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HAS 3260 Leadership Dr. Burton
"Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival." - W. Edwards Deming
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." - W. Edward Deming
Leading -- to Inspire Effort
Planning Ahead What is leadership? How do leaders gain and use power? What are the important leadership traits and behaviors? What can be learned from contingency theories of leadership? What are current trends in leadership development?
Can a leader by irrelevant to goal attainment?
Substitutes Employee characteristics Experience Skill level and training Need for autonomy Job Characteristics Well defined and routine Intrinsically satisfying Organizational Characteristics Explicit formalized goals Rigid rules and procedures Cohesive work groups
Are leaders born?
Why do ordinary people achieve great things?
50% of all CEOs of Fortune 500 companies had C average or worse in college. Nearly 75% of all U.S. presidents were in the bottom half of their school classes. 50% of all millionaire entrepreneurs never finished college. “The answer is passion. Nothing can take the place of passion in a leader’s life.” Source: John Maxwell
“World Class Leaders” Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Lesson on leadership…”are often drawn from disparate figures as Jesus Christ, Mahatma Ghandi, Attila the Hun, and Niccolo Machiavelli.” “Many leaders of historical renown and many contemporary leaders of traditional institutions succeeded by focusing on the needs of their own organization and by being the best advocate for the interests of their own group.” “Leaders of the future can no longer afford to maintain insularity. It is simply not an option in an increasingly borderless world of … customer power.”
Charisma The ability to draw people to you. It can be developed.
Roadblocks to charisma
Pride: Nobody wants to follow a leader who thinks he is better than everyone else. Insecurity: If you are uncomfortable with who you are, others will be, too. Moodiness: If people never know what to expect from you, they stop expecting anything. Perfectionism: People respect the desire for excellence, but dread unrealistic expectations. Cynicism: People don’t want to be rained on by someone who sees clouds around every silver lining.
To improve your charisma
Change your focus. Play the first impression game. Learn the person’s name. Focus on her interests Share yourself. “it’s all in the greetings and good-byes.” Dolly Madison
Key Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders
1. Idealized goal: Charismatic leaders have vision that proposes a future better than the status quo. The greater the disparity between this idealized goal and the status quo, the more likely that followers will attribute extraordinary vision to the leaders. 2. Ability to help others understand the goal: They are able to clarify and state the vision in terms that are understandable to others. This explanation demonstrates an understanding of the followers’ needs and, act as a motivating force. 3. Strong convictions about their goal: Charismatic leaders are perceived as being strongly committed, and willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve their vision. 4. Behavior that is unconventional: They engage in behavior that is perceived as being novel, out of the ordinary, and counter to norms. When successful, these behaviors evoke surprise and admiration in followers. 5. Assertive and self-confident: Charismatic leader have complete confidence in their judgement and ability. 6. High self-monitoring: Supervisors who can easily adjust their behavior to different situations. 7. Appearance as a change agent: They are perceived as agents of radical change rather than as caretakers of the status quo.
Becoming a Leader Technical Skills Conceptual Skills Networking Skills
Become an expert Conceptual Skills See the Big Picture Networking Skills Take care of your people Human-Relations Skills Coaching, Facilitating, Supporting
Five common Misconceptions about leadership by John Maxwell
The Management Myth Leading and managing are not the same The Entrepreneur Myth All salespeople and entrepreneurs are not leaders The Knowledge Myth IQ does not necessary equate to leadership The Pioneer Myth Being out front of the crowd in not leading The Position Myth “Its not the position the makes the leader, it the leader that makes the position” Stanley Huffty
Points of Self-discipline for leaders by John Maxwell
Challenge your excuses “Almost all our faults are more pardonable than the methods we think up to hide them.” Francois La Rouchefoucauld Remove rewards until the job is done “Any Business that pays equal rewards to its goof-offs and its eager-beavers sooner or later will find itself with more goof-offs.” Mike Delaney Stay focused on results “Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backward, or sideways.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.
The Nature of Leadership
Leadership and Vision Leadership process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks Vision someone who has clear sense of future Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Leadership and Power Power ability to get someone else to do what you want them to Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Sources of Position Power Reward influence through rewards Coercive influence through punishment Legitimate influence through authority Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Sources of Personal Power Expert influence through special expertise Referent influence through identification Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Turning Power Into Influence centrality criticality visibility Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Turning Power Into Influence position power and interpersonal skills no substitute for expertise likable personal qualities are very important effort and hard work breed respect personal behavior must support expressed values Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Acceptance Theory of Power the other person must understand the directive feel capable of carrying out the directive feel the directive is in the organization’s best interests believe the directive is consistent with personal values Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
The Nature of Leadership
Leadership and Empowerment benefits allows people to act independently manager gains power creates positive relationships builds reference power Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
TRAITS Drive Honesty and Moral Character Intelligence Relevant
Six Traits of Effective Leadership Drive Honesty and Moral Character Intelligence TRAITS Relevant Knowledge Self-confidence Desire to Influence Others
Leadership Traits and Behaviors
Search for Leadership Traits drive desire to lead motivation honesty and integrity self-confidence intelligence and knowledge flexibility Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Leadership Traits and Behaviors
Focus on Leadership Behaviors Task and People Concerns task concern plans and defines work to be done assigns task responsibilities sets clear work standards urges task completion monitors results Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Leadership Traits and Behaviors
Focus on Leadership Behaviors Task and People Concerns people concern acts warm and supportive develops social rapport with them respects their feelings sensitive to their needs shows trust in them Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Leadership Traits and Behaviors
Focus on Leadership Behaviors Styles abdicative or laissez-faire directive or autocratic supportive or human relations participative or democratic Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Fiedler’s Contingency Model good leadership depends on a match between leadership and situational demands least-preferred coworker scale (LPC) Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Fiedler’s Contingency Model Diagnosing situational control leader-member relations (good or poor) degree of task structure (high or low) amount of position (strong or weak) Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Fiedler’s Contingency Model Matching leadership style and situation task oriented leader is most successful very favorable (high control) very unfavorable (low control) relationship oriented leader is most successful moderate control situation Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Fiedler’s Leadership Findings
Situational Factors I II III IV V VI VII VIII Respect for Followers Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Structured Jobs High High Low Low High High Low Low Influence over Employment Process Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Preferred Leader Behavior Task Task Task People People People Task Task Centered Behavior
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model Leaders adjust their styles depending on the readiness of their followers readiness how able, willing and confident followers are to perform tasks Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Situational Leadership Leader behaviors
High Relationship and Low Task High Task and High Relationship Selling Participating (Low) Relationship Behavior (High) (Supportive Behavior) Low Relationship and Low Task High Task and Low Relationship Delegating Telling (Low) Task Behavior (High) (Directive Behavior) Moderate Low High Mature Immature R4 R3 R2 R1 Follower Readiness
Developments in Organization Structures
Network Structures central core that is linked through networks of relationships with outside suppliers of essential services boundaryless organizations virtual corporations Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Matching Hersey-Blanchard Leadership Styles to Follower Readiness Delegating = high readiness Participating = moderate to high readiness Selling = low to moderate readiness Telling = low readiness Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
House’s Path-Goal Leadership Theory directive supportive achievement-oriented participative Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Substitutes for Leadership Subordinate characteristics Task characteristics Organizational characteristics Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Theory Choosing the best decision-making method authority consultative group Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Theory Effective Leadership know when each decision method is best be able to implement well Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Theory Use group-oriented decision-making when leaders lack sufficient information problem is unclear acceptance of decision by others is important adequate time is available Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Theory Use authority-oriented decision-making when leaders have expertise to solve problem leader is confident and capable of acting alone others are likely to accept the decision little or no time available for discussion Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Trends in Leadership Development
What is Transformational Leadership? Use of charisma and related qualities to raise aspirations and shift people and organizational systems into new high-performance patterns Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Trends in Leadership Development
Transactional Leadership Use of tasks, rewards and structures to help followers meet their needs while working to accomplish organizational objectives Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Trends in Leadership Development
Qualities of Transformational Leaders vision charisma symbolism empowerment intellectual stimulation integrity Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Directions in Leadership Development
Emotional Intelligence (EI) ability to understand and deal well with emotions at work threshold capabilities are technical or knowledge-based skills excellence in leadership depends on EI can be learned
5 Components of EI Self-awareness Self-regulation Motivation Empathy
Social skill
Do Men and Women Lead Differently
Trends in Leadership Development
Gender and Leadership Women may be more prone to democratic and participative behaviors Men may be more transactional Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Trends in Leadership Development
“Good Old-Fashioned” Leadership define and establish a sense of mission accept leadership as responsibility rather than rank earn and keep trust of others Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
Trends in Leadership Development
Ethical Aspects of Leadership responsibility to set high ethical standards obligation to supply necessary spark to awaken potential high expectations tend to generate high performance Schermerhorn - Chapter 13
“The first key to greatness is to be in reality what we appear to be.”
Second Tier Leaders What is a 2nd tier leader?
What behaviors are required that are different from 1st tier leaders? What are the career implications for 2nd tier leaders? If successful? If failed?
“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his time when it comes.”
Benjamin Disraeli
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