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NASA Lunar Science Institute Concept: Modeled after NASA Astrobiology Institute Fund 4-5 nodes at $1-2 M/year Initial 3 years of funding, with renewals.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA Lunar Science Institute Concept: Modeled after NASA Astrobiology Institute Fund 4-5 nodes at $1-2 M/year Initial 3 years of funding, with renewals."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA Lunar Science Institute Concept: Modeled after NASA Astrobiology Institute Fund 4-5 nodes at $1-2 M/year Initial 3 years of funding, with renewals up to 5 years Purpose: Interdisciplinary research in basic lunar science May include astronomical, solar, and Earth science investigations that could be performed from the Moon Offer a quick response capability for lunar science support to NASA’s Exploration Initiative Increase number of lunar science researchers

2 NASA Lunar Science Institute HIGP renowned for lunar science and exploration studies: Most active group of lunar researchers at a university--$750k/year Interdisciplinary Active on all NASA/NRC advisory committees Active in studies of robotic and human lunar exploration Implication: We’ll get a piece of the action

3 NASA Lunar Science Institute Interested Faculty/Staff at UH Petrology/geochemistry/experimental petrology/geochronology: Jeff Taylor, Klaus Keil, Ed Scott, Julia Hammer, John Mahoney, Peter Englert Remote sensing/geology Paul Lucey, B. Ray Hawke, Jeff Gillis-Davis, Pete Mouginis-Mark, Joe Boyce, Chris Peterson, Linda Martel Geophysics Mike Fuller, Fred Duennebier Polar ice deposits Ralf Kaiser (Chemistry)

4 NASA Lunar Science Institute Interested Faculty at UH Modeling of surface processes Sarah Fagents Lunar resources and space settlement Taylor, Hawke, Lucey, Gillis-Davis Instrument development Paul Lucey, Shiv Sharma, Anupam Misra Mission planning Taylor, Lucey, and most others Hawaii Space Flight Lab (includes CoE) NASA Ames Research Center Surrey Sat

5 NASA Lunar Science Institute Strategic Alliances Southwest Research Institute, Boulder Geophysics (Roger Phillips) Modeling of lunar origin and bombardment history (Bill Bottke, Robin Canup, Clark Chapman, others) Other investigators (not contacted) Tony Irving (U. Washington) Paul Warren (UCLA) Mark Wieczorek (France) Steve Baloga (Proxemy), Lori Glaze (GSFC)

6 NASA Lunar Science Institute Research Areas

7 NASA Lunar Science Institute Origin of the Moon Crustal Composition Interior composition Experimental petrology Geochemical modeling

8 NASA Lunar Science Institute Evolution of the Crust Crustal composition Geology Highlands and maria Experimental petrology Geochemical modeling Physical volcanology

9 NASA Lunar Science Institute Late Heavy Bombardment Petrology of impact melts Geochronology Basin geology

10 NASA Lunar Science Institute Research Areas for UH-NLSI NRC Themes and Concepts Overarching Themes GeologyRemote Sensing Sample Studies ExperimentsModeling Early Earth-Moon system Terrestrial planet diff. & evolution Solar System impact record N/A Lunar environment Implications for life Concepts Bombardment History N/A Structure and composition of interior N/A Diversity of crustal rocks N/A Lunar poles N/A Lunar volcanism Impact process Regolith processes Atmosphere and dust Can and will do Could do Might do Cannot or will not do

11 NASA Lunar Science Institute Education/Public Outreach Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows Training likely to be a central element of NLSI We already do this Emphasis on learning through research Collaborations with other NSLI nodes and universities Graduate student/postdoc ratio not decided One postdoc could be recruited for instrument development

12 NASA Lunar Science Institute Education/Public Outreach Undergraduate students Fund fellowships, using Space Grant infrastructure Summer jobs doing research (could also be fellowships) K-12 education Extent to which this will be required is not known yet Could make use of Space Grant infrastructure and contacts Emphasis on teacher training, possibly including summer jobs

13 NASA Lunar Science Institute Management Plan Management crucial in an integrated interdisciplinary research program NAI proposal dedicated 8 pages to management Need a project coordinator (Linda Martel) to herd cats, organize meetings, assemble progress reports, keep track of milestones, etc. Needs to explain how group will work together to achieve goals (interdisciplinary research, training, etc.)

14 NASA Lunar Science Institute University Commitments Matching funds will probably not be required, but encouraged Faculty state salaries is one way of showing our enthusiasm A new hard-money faculty position would show a strong commitment by university State support for Project Coordinator Space for students and postdocs (10-15 people) Computers for students and postdocs

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