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Introduction to Information Systems and Computer Network 劉震昌 Fall, 2004.

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1 Introduction to Information Systems and Computer Network 劉震昌 Fall, 2004

2 This is the most important class for freshman in CSIE. 這是資工系大一最重要的課, 請認真學習。

3 CSIE class schedule Hardware Operation System Application Program High level Low level 資網 C 程設 C++ 資演 (1) 資演 (2) 邏設 電路 微算機計組 數電 作業系統 系統程式 網路 資料庫

4 Class schedule 課程規劃 9:10 ~ 10:00 Wednesday, quiz ( 若前一星期 未宣布小考則本時段不上課 ) 10:10 ~ 12:00 Wednesday, computer room lecture 1:10 ~ 3:00 Wednesday, laboratory exercise in computer room Office hour: anytime you can find me …

5 Coverage of this course Basic concept of computer science C programming language 最新 C 語言學習實務,施威銘 編,旗標出版 Ref: The C Programming language, Prentice Hall ( 中文譯本:交大 蔡文能教授 翻譯 ) Computer Network Ref: Computer Networks and InternetsRef: Computer Networks and Internets, 3 rd Ed, D.E. Comer, Prentice Hall

6 上課不會教的事 How to use a computer MS Windows ® BBS ( MS Office ® …

7 Grading policy Homework, Lab, and Quiz 60% Delay is not allowed within a week Copy will get 0 point Midterm exam 20% Final exam 20% Be cautious: Cheat WILL NOT PASS !!! 考試有筆試及上機程式設計兩種形式

8 Laboratory exercise Computer room 307, 308 Work out the assigned exercises Typing exercise C programming …

9 Attitude in class Absence? => 超過三次點名不到本學期不及格 本校學則 35, 36 條 : 曠課一小時,以缺課五小時計。學 生缺課時數逾該科授課時數 1/3 者,不得參加該科期末 考試。 Sleep? Talk? => no discussion in quiz or lab Eat? => no food in computer room Question?  Mobile phone

10 Class information Please MUST check frequently for the class information on my homepage Lecture slides Homework Scores Other class information …

11 Laboratory exercise #1: login and introduce yourself

12 Lab#1: 自我介紹 姓名、學號、畢業學校、 從甚麼時候使用電腦? 使用過何種作業系統 ? 用過 Unix 或 Linux? 會寫何種程式語言? 每天上網多久? 每天打多久電腦遊戲? …

13 Laboratory exercise #2: Typing exercise

14 Basic typing

15 Install Kptyping and exercise for at least 15 minutes

16 Computers ? Hardware Software Package (Executable) Source Program #include main(){ … }

17 Development of Algorithmic Machines Algorithmic machines: machines that perform algorithm tasks Abacus( 算盤 ): ancient Greek and Roman Blaise Pascal(1623- 1662), France

18 Development of Algorithmic Machines (cont.) Charles Babbage(1792- 1871), England Herman Hollerith 解多項式 打孔機

19 1st generation computer 1940 ENIAC 真空管

20 2nd generation computer 1959 電晶體

21 3rd generation computer 1965 IC ( 積體電路 )

22 4th generation computer 1971 VLSI ( 超大積體電路 )

23 Computer hardware Central processing unit memory Input devices Output devices Auxiliary memory Peripherals 週邊 Bus: for data transmission

24 CPU (central processing unit) Carry out the instructions in the program CPU ALU Control unit registers ALU: arithmetic/logic unit

25 CPU – control unit Instruction fetch Instruction decoding Instruction execution Memory read/write time Instruction cycle

26 Memory Main memory RAM(random access memory) Fast Volatile 揮發 Auxiliary memory Secondary storage Slower Permanent Ex. Hard Disk, CD-ROM

27 I/O devices Input devices Keyboard, mouse, … Output devices Display, printer, …

28 Overview of computer systems Hardware machines MS Windows Unix Linux Operation system shelldesktopdos User Interface applications machine language assembly language High-level language compiler assembler software

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