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1 Seismic and Volcanic Risk Italian Space Agency Research and Development activities on Risk Management Seismic and Volcanic Risk Cristina ANANASSO Laura CANDELA Giovanni RUM Earth Observation Unit REMOTE SENSING WORKSHOP ON THE MONITORING OF ACTIVE VOLCANOES, DETECTION AND TRACKING OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALERT SYSTEMS FOR AVIATION HAZARDS CORDOBA, November 23-27, 2004
2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Earth Observation Unit’s Mission ASI work in progess Some results from the feasibility studies on Volcanic Risks ASI & USERS partnership: Department of Civil Defence SIASGE and COSMO - SkyMed
3 To improve with a continuative effort in the research and innovation fields the knowledge of the Earth system, to set up more and more reliable models for the forecast, the monitoring and the management of the natural and antropic phenomena, with a particular attention to natural disaster. Mission of Earth Observation Unit (Piano Spaziale Nazionale 2003-2005) Applicative products
4 Work in progress and planned activities on Risk Management Applications – Feasibility studies (phase A - ECSS): Volcanic risk Seismic risk Air Quality – Preliminary projects (phase B – ECSS): Flood Landslides Forest fires Oil spill – Related projects: Earth Observation Centro di Competenza for the Italian Civil Defence Department SIASGE and COSMO-SkyMed perspective ECSS: European Cooperation for Space Standardization
5 Seismic and Volcanic Risk applications Phase A studies – feasibility studies (two for each application) Studies were selected on a competitive basis (July 2003) – Call for Proposal 3 steps Phase 1 – Problem analysis and identification of applicative scenarios Phase 2 – System concepts identification and EO role Phase 3 – Feasibility evaluation and Preliminary Development plan Milestones ADR (Application Definition Review ) t0 + 2m INR (INtermediate Review ) t0 + 4m PRR (Preliminary Requirements Review) t0 + 6m
6 Aspected results from the feasibility studies – Analysis of the national and international scenarios – Users’ requirements identification – EO’s role identification – Proposal for a functional architecture of the application – Technical, scientific and economical feasibility evaluation of the application
7 Dimostrazione pre-operativa su test site ASI applications development plan Feasibility study Preliminary Project Sviluppo Progetto pilota Pre-op. demonstration on test site Operations Pilot projects development 6 m. 2-3 y. 6 m. March - September 2004 DurationStatus KO: December 2004 (??)
8 …some results from Feasibility Studies on Volcanic Risks 1.Observational System for Monitoring and Management of Volcanic Risk - INGV 2. Feasibility study of the applicative product Volcanic Risk - ESRI ITALIA SpA
9 1. Observational System for Monitoring and Management of Volcanic Risk Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Dott.ssa M.F. Buongiorno IREA-CNR ACS TRE DATAMAT GALILEO AVIONICA IMAA
12 Proposed satellite data
13 Proposed products (1/2)
14 Effusi on Rate XX Plumes Compon ents XX XX X X X X X LANDSAT ASTER, HYPERION, AVHRR DEMLUT Mapp e di distri b. e conc. di SO 2 XX Split Windo w X X X HYPERION, MODIS radioson de CIBR Mapp e di conte nuto colon nare di H 2 O XX XXX XXXX X X X QUICKBIRD, ASTER, HYPERION, MODIS, MERIS DEM Radiosond e Calibration parameters di calibrazion e AOT Mapp e di AOT XX Damage estimate XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X SPOT, IKONOS, LANDSAT, QUICKBIRD, ASTER, HYPERION MIVIS Ground measure ments Mapp e di distri b. dei danni X Warning Multi-parametric interpretation (EO temporal series + Ground network temporal series ) X Proposed products (2/2)
15 System Architecture
16 …some results from Feasibility Studies on Volcanic Risks 1.Observational System for Monitoring and Management of Volcanic Risk - INGV 2. Feasibility study of the applicative product Volcanic Risk - ESRI ITALIA SpA
17 ESRI ITALIA SpA – Dott.ssa Paola Salvestrini Dipartimento di Scienza Geologiche, Università di Roma Tre Gallileo Sistemi Sarmap s.a. Space to Earth Technology s.r.l. Data collection: EO data ground measurements storical series data Information management Database creation Processing/ Elaboration Operational scenarios and data provider and analysis
18 System Architecture Utilizzatori
19 Decisional Support System (DSS): base functions for the Volcanic Risk Data Collection Information Selection : selection and validation of data Data & Information Organization (how to produce and organize correct information to the final users) Information Search & Distribution: how to provide the correct information to the final users
20 ASI & USERS partnership
21 User as a key-actor Methods for user choice : –Representativeness –Political influence –Promotional possibilities National institutions (as a guide) Sub-national (operative) organizations Fundamental contributions: –User requirements consolidation –Auxiliary data availability and validation –Service quality assessment –Results divulgation contribution Users requirements EO requirements
22 Users’ roles Identification of priorities (respect to different risks, test sites and so on) Requirements for products, services, service case identification (user requirements) Reference architecture of national system (at national/regional level) Interface requirements vs. the operational infrastructure Integration in the operational systems of EO developed products/services Assessment of products and procedures Joint partecipation international initiatives
23 The Italian Civil Defence Department for risk management applications – Landslides – Floods – Fires – Seismic risk – Volcanic risk
24 The Italian Civil Protection activities are the following (Italian Law 225/92): Forecasting activity devoted to analyze the causes of disaster events, to identify the risks and to detect the risks areas Prevention activity whose aim is to reduce damages due to the disaster events also taking into account the knowledge gained during the forecasting activities. Assistance all interventions whose aim is to ensure the elementary assistance to the population Emergency management and overcoming all the needed interventions for pursuing the achievement of acceptable quality of life conditions Activities in charge to the Civil Defence
25 At national level to carry out the forecasting, prevention and emergency management activities (Italian Law 225/92) needs: Assessment: Hazards and general territorial information mapping Prevention and risk reduction: Territory classification map for: building codes/rules land use planning priority intervention areas map Emergency management: Involved areas map Event trend map in real time Meteorological data in real time Identified Needs in term of Geo-spatial Information, Products and Services
26 Civil Protection Activity Forecasting & Surveillance event location risk assessment Prevention needs, requirements, procedures & guide lines risk mitigation through monitoring system emergency plans Emergency management Contrast actions aid organisation damage assessment
27 Centri Funzionali (CFSE) Centre for Forecasting and Surveillance of Effects to support the civil protection Authority decisions (CFSE) CFSE are the operative support units, which are able to collect, elaborate and exchange every kind of data meteorological, hydrological data for hydro-geological and hydraulic risks, which provides a multiple support system for decisions Centri di Competenza (CTS) Centre for Technological and Scientific services, development and transfer (CTS) CTS are Institutions which provide services, information, data, elaboration, technical and scientific contributions for specific topics.
28 The Functional Centre Network “CENTRI FUNZIONALI”: designed structures for the activities of technical support to the civil protection decision 21 regional centres 10 of those already fully operating 1 Primary Functional Centres 2 “Centres for Technological and Scientific services ”
29 ASI as EO data provider for DPC ASI will provide, integrate, process, analyze, qualify and distribute EO data useful for the Civil Defence System CC-EO= Centro di Competenza for Earth Observation
30 Expected Benefits from using Earth Observation Continuous monitoring (overview) of territory; Ready-to-use and geo-referenced data for GIS systems; Updated and fast delivered information; Wide and homogeneous areas inspection (same details for whole territory); Availability of long period dataset (for historical analysis); Improving of emergency management for few and well identified event (flood, atmospheric and water pollution) Ex. Boundaries of flooded areas Land displacement due to subsidence or active faults River network, dams and reservoir census
31 How ASI can support risk management Central role in managing the EO information, data archiving and satellite products (CC-EO) Developing multimission data acquisition infrastructure data catalogue and archive data distribution User requirements collection Supporting users with EO products Stipulating international agreement to access existing data archive and future data acquisition Provide information from existing satellite missions to final users
32 SIASGE Sistema Italo-Argentino per la Gestione delle Emergenze
33 About 3 years of joint evaluation and studies on Italian and Argentinean priorities on applications devoted to risk management COSMO-SkyMed, 4 satellites, radar X- band from ASI SAOCOM, 2 satellites, radar L- band from CONAE Data exchange for istitutional porpouses Joint development of products and services for applicative use with X- and L- radar data. SIASGE (1/2) SIASGE L + X BAND COSMO- SkyMed X- band SAOCOM L- band
34 Defined in both National Space Plan (PSN for ASI and PEN for CONAE) Baseline applications: –Floods –Landslides –Oil spill –Fires –Seismology –Volcanology Other applications: –Resources management applications –Environmental management applications –Maritime topographic mapping –Science applications SIASGE applications (2/2)
35 COSMO-SkyMed mission
36 Mission statement COSMO-SkyMed is an end-to-end Earth Observation System dedicated to the Earth remote sensing and data exploitation for Dual (military and civil) Use applications. Main mission objective is therefore the provision of data, products and services relevant to the: monitoring, surveillance and intelligence applications; environmental monitoring, surveillance and risk management applications of institutional entities; environmental resources management, maritime management, earth topographic mapping, law enforcement, informative / science applications of other institutional, scientific and commercial entities. COSMO-SkyMed, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Ministry of Defence and conducted by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), appears to be the first System (and mission) capable to fully meet the requirements for management, control and exploitation of Earth resources
37 COSMO-SkyMed Mission features COSMO-SkyMed Mission answers to users needs and to the market demand. It is characterized by the following peculiar features: Dual Use (Priority and Security Management) Variable sizes (up to hundreds of Km) and resolutions (up to metric/sub- metric) Day-night-all weather capabilities Response / Revisit time of few of hours High Image Quality High agility (multiple images in a theater) Polarimetry Large number of images Interferometry Very accurate geolocation
38 COSMO-SkyMed Overall Performance Up to 1800 images with such resolutions can be acquired each day with the full 4 X-Band SAR Satellites Constellation The System guarantees: Very short response time to access any Earth location worldwide (<18/24 h) Revisit times less than 12 hours allowing multiple points of view (angles) Priority (planning) and Security Management Very accurate geo-location A variety of sizes and resolutions are available up to meter and sub-meter resolution products Access area : 1150 Km ground cross track, corresponding to pointing angles between 20° and 57°, left and right looking
39 COSMO-SkyMed SAR Operational Modes FLIGHT DIRECTION HUGEREGION 100 m resolution on 200 km WIDEREGION 30 m resolution on 100 km HIMAGE 3-15 m resol. on 40 km PINGPONG 15 m resol. on 30 km SPOTLIGHT High resol on 10 km SWATH
40 Land Mapping (including rapid mapping, precision mapping, DEM’s) Change detection (land) Terrain movements (subsidence, landslides) Sea/ocean Oil spill and vessels detection & monitoring Coastline monitoring COSMO-SkyMed – Examples of applications
41 Thanks for your time… Cristina
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