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Information on BONUS funding

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1 Information on BONUS funding

2 Research areas  The overall framework of the BONUS strategic research agenda 2011-2017 consists of five main strategic objectives that form the backbone for a total of 19 specifically defined themes.  The first strategic objective aims at understanding the complexity of the Baltic Sea ecosystem structure and functioning The second strategic objective aims to meet the multifaceted challenges in linking the Baltic Sea with its coast and catchment area The goal of the third strategic objective is to enhance sustainable use of coastal and marine goods and services of the Baltic Sea The fourth strategic objective aims at improving the capabilities of the society to respond to the current and future challenges directed to the Baltic Sea region The goal of the fifth strategic objective is to develop improved and innovative observation and data management systems, tools and methodologies for marine information needs in the Baltic Sea region 2

3 Next call  DL for applications for first call  By end of March 2012  Funding  100% for Baltic Sea region countries (EU members). Consists of 50% EU funds and 50% national funds.  Application package  Material will be available online on 1.12.2011. 3

4 First call (DL for applications end of March 2012)  Duration: Start latest by January 2013 to finish by the end of 2016, total duration of projects will be four years  The first thematic call will include the following from the BONUS strategic research agenda 2011-2017:BONUS strategic research agenda  Themes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, i.e. all four themes addressing strategic objective 1 ’Understanding the Baltic Sea ecosystem structure and functioning‘  Themes 2.1 and 2.2, as most of the pressures to marine ecosystem originate from the catchment while the coastal systems serve as primary recipients and transformers of these pressures  Themes 3.3 and 3.4, as ‘ecosystem approach to fisheries’ is based on understanding the ecosystem structure and functioning and biodiversity controls.  Theme 5.1, as developing the science basis of monitoring is a logical element for inclusion since themes of strategic objectives 1 and 3 address quantification of Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s good environmental status descriptors  Theme 4.1, as this will allow incorporating the governance and policy issues into broad multi- disciplinary research proposals, as well as to design research proposals with societal responses and driving forces as the central subject  Each proposal will be requested to identify one leading theme and two to four supplementary themes from those opened for this call  Budget: up to EUR 40 million depending on the outcome of evaluation  4

5 Second call  Duration: Start latest by January 2014 to finish by the end of 2017, total duration of projects will be four years  The second thematic call will tentatively include:  Themes 3.1 and 3.2, as well as 4.3 and 2.3. to cover issues related to shipping and spatial planning  Theme 4.2 to address the issues of linking ecosystem goods and services to human lifestyles and well-being  Theme 4.1, similarly to the first thematic call, to allow proposing broad multi-disciplinary projects involving governance and policy issues  Depending on the evaluation outcome of the first thematic call also some first call themes may be decided to be re- opened if considered inadequately covered  Budget: Indicatively up to EUR 20 million 5

6 Eligible partners  The minimum number of participants is three, the participants must be from three different countries within the programme area.  Also companies can participate.  The 8 EU countries neighboring the Baltic Sea get 100% funding from the programme, other EU countries 25% funding.  The Baltic Sea region is a geopolitical entity including countries neighbouring with the Baltic Sea: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation (North-Western part) and Sweden. Eight of the Baltic Sea region countries are EU member states as well as participating states of BONUS. 6

7 Examples of ongoing projects  era-net/bonus_2009-2011/bonus_projects/ era-net/bonus_2009-2011/bonus_projects/  Summaries of progress of the projects mmary.pdf mmary.pdf 7

8 More information BONUS Hakaniemenranta 6, 00 530 Helsinki tel. +358 40 040 4011 email. Bonus (at) bonuseeig.fiBonus (at) web. Frequently asked questions North European Logistics Institute (NELI) Kira Lopperi Kira.lopperi (at) tel. +358 44 702 8324 If you have any interest, questions or want to find partners for your project contact NELI and we are happy to help! 8

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