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H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates May 4 th, 2011 11:00 - 12:00 Eastern.

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Presentation on theme: "H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates May 4 th, 2011 11:00 - 12:00 Eastern."— Presentation transcript:

1 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates May 4 th, 2011 11:00 - 12:00 Eastern

2 2 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Webinar Platform: Participant View Attendee List Chat Room Presentation Slide Area Status Options Full Screen

3 3 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Submitting Questions  To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button.  Please enter the name to whom the question is directed.  Your name, the text “Submitted Question,” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission.  Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Gary, where can I find today’s PPT? Text Field Arrow Button

4 4 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

5 5 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

6 6 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Presenters Presenters:  Jane Oates Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training, U.S. Department of Labor  Amanda Ahlstrand Division Chief, Business Relations Group, Office of Workforce Investment, Employment and Training Administration

7 7 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates  Background of the Funding Opportunity  Areas of Emphasis  Question & Answer  Resources Today’s Agenda

8 8 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates "This administration is committed to getting all Americans back to work and into good jobs. These grants will create important opportunities for those who may still be searching for work after many months of unemployment," said Secretary Hilda L. Solis. "As they seek out new careers in promising industries, our nation's workers need and deserve access to quality training and employment services. The H-1B technical skills grant competition will help make that possible." - Hilda L. Solis, Secretary of Labor May 2, 2011 Funding Opportunity

9 9 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Funding Opportunity H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants  This grant program is designed to provide education, training, and job placement assistance in the occupations and industries for which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers, and the related activities necessary to support such training.

10 10 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Funding Opportunity H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants  This grant program is intended to raise the technical skill levels of American workers so they can obtain or upgrade employment in high-growth industries and occupations.

11 11 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Funding Opportunity Technical Skills Training Grants under this SGA will focus on high-growth industries and occupations defined in ACWIA as those that: 1)are projected to add substantial numbers of new jobs to the economy; 2)are being transformed by technology and innovation requiring new skill sets for workers; 3)are new and emerging businesses that are projected to grow; or 4)have a significant impact on the economy overall or on the growth of other industries and occupations

12 12 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Funding Opportunity  Amount Available: Approximately $240 million total in grant funds, with awards ranging from $1 - $5 million to 75 - 100 grantees  Two rounds of funding –First round closes June 2, 2011 –Second round closes November 17, 2011 Section II.A.

13 13 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Areas of Emphasis  Of the $240 million available: –At least $150 million will be awarded to grantees that provide On-the-Job Training (OJT) to all participants –At least $45 million will be awarded to applicants that propose training for occupations in the health care industry –At least $60 million to applicants that serve long-term unemployed individuals

14 14 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Areas of Emphasis  Eligible Applicants-Grants may be awarded to a partnership of private and public sector entities as defined in ACWIA. This partnership must include at least two entities from among the following groups: 1)business-related nonprofit organizations, such as trade associations; 2)education and training providers, including community colleges and other community-based organizations; and 3)entities involved in administering the workforce investment system established under Title I of the WIA, and economic development agencies.

15 15 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Areas of Emphasis  Required Partnerships: applicants must work with at least one employer or consortium of employers  Match Requirement: applicants that propose incumbent worker training activities must provide resources equivalent to 50% of the grant award as matching funds

16 16 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Questions and Answers Q: Can I apply for more than one grant? A:Applicants may only submit one application for each closing date; successful applicants will only receive funding for one grant. Applicants that submit more than one application to a round of funding will be considered non- responsive, and none of their applications will be considered for funding.

17 17 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Questions and Answers Q: How long are the grants active? A: The period of performance for these grant awards will be up to 48 months from the effective date of the grant. This performance period includes all necessary implementation and start-up activities.

18 18 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Q: What are examples of activities that are allowable with this funding opportunity? A:Training strategies include but are not limited to: On-the-Job Training (OJT), (except that grantees must apply and choose to serve all participants with OJT, or no participants with OJT), classroom occupational training; contextualized learning; distance learning; and customized training, including incumbent worker training, for particular employers or groups of employers. Questions and Answers

19 19 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Questions and Answers Q: What are On-the-Job Training (OJT) strategies? A: There are key features of OJT: 1.Participants are hired and earn wages from employers during training; 2.It is based on an individualized training plan reflecting: An individual skills assessment, and An analysis of job requirements; 3.Training is conducted in the work setting by employer’s supervisory personnel; and 4.The employer is paid a reimbursement to cover the extraordinary costs of the training Section I.C.

20 20 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Questions and Answers Q: What are other allowable training strategies? A: Classroom occupational training; Contextualized learning; Distance learning; and Customized training (Including incumbent worker training) Section I.C.2.

21 21 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Resources Q: What can I do now to prepare for the solicitation? A:  Visit and read the solicitation: 13_Final_H-1BSGA.pdf 13_Final_H-1BSGA.pdf  Visit the Department of Labor’s Foreign Labor Certification Data Center Web site ( for the latest database of occupations approved under H-1B petitions.  View the online tutorial, “Grant Applications 101: A Plain English Guide to ETA Competitive Grants,” available through Workforce3One at:

22 22 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Resources Q: What if I have questions while drafting my application? A: Questions should be submitted to Jeannette Flowers at: and reference SGA/DFA PY 10-13 in the email subject

23 23 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Proposal Submission  Methods of Submission − Regular mail − Overnight mail − Hand delivery − Online at http://www.grants.gov  Reference SGA/DFA PY 10-13 Proposals must be received by 4:00 PM (ET) on the closing date of the SGA.

24 24 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period

25 25 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! You have the option to submit content for review by uploading the resource or providing a link to the resource.

26 26 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

27 27 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates Stay Informed, Get Connected!

28 28 H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants: A Conversation with Jane Oates For more information about the Workforce Investment System:  Visit  Call 1-877-US2-JOBS

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