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Astronomy 100 Tuesday, Thursday 2:30 - 3:45 pm Tom Burbine

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1 Astronomy 100 Tuesday, Thursday 2:30 - 3:45 pm Tom Burbine


3 Schedule May 5 (Review) May 10 (Exam 4) May 12 (Exam 5) (optional) May 20 (Final) (optional)

4 May 10 th Test Chapters 19-24 If you want more room, go to Goessman Laboratory 20 2:30-3:45 PM

5 Optional May 12 th Test Chapters 1-18, Supplemental Chapter 1 If you want more room, go to Hasbrouck 113 2:30-3:45 PM

6 Optional Final (May 20) Chapters 1-24, Supplemental Chapter 1 8:00 am: Totman Gym or Trailers gym

7 Constants on Top of Test c = 3 x 10 8 m/s G = 6.67 x 10 -11 m3/(kg-s 2 ) h = 6.626 x 10 -34 J-s g = 9.8 m/s 2 σ = 5.7 x 10 -8 W/(m 2 -K 4 ) 1 parsec = 3.26 light years Hubble’s constant = 71 km/s/Megaparsec 1 Megaparsec = one million parsecs

8 Exam 4 Know the class notes Know all the definitions on the website ~25 definitions are mentioned on test Know the Summary of Key Concepts at the end of every chapter

9 Drake Equation Dark Energy Tully-Fisher Relation ALH84001 Cepheid Variable White Dwarf Jocelyn Bell Viking Mission Hubble’s Law SETI Big Bang COBE Standard Candle Quasar Planck Time Inflation in the Early Universe Olber’s Paradox Cosmic Microwave Background Isotope Baryon Percival Lowell Redshift Dark Matter MACHO Critical Density Radio Galaxy Main Sequence Fitting Cosmological Horizon White Dwarf Supernova Interstellar Medium Supercluster WIMP Pulsar Habitable Zone Maunder Minimum Convection Zone Radiation Zone Hubble’s Constant Starburst Galaxy Europa

10 Equations Use Hubble’s Law Distance = velocity/Hubble’s Constant Calculate Mass to Light Ratio



13 Exam 5 Know the class notes Know how to do every question on the 1 st 3 exams Know the Summary of Key Concepts at the end of every chapter on the exam Most questions are very similar to those on previously on exams But not all

14 Final Know the class notes Know how to do every question on the 1 st 4 exams Know the Summary of Key Concepts at the end of every chapter Most questions are very similar to those on previously on exams But not all

15 Exam 5 and Final

16 Know Figures



19 Equations you need to know Velocity = distance/time (Exam 5 and Final) E = mc 2 (Exam 5 and Final) KE = ½ mv 2 (Exam 5 and Final) E = h*frequency (Exam 5 and Final) F = ma (Exam 5 and Final) F = GM 1 M 2 /distance 2 (Exam 5 and Final) C = wavelength x frequency (Exam 5 and Final) p 2 = a 3 (Exam 5 and Final) T (Kelvin) = T (Celsius) + 273.15 (Exam 5 and Final) d (parsecs) = 1/parallax angle(arcseconds) (Exam 5 and Final) distance = velocity/Hubble’s Constant (Exam 4 and Final) Mass-to-light ratio (Exam 4 and Final)

20 Things you should definitely know for fifth exam and Final Scientific Notation Importance of Zodiac Order of Planets OBAFGKM Structure of Sun How we calculate Distances to objects Energies, Frequencies, and Wavelengths of different types of radiation

21 Questions

22 PRS

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