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Developing Standards-Based Analysis and Visualization Tools Rich Signell USGS Sachin Bhate Miss. State University John Evans Rutgers University.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Standards-Based Analysis and Visualization Tools Rich Signell USGS Sachin Bhate Miss. State University John Evans Rutgers University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Standards-Based Analysis and Visualization Tools Rich Signell USGS Sachin Bhate Miss. State University John Evans Rutgers University

2 Krish Narasimhan LMCO Standardize the Interface!

3 Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions Groups adopting CF: GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework OGC: Open Geospatial Consortium

4 CF-Compliant ROMS 2.2 History File

5 CF Conventions II

6 Unidata Common Data Model (CF) HDF XMDF NetCDF CF TBD JAVA API C API FORTRAN API Viewer CF-Compatible FORMATS CF-APIS CF Applications CF Conventions Model Analysis Tool NetCDF-Java

7 Unidata’s “NetCDF” Java Library NetCDF Files, OpenDAP, HDF5, GRIB, NcML, and more.

8 Generic visualization tools via standards: IDV from Hawaii from Woods Hole

9 IDV: Hurricane Katrina

10 IDV Demo

11 Matlab/NetCDF

12 Matlab and CF Matlab can access Java routines! Matlab can access Java routines! Could we do away with machine-dependent “mex” interface by using NetCDF-Java? Maybe. Not a one- to-one correspondence between NetCDF-Java & C/Fortran Interface. Could we do away with machine-dependent “mex” interface by using NetCDF-Java? Maybe. Not a one- to-one correspondence between NetCDF-Java & C/Fortran Interface. SNCTOOLS reading tools (e.g. nc_varget, nc_attget) now work with Java, but writing still requires mexnc. SNCTOOLS reading tools (e.g. nc_varget, nc_attget) now work with Java, but writing still requires mexnc.

13 RSLICE can run on Java! …and so could any other read-only viz or analysis tool. ROMS_GUI?

14 Matlab/NetCDF Question: Can we use NetCDF Java to avoid re-coding CF-logic into Matlab routines? Answer: Yes!

15 CFtime.m (traditional)

16 CFtime.m (with NetCDF Java)

17 Matlab Demo


19 NOPP Program Tasks T1. Science and Technical Management and Review T2. Model Development and Coupling T3. Software Tool Development (Sachin Kumar-Bhate: 3 man years) T4. Algorithm Development T5. Community Engagement T6. Applications

20 The Way Forward Work with CF Conventions Group, IOOS MAST, and ESMF Developers to ensure that developing CF Standards meet ocean community (including ROMS) needs Work with CF Conventions Group, IOOS MAST, and ESMF Developers to ensure that developing CF Standards meet ocean community (including ROMS) needs Build a CF toolbox for Matlab, using NetCDF-Java Build a CF toolbox for Matlab, using NetCDF-Java Build a CF toolbox for Python, using CF-Lib (C) Build a CF toolbox for Python, using CF-Lib (C) Build and support analysis and visualization tools that work with CF standards (e.g. IDV) Build and support analysis and visualization tools that work with CF standards (e.g. IDV) Listen to the Community! Listen to the Community! Standardize the Interface! Standardize the Interface!



23 NRL SSC Role in the Battlespace Environments Institute Rick Allard, Tim Campbell Build ESMF interfaces within existing scalable ocean models (HYCOM, NCOM, SWAN and ADCIRC) Provide the necessary components for applications with atmospheric, ocean, ice, and riverine models. Develop coupled applications to support operational Navy: HYCOM-CICE (ocean, ice) SWAN-ADCIRC (wave, circulation) ADCIRC-WASH123D (circulation, riverine, watershed) COAMPS-NCOM (atmosphere, ocean)

24 ROMS Wide Range of Applications 10 km wide island 10,000 km wide basin Dong McWilliams Shchepetkin (2004) Arango Haidvogel Wilkin (2003) 1,000 km long coastline Gruber et al (2004)

25 Pilot Model Applications: Hudson River

26 nc=netcdf(‘’);lon=nc{‘lon’}(:);lat=nc{‘lat’}(:);ele=nc{‘ele’}(:);salt=nc{‘salt’}(1,1,:);trisurf(ele,lon,lat,salt) [t,b,jday,u]=CFtime(nc,’time’) title([‘Salt ‘,datestr(jday(1))]) Simple Matlab Access

27 CFtime.m (with API)

28 ERDC’s XMDF 104 pages

29 Matthew Piggott (Imperial College, UK) Unstructured Adaptive Grid Imperial College Ocean Model (ICOM)


31 FVCOM using LLNL’s “VisIt” Free software based on VTK w/Java,C++,Python interfaces Chen & Cowles, UMASSD

32 Unstructured Mesh Priorities CF Conventions (define and adopt) CF Conventions (define and adopt) CF APIs (C in addition to Java) CF APIs (C in addition to Java) CF Reference Applications (e.g. IDV, CDAT, VisIt module) CF Reference Applications (e.g. IDV, CDAT, VisIt module)

33 XMDF (ERDC, BYU) Norm Jones, BYU Cary Butler, ERDC

34 XMDF element types (1D)

35 XMDF Element Types (2D)

36 New ESMF-Based Programs Funding for Science, Adoption, and Core Development Modeling, Analysis and Prediction Program for Climate Variability and Change Sponsor: NASA Partners: University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Maryland, Duke University, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Langley, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Portland State University, University of North Dakota, Johns Hopkins University, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, University of Wisconsin, Harvard University, more The NASA Modeling, Analysis and Prediction Program will develop an ESMF-based modeling and analysis environment to study climate variability and change. Battlespace Environments Institute Sponsor: Department of Defense Partners: DoD Naval Research Laboratory, DoD Fleet Numerical, DoD Army ERDC, DoD Air Force Air Force Weather Agency The Battlespace Environments Institute is developing integrated Earth and space forecasting systems that use ESMF as a standard for component coupling. Integrated Dynamics through Earth ’ s Atmosphere and Space Weather Initiatives Sponsors: NASA, NSF Partners: University of Michigan/SWMF, Boston University/CISM, University of Maryland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA CIRES ESMF developers are working with the University of Michigan and others to develop the capability to couple together Earth and space software components. Spanning the Gap Between Models and Datasets: Earth System Curator Sponsor: NSF Partners: Princeton University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PCMDI, NOAA GFDL, NOAA PMEL, DOE ESG The ESMF team is working with data specialists to create an end-to-end knowledge environment that encompasses data services and models.

37 Origins of the CSTM “A better understanding is needed of the basic physics that control sedimentary processes such as bottom roughness, aggregation or flocculation and disaggregation, erosion and deposition, and bed consolidation” “A better understanding is needed of the basic physics that control sedimentary processes such as bottom roughness, aggregation or flocculation and disaggregation, erosion and deposition, and bed consolidation” “Wide acceptance of a community sediment transport model would make an effective tool for scientific research. …no existing model has the features that would allow wide access and acceptance by the community: freely available code; state-of-the-art hydrodynamic and sediment algorithms with modern, modular coding; comprehensive documentation; and demonstrated performance on a suite of community defined test cases.” “Wide acceptance of a community sediment transport model would make an effective tool for scientific research. …no existing model has the features that would allow wide access and acceptance by the community: freely available code; state-of-the-art hydrodynamic and sediment algorithms with modern, modular coding; comprehensive documentation; and demonstrated performance on a suite of community defined test cases.” “Coordination of the community modeling effort should be by an impartial organization with long-term stability” “Coordination of the community modeling effort should be by an impartial organization with long-term stability”

38 Community Sediment Transport Model (CSTM)

39 CSTM Project Contributions Suspended and bed load sediment transport Suspended and bed load sediment transport Multiple sediment classes Multiple sediment classes Bed framework & stratigraphy Bed framework & stratigraphy New wave/current bottom boundary layer New wave/current bottom boundary layer Monotonic advection Monotonic advection Umlauf & Burchard GLS mixing Umlauf & Burchard GLS mixing Test cases Test cases  Wetting/drying  Nearshore processes

40 XMDF Element Types (3D)

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