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Rachid Nouicer-BNL 1 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 PHENIX Future Heavy Flavor Measurements Rachid Nouicer Brookhaven National Laboratory For the PHENIX Collaboration International Workshop on Heavy Quark Production in Heavy-ion Collisions Purdue University, January 4-6, 2011
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 2 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 At this workshop, for more recent results and present detector status from PHENIX: Title “PHENIX Open Heavy Flavor Measurements” Speaker: I. Garishvilli for the PHENIX Collaboration Title: “PHENIX Heavy Quarkonia Measurements” Speaker: B. Kim for the PHENIX collaboration Title: “Status of PHENIX VTX Detector” Speaker: M. Kurosawa for the PHENIX collaboration
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 3 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Outline Heavy Flavor as Probe for the QGP PHENIX Detector Capabilities for Heavy Flavor Heavy Flavor Measurement Results jet energy loss collective flow comparison to recent pQCD model calculations PHENIX Detector Upgrade: Motivation and Status present: VTX near future: FVTX future: sPHENIX Summary
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 4 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 PHENIX measures open heavy flavor indirectly via semi-leptonic decays Open Heavy Flavor Measurement in PHENIX Measure spectrum of all electrons Subtract photonic electrons using cocktail of known (measured) sources: conversions, Dalitz decays of 0 and etc. Additional subtraction of quarkonia contribution Cross-check of photonic contribution by inserting converter
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 5 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Electron Measurement in the PHENIX (up to Run 10) Central Arms: hadrons, photons, electron 0.35 ≤ ≤ 0.35; p e > 0.2 GeV/c; = 2 arms × /2; charged particle tracking analysis using DC and PC. Electron identification based on : Ring Imaging Cerenkov detector (RICH); Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMCal). Forward rapidity arms: muons 1.2 ≤ | | ≤ 2.4 p µ > 1.0 GeV/c = 2 µ-Magnets and µ-Identifier steel absorb hadrons, -rejection µ-Tracker reconstructs trajectories and determines momentum.
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 6 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Open Heavy Flavor Measurement in p + p Collisions PRL 97, 252002 (2006) Single electrons (|y| < 0.35) PRD 76, 09002 (2007) Single muons (1.4 < y < 1.9) Derived charm cross-section from single electrons: 567 ± 57 (stat) ± 224(sys) b Mid-rapidity measurement is in agreement with pQCD calculations Measurement at the forward rapidity agrees for p T > 3 GeV/c, where B/S is better p + p
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 7 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Open Heavy Flavor Measurement in Au + Au Collisions PRL 98, 172301 (2007) Single electrons (|y| < 0.35) Strong suppression in high p T (p T > 3.0 GeV) shows large energy loss and hence provides strong evidence for the coupling of heavy quarks to the produced medium. PRL 98, 172301 (2007) Same method as in p + p Heavy flavor electrons from Au + Au Compared to N coll scaled p + p (FONLL x 1.71)
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 8 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 8 Heavy Flavor Hadron Energy Loss and Flow Suppression is flat at high p T Heavy quarks suppressed the same as light quarks, and they flow, but less. Collective behavior is apparent in heavy-flavor electrons (v 2 (HF) > 0); but however, it is lower than v 2 of 0 for p T > 2 GeV/c. The variety and precision of results keep expanding, revealing interesting features
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 9 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Simultaneously reproduction of both R AA and v 2 for the same set of inputs in pQCD formalism for the highest RHIC energy Das and Alam, arXiv-1008.2643 Das, Alam and Mohanty,PRC, 82,014908,2010 Heavy Flavor Hadron Energy Loss and Flow pQCD model calculations: R AA and V 2 in Au+Au at 200 GeV
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 10 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 High statistics measurement of J/ in AuAu in wide rapidity range - Mid-rapidity J e+e- - Forward rapidity J/ Strong suppression of J/ is observed - Consistent with the prediction that J/ s are destroyed in deconfined matter Surprisingly, the suppression is stronger at forward rapidity than in mid-rapidity - J/ formation by recombination of charm pairs in deconfined matter? PRL 98,172301 (2007) J/ Suppression in Au+Au
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 11 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Dalitz decays of light neutral mesons : Mostly 0 e + e - Also from η, ω, φ, η'. Conversion of photons from the light vector mesons in the material Direct photons from the hard scattering process Dielectron decays of light vector mesons: ρ, ω, φ e + e - J/ψ e + e - and e + e - Weak Kaon decays : K ± 0 e ± ν e Heavy Flavor Decays Source of Electrons Background sources needs to be subtracted
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 12 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Charm Cross-section in p+p collisions STAR agrees with PHENIX (referring to STAR’s recent work) Latest result from STAR agrees with PHENIX for p T > 2.5 GeV/c. This is good news But What about measurements at low p T (500 MeV/c < p T < 2.5 GeV/c)?
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 13 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Within error bars, N bin scaled is observed! Large systematic uncertainties Theory under predict charm X-section: still an issue : STAR ~ 2 PHENIX Detector upgrades should measure low p T region Charm Cross-section in p+p collisions
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 14 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Upgrades Are Needed! When physics motivation exist (separation of charm and beauty should allow for unambiguous modeling of quark energy loss) and systematic errors dominates the data, new experiment (detector upgrade) are called for.
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 15 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 The time is just shifted for PHENIX experiment: 1) the near future just becomes the present: PHENIX-VTX 2) the future just becomes the near future: PHENIX-FVTX 3) and the far future moved to the future: sPHENIX PHENIX Detector Present and Future
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 16 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Heavy Ions: Precision heavy flavor production measurement and separation of charm and beauty should allow for unambiguous modeling of quark energy loss Precision charm measurement along with improved vector meson measurements allows vector meson production and suppression to be understood Charm and beauty flow measurements Expanded vector meson measurements, Cold Nuclear Matter: Same measurements; needed to separate cold and hot nuclear matter effects Drell-Yan measurements help understand CNM energy loss Spin Physics: Precision heavy flavor measurements help understand gluon contribution to spin Drell-Yan can give anti-quark spin measurements Improved W measurements Physics Motivation for VTX and FVTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 17 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 No shape change implies VTX Motivation Present m charm = 1.5 GeV, m bottom = 5 GeV PHENIX: PRL 98:172301 (2007) VTX can separately measure v 2 and R AA of b e and c e VTX can separately measure v 2 and R AA of b e and c e Assumption here: Full 8 weeks used for data taking in RUN11 Au+Au at √s = 200 GeV Expected with VTX D+B e B e D e B e D e
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 18 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 FVTX Motivation Tag displaced vertices to allow precision heavy flavor measurements Separate Charm and Beauty Drell Yan measurement for mass btw. J/ and Upsilon J/ and ' mass separation Better Upsilon mass resolution Significantly enhances every aspect of forward rapidity program Complements Barrel Tracker which will cover central rapidity m charm = 1.5 GeV, m bottom = 5 GeV Real Data from D and B Simulation with FVTX Each and every physics measurement from the muon arm will be improved with the addition of the FVTX and new measurements will become available Simulation with FVTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 19 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Silicon Vertex Tracker: VTX +FVTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 20 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Present and Near Future: VTX + FVTX The detector sensitive area is made 100% of silicon sensor technology The target is b, c physics probing the heart of the QCD medium at RHIC VTX: 4 barrels (|y| <1.2): 2 silicon Pixel (ALICE) 2 silicon stripixel (unique to PHENIX) FVTX: 4x2 disks (1.2 < |y| <2.4): Standard silicon strip technology
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 21 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Present and Near Future: VTX + FVTX The detector sensitive area is made 100% of silicon sensor technology The target is b, c physics probing the heart of the QCD medium at RHIC VTX: 4 barrels (|y| <1.2): 2 silicon Pixel (ALICE) 2 silicon stripixel (unique to PHENIX) FVTX: 4x2 disks (1.2 < |y| <2.4): Standard silicon strip technology Life time (c ) D 0 : 125 mm B 0 : 464 mm DCA p p D B e e e+e- are identified in PHENIX central arms VTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 22 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Present and Near Future: VTX + FVTX The detector sensitive area is made 100% of silicon sensor technology The target is b, c physics probing the heart of the QCD medium at RHIC VTX: 4 barrels (|y| <1.2): 2 silicon Pixel (ALICE) 2 silicon stripixel (unique to PHENIX) FVTX: 4x2 disks (1.2 < |y| <2.4): Standard silicon strip technology + - are identified in forward muons PHENIX arms prompt FVTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 23 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Pixel Stripixel Expected DCA resolution ~ 40 m Au+Au 200 GeV pions in 3 <p T <4 GeV/c Specifications: Large acceptance ( and < 1.2) Displaced vertex measurement < 40 m Charged particle tracking p /p ~ 5% p at high pT Detector must work for both of heavy ion and pp collisions. Technology Choice Hybrid pixel detectors developed at CERN for ALICE Stripixel detectors, sensors developed at BNL with FNAL ’ s SVX4 readout chip Central Silicon Vertex Tracker: VTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 24 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 ALICE1LHCb readout chip: Pixel: 50 µm ( ) x 425 µm (Z). Channels: 256 x 32. Output: binary, read-out in 25.6 s@10MHz. Radiation Hardness: ~ 30Mrad Sensor module: 4 ALICE1LHCb readout chips. Bump-bonded (VTT) to silicon sensor. Thickness: 200 m Thickness: r/o chips 150 µm Half-ladder (2 sensor modules+bus) 1.36 cm x 10.9 cm. Thickness bus: < 240 µm. SPIRO module Control/read-out a half ladder Send the data to FEM FEM (interface to PHENIX DAQ) Read/control two SPIROs Interface to PHENIX DAQ active area r 1.28 cm = 50mm x 256 z 1.36 cm = 425mm x 32 Solder bump ~20 m VTX: PIXEL Concept (Barrels 1 & 2)
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 25 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Innovative design by BNL Instr. Div. : Z. Li et al., NIM A518, 738 (2004); R. Nouicer et al., NIM B261, 1067 (2007); R. Nouicer et al., Journal of Instrumentation, 4, P04011 (2009) DC-Coupled silicon sensor Sensor single-sided 2-dimensional position sensitivity by charge sharing VTX: Silicon Stripixel Concept (Barrels 3 &4) “New technology: unique to PHENIX”
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 26 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Top view Bottom view Silicon sensor SVX4 chips ROC (readout card) VTX: Silicon Stripixel Concept (Barrels 3 &4) Silicon Module Ladder
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 27 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Layer 1 (PIXEL) 5x2 ladders 27 Layer 2 (PIXEL) 10x2 ladders Layer 3 (Stripixel) 8x2 ladders Layer 4 (Stripixel) 12x2 ladders Central Silicon Vertex Tracker: VTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 28 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 28 Full VTX installed at IR on Dec 1 st, 2010 VTX group and PHENIX technicians Side ViewFront View Central Silicon Vertex Tracker: VTX VTX ready for Run 11 VTX will explore b,c physics
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 29 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 4 disks / side 48 wedges/disk 75 m strips, 2.8-11.2 mm long 1664 strips/column 1.1M channels total Readout with FPHX chip 7.5° HDI Detector FPHX Chips Backplane Rigid, thermally conductive epoxy Rigid epoxy ~10 cm Forward Silicon Vertex Detector: FVTX 40 cm 2.8mm 11.2mm Four tracking stations with full azimuthal coverage
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 30 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Assembly station Chip placementWire-bonding Encapsulation Final Wedge Half disk assembly FVTX will be installed summer 2011 Forward Silicon Vertex Detector: FVTX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 31 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Future: sPHENIX Study of interaction between parton and sQGP medium Direct measurement of Jets and their modification Study of mass dependence of medium-parton interaction High statistic measurement of charm and bottom in Au+Au Measurement of c and b jets Study of color screening in the medium High-p T J/ ( >10 GeV/c) Upsilon Probe of initial condition Direct photon v 2 High density QCD at small x Forward Physics ePHENIX eA and ep when eRHIC beam come to PHENIX-IR Physics menu for 2015+ The document also contains the complementarity of RHIC and LHC Documents 250 + pages released and can be found at:
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 32 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Heavy quark physics with VTX is the main thrust of PHENIX Heavy Ion physics plan in 2011 - 2015 Heavy quark energy loss Heavy quark flow CNM on Heavy Quark Plus Spin Physics with VTX in p+p collisions Charm A N, A LL Bottom A N A LL photon jet A N, A LL di-jet A N, A LL PHENIX Decadal Plan PHENIX RUN PLAN (2011-2015)
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 33 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 PHENIX RUN PLAN (2011-2015) Longitudinal spin@ 500 GeV W program G at small x Transverse spin@200 GeV A N of various processes Exploratory of Drell Yan A N : Sivers sign change Spin @ 62 GeV G at high x Transverse spin PHENIX Decadal Plan
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 34 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Future: sPHENIX Observables Requirements
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 35 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 PHENIX Detector Today (2011) sPHENIX Upgrade Concept
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 36 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Future “sPHENIX” : Compact, Uniform Detector sPHENIX Upgrade Concept
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 37 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 2T mid-y magnet, I.d.~ 60 cm (could be up to ~ 1m) Compact EMCal E/E ~ 20%/√E (Si/W & Scint/W?) Intermediate tracker ~ 80 m resolution (Si or GEM) Compact HCAL for jet reco (first HCAL at RHIC!) Forward spectrometer optimized for electrons, , hadrons Hadron ID: forward yes, mid-y ? sPHENIX Upgrade Concept
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 38 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 50B events of Au+Au at 200 GeV sPHENIX Upgrade Concept
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 39 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 p/p = 0.007 + 0.0015p - Good momentum resolution and e/ separation - Can separate the upsilon States spectroscopy + p = 5 GeV Performance sPHENIX Momentum resolution: VTX + two new Silicon strip barrels (strip size 80 m) Charged pions EMCAL Response Electron p = 5 GeV
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 40 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Hadronic Calorimetry tightens correlation between measured and true jet energy - Reduce high p T background - Catch neutral energy Performance sPHENIX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 41 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 50B events of Au+Au at 200 GeV 10 10 central event Jets, photons and 0 rates in | | <1 W. Vogelsang, private comm. Significant rates for heavy flavor tagged jets M. Cacciari, private comm. Performance sPHENIX
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 42 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Future: sPHENIX Where we stand with sPHENIX? Mike Leitch (upgrade manager) organized PHENIX Decadal R&D Workshops, 14-16 December, 2010 Speakers from over the world: PHENIX, STAR, LHC, ILC… Next PHENIX Collaboration meeting, January 2011 PHENIX people will highlight ideas of the workshops and discuss R&D steps
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 43 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Summary Large heavy flavor suppression in heavy ion collisions – why? Significant heavy flavor elliptic flow Large J suppression, but surprising rapidity dependence Improve background rejection in semi-leptonic decay measurements would allow systematic errors to be reduced Separation of Charm/Beauty allows quark mass dependence to be mapped out PHENIX opens new era to study the properties of the medium: c, b physics: installed Central Silicon Vertex Tracker in 2010 (ready for run #11) will install Forward Silicon Vertex Tracker in 2011 (run #12) Future “sPHENIX” : compact, uniform detector Jets, quarkonia, -jet correlations, tagged jets forward physics, spin, “0 th order for EIC detector
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 44 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 6/17/2015 Auxiliary Slides
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 45 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Complementarity of RHIC and LHC “What is the point to measure jets and heavy quark at RHIC in LHC era?"
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 46 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 - Measure Upsilon suppression (1S,2S,3S) at RHIC energy (Ti nit ~ 350 MeV). LHC initial energy is ~ 500-600 MeV and so the screening length can be different. - Light quark v 2 seems to be similar at LHC. This lead some to conclude that /s of the QGP at LHC is only slightly different than that at RHIC. However, the picture can be different if probed by heavy flavor. (Light quark v 2 is influenced in the later stage of space/time development. Heavy quark is more sensitive in the earlier stage) - Very high statistics measurement of charm/bottom at low p T where medium effect can be most interesting. sPHENIX will have ~ 50B events per year, much higher statistics. “What is the point to measure jets and heavy quark at RHIC in LHC era?" Complementarity of RHIC and LHC
Rachid Nouicer-BNL 47 HQW-2011 Heavy Quark Workshop 2010 Production of heavy quark-antiquark pairs: cc (bb) dominated by gluon-gluon hard scattering - sensitive to initial gluon density additional thermal production enhancement? - sensitive to initial temperature Propagation through dense medium energy loss or thermalization softening of spectra? - sensitive to properties of the produced nuclear medium does charm flow? - sensitive to collectivity on parton level Quarkonia (J in dense medium suppression via color screening? enhancement via coalescence? è heavy quarks is a rich probe of the nuclear medium created in the hard initial collisions experience the whole collision history è study of yields & spectra in pp, dAu, and AuAu Why is Heavy Flavor Interesting?
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