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P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 1 News/update Agenda n News/update u Rooms for 2008 u Dates for 2008 n Upcoming.

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Presentation on theme: "P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 1 News/update Agenda n News/update u Rooms for 2008 u Dates for 2008 n Upcoming."— Presentation transcript:

1 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 1 News/update Agenda n News/update u Rooms for 2008 u Dates for 2008 n Upcoming events u September CMS week u October Physics week n Things to organize for n Discussion on code approval P.Sphicas Physics Coordination Meeting August 29, 2007

2 News/Update

3 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 3 Rooms and dates in 2008 n CMS secretariat wants to block out rooms for all CMS meetings for 2008 soon. u Are there any group meetings that need to move? l Note that changes will be very difficult to implement u Deadline for response: Monday Sep 3 rd l After that I will submit this year’s list n Dates in 2008 u Do we continue the physics days? l Suggestions until end May 2008: l Four weeks after CERN opening; frequency once every 5 weeks. Means 2 additional physics days. u Physics Week 1: April 7 or April 14

4 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 4 (bi)weekly meetings

5 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 5 2007 papers – clarification n 2007 paper exercise, and the grand summary note u Each group has N “2007 analyses” l These will be documented in Analysis Notes. To be approved, they have to get Web PAS pages. They *may* also become CMS Notes. l One of these analysis will become a “publication” to go through the full process u In parallel with all this, we will document the physics reach with 10, 100 and 1000 pb-1 (like another projection) across groups l This is the grand summary note. l Goal for this: a living document. First version: shortly after Physics week. Total length: about 30-50 pages n We should converge on “the papers” by the Sept CMS week u Item for next phys coord meeting: your synthesis/ analysis of which paper (given list of 2007 analyses for your group) u We then discuss the overall set of papers, their physics motivation and decide during CMS week

6 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 6 Annual Review & CSA07 news n CMS MB on Monday u No surprises n CSA07 news: u Will start on Sep 24 (delay). So by now definitely not finished by Physics week.

7 Upcoming events

8 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 8 CMS week (parallel sessions) n Tuesday u 08:30-10:30: QCD-Top-EWK-Bphysics u 11:00-13:00: QCD-Top-EWK-Bphysics u 14:00-16:00: egamma & muons u 16:30-18:30: JetMET & btag n Wednesday u 08:30-10:30: Higgs I & SUSY-BSM I u 11:00-13:00: Higgs II & SUSY-BSM II n Friday u 08:30-10:30: generators & particle flow & diffraction u Late afternoon: Heavy Ions (as usually) n Thu morning: u joint meeting with Trigger (after SW/comp plenary) n Monday afternoon: 18:00-19:00 u Physics Coordination meeting

9 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 9 CMS week (plenary session) n Thu afternoon: 14:00-16:00 u JetMET: 20+5 u B-tag: 20+5 u P-flow & tau-ID: 20+5 u E/gamma: 20+5 u Muons: 20+5 n Thu afternoon: 16:30-18:30 u Top: 20+5 u EWK: 20+5 u QCD: 20+5 u Theory talk (Treleani) 20+5 u Heavy Ions: 20+5 n Fri morning: 11:00-12:30 (plus parallel session on Fri morning) u B phys: 12+3 u Diffraction: 12+3 u Higgs: 25+5 u SUSY-BSM: 25+5

10 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 10 Physics Week (I) n Grand rendez-vous for all POGs and PAGs u This is when we show the results of the 2007 analyses u Open questions: when do we do the pre-approvals in the groups? l Sep 3: Next week l Sep 10 l Sep 17: CMS week l Sep 24 l Oct 1 l Oct 8 l Oct 15 l Oct 22: Physics week u Proposal: Analysis Notes ready on Oct 8. Pre-approvals in group meetings during the following 2 weeks. l CMS Notes to go through *after* approvals are completed

11 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 11 Physics Week (II) n During Physics Week: u One day in association with trigger l But do we know enough? u One session (half day) on CSA07 status/experience u One plenary presentation per 2007 analysis? At ~25 analyses, and ~20 min/analysis  500 mins (1.5 days). u Other suggestions? n Other festivities scheduled for Physics week: u Grand review of 2007 analyses l First session on our 10 and 100 pb-1 plan? l First session on “demonstrating new physics”? u Appointment of ARCs u Announcement of next conveners (2-yr terms) l Will send out call for nominations week before CMS week

12 Things to organize for…

13 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 13 CSA07 n Each group must start thinking about “doing analysis in real-time” u Means a small team of people who follow the data from the Tier-0 to the Tier-2 l Make basic plots l Establish basic health of the data u A starting point is the reco-validation person in Ilaria’s taskforce. l Goal: identify problems within 24 hours of Tier-0 è Don’t know if possible u Note: we do not have to do real-time analysis… n Remaining issues: u Primary datasets (finalization); special: JetCalib stream u Jet bins in the data or not. Gunter/Nikos not present today, so delay discussion to tomorrow’s afternoon session u Second reco pass (at T1s): do we do it with 100pb-1 constants?

14 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 14 2007 analyses and paper exercise

15 Analysis Approval system

16 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 16 Code approval (I) n How we "approve" the objects used by an analysis (both now and in asymptotia, i.e. in steady-state with everything understood). Proposal sent out: 1. All the basic physics objects that are used by a physics analyses should be approved by the corresponding physics object group. This includes object reconstruction, identification and selection. 2. At any point in time, each physics object group should maintain the "official" code for its physics objects in a CMSSW release which is actively maintained and documented. Physics analyses which utilize this standard code are de-facto "approved" as far as these elements are concerned. Naturally, questions clarifying details of the code used may well be asked during the review process.

17 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 17 Code approval (II) 3. If a particular analysis uses reconstruction algorithms, features or alternate selection requirements from the ones in the released and approved by the physics object groups code, then the analysis proponents must include a detailed and complete description of these changes in their documentation suite. This part of the documentation must be sent to the conveners of the corresponding Physics Object group for explicit approval. The conveners may well decide that the procedure documented deserves more attention at which point they may invite the analysis proponents to make a specialized presentation at a future meeting of the physics object group. This phase must be concluded with an explicit "acknowledgment" of the POG conveners before the pre- approval. 4. In the current phase, where we have yet to release the first "official" sets of physics objects, all analyses should follow the procedure in (3) above.

18 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 18 Feedback n Overall agreement that this is necessary in order to have an orderly system (aka “avoid chaos”) n ALL (but one) comments received had to do with going one more step in the code approval, e.g. u “… proponents must eventually, when the process is over and the analysis official, provide the new reconstruction code for general use in the Collaboration. One could even ask to have it available during the review process.” u “…the code should be available to POG to review: is that implicit in what you call documentation suite ? It might be worth spelling this out.” u “…if approved by the POG, the specific code developed in the PAG must not only be made available to the POG, but also included in the POG software framework by the PAG developer (with the help and guidance from the corresponding POG expert).”

19 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 19 Approval of code itself? n Strategic question: is the code itself part of the approval process? Or is it only subject to addition to the official suite at the end? u Probably obvious: that at the end of the process the code should go back into the POG official codes/documentation n Real issue: should the code itself be reviewed during analysis approval? u Some obvious ramifications (length of process; number and type of people who participate in reviews) u One big new question: if the code itself is reviewed, then what about the “rest of the code, the non-POG code” – e.g. fitting? l This can be especially tricky in some complicated analyses. l Should this code also be placed “in public” – or even in a CVS repository “for inspection”/”for approval”? l Who inspects/approves such code? The PAG?

20 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 20 Code approval n Last comment: u calculation of efficiencies, for both signal and background? I suppose it is case-by-case, depending on how widespread the use of a particular ID/selection is. l Given dependence on signal details, yes, efficiencies (and background rejections) are part of each analysis l Of course, there will be some “central” values corresponding to the default cuts/settings of an algorithm (e.g. electron fake rate – per jet for some “default” settings)

21 AOB Next Physics Coordination Meeting: Wed Aug 29 17:30-19:00 NOTE: Meeting on Aug 15 is cancelled

22 Planning for late 07-beg 08

23 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 23 2007-08 priorities (physics org) n Axes of work, priorities in Nov-07/May-08 time-frame: A.Definition of streams; definition of Express-line (!!!) B.Definition of online selection; OnlSel monitoring (!!!) 1. Continuing, in collaboration with trigger C.Definition of analysis path; from T0 to T2, the “how” of the analyses (!!) 1. CSA07: first test. By May 08 we MUST have each group firmly established at a few analysis centers D.Definition of analyses for 10, 100, 1000 pb -1 (!!) 1. Completion of 2007 analyses; goal: at the start of data- taking analyses ready to absorb 100pb -1 (i.e. ALL actions are pre-planned) E.Definition of discoveries in SUSY, Higgs, other BSM (!–!!!!) 1. Discoveries may involve looking at multiple channels, combinations of small and large excesses, different signatures

24 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 24 Preparing for this work (I) n A and B must be discussed with Trigger coordination u They are just starting (with their organization); stay tuned l Short-term action: è Identify (through CSA07) 10% subsample – using “your” triggers n Definition of analysis path u Here CSA07 is a great exercise. We must test as much as possible of the “logistics” involved l Short-term action: è For every sample: at least one hosting Tier-2 è For every sample: a responsible team of people è Establish monitoring of data flow from T0->T1->T2.

25 P. Sphicas Physics Coordination Aug 29, 2007 Physics Coordination Meeting 25 Preparing for this work (II) n Early physics analyses u We should concentrate on the 100pb -1 and 10pb -1. 1fb -1 is *not* dropped – it is included (and is a very important part because of the discovery potential) l But new proposal: 100pb -1 analysis, 10pb -1 calib/align l Short-term action: è Plan for/prepare first status reports on 2007 analyses at next Physics Days (last week in August) n Definition of “discovery”: still consulting with people u Leaning towards an informal advisory group which will include some theorist input(s)

26 AOB Next Physics Coordination Meeting: Standard Slot Wed, Sep 12 at 15:00-17:00

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