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DARPA Scalable Simplification of Reversible Circuits Vivek Shende, Aditya Prasad, Igor Markov, and John Hayes The Univ. of Michigan, EECS.

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Presentation on theme: "DARPA Scalable Simplification of Reversible Circuits Vivek Shende, Aditya Prasad, Igor Markov, and John Hayes The Univ. of Michigan, EECS."— Presentation transcript:

1 DARPA Scalable Simplification of Reversible Circuits Vivek Shende, Aditya Prasad, Igor Markov, and John Hayes The Univ. of Michigan, EECS

2 Local Optimization Optimal synthesis methods  Can synthesize all 3-wire circuits in minutes  Too expensive in the general case  Yet, can be used to quickly generate libraries of small, optimal circuits Scalable synthesis techniques are suboptimal Idea behind our work:  Isolate small pieces of suboptimal circuits  Reduce via circuit-library lookups

3 Our Constraints Fixed wire count  No transformations that require adding wires Monotonic improvement of gate counts Empirical validation with the CNT gate library  No gates with more than 3 inputs  Our gate library is not redundant Other gate libraries possible

4 Optimal Circuit Libraries Built by dynamic programming techniques  Based on our previous work (IWLS / ICCAD ’02)  20+ times faster & several times more compact Store millions of small, optimal circuits  All optimal circuits of n gates on k wires  Hashed by permutation computed

5 Sketch of Algorithm Find a sub-circuit on few wires Compute its function by multiplying the gates Replace with optimal implementation  O(1)-time lookup using hash tables Repeat until no improvement How does this compare to reduction rules?  Given enough memory, this can’t be worse  Some reductions hard to capture with rules

6 Finding Subcircuits Pick a gate and collect its neighbors  Stop when total # inputs > k (empirical validation with k=4) Can find additional subcircuits  Some gates can be reordered  This exposes more reductions (example coming soon)

7 Commutability Rules When can gates be reordered?  Enumeration of gate reorderings is nontrivial  Do not (need to) try all reorderings  Some useful reorderings are easy to find

8 Commutability Rules Reordering gates  Can make reductions more “obvious”  And easier to locate algorithmically

9 Does This Actually Work? Our algorithms run on large circuits in ~linear time In randomly generated circuits removes up to 30% of gates  Many non-trivial reductions found and applied However, No reversible circuit benchmarks are available Published reversible circuits are hand-crafted  Most likely locally optimal

10 Future Work Improve circuit library storage  By taking advantage of symmetry Connect local optimization with synthesis algorithm from T|C|T|N-decomposition  A complete tool for reversible logic synthesis  Applicable to even 20-input circuits

11 Future Work Determine fruitful local optimizations  Are some optimizations better than others? Add hill-climbing (local de-optimizations)  Is this useful? Extend methods to quantum logic

12 Thank You For Your Attention Are there any questions?

13 Commutability Rules Gates do not usually commute  But sometimes they “almost” do Yield circuit equivalences  And therefore reduction rules

14 Previous Work Optimal Synthesis Methods  Use dynamic programming techniques  Work for 3-wire synthesis, but not much further Commutability Rules  Determine when gates can be reordered V. Shende et. Al., “Synthesis of Reversible Logic Circuits,” to appear in TCAD, 2003.

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