’s Compare Illustrated by the graphs…the longer you wait to begin saving for retirement, the larger percent of your salary will have to be used to experience a comfortable retirement Use the link in the corner to find out what percent of your income you should be saving to reach your savings goal!

10 The Key to Your Dream Retirement Is… Click here for exciting ideas to help you enjoy retirement even more!

11 1.Cardone, Grant. “Retirement Will Kill You!”. Huffington Post. February 9,2010. Online. Available: 2.“High Risk, High Return”. Stock Market Investors. Online. Available: investment-risk/high-risk-high-return.html investment-risk/high-risk-high-return.html 3.“Inflation Calculator”. Inflation Online. Available: 4.Lankford, Kim. “How Much Should You Save?”. Online. Available: tips.asp tips.asp 5.“Retirement Planner”. CNN Money: Personal Finance. Online. Available: 6.“Salary Wizard”. Online. Available: 7.“Savings Plan Designer (Percent of Income). FinAid. Online Available: 8.“S&P 500: Total and Inflation-Adjusted Historical Returns”. Simple Stock Investing. Online. Available: 9.“The Big Chill: A look at Boomers' Top 10 desired retirement activities”. Market Watch. Online. Available: 10.“The World Factbook”. Central Intelligence Agency. Online. Available: factbook/geos/us.html factbook/geos/us.html 11. “When should I start saving for retirement”. Ultimate Guide to Retirement. Online. Available: 12.“401(k) Investing in Volatile Times”. Online. Available:

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