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The Industrial Revolution. Industrial Revolution? Sudden? Meaning? Costs vs. Benefits?

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Presentation on theme: "The Industrial Revolution. Industrial Revolution? Sudden? Meaning? Costs vs. Benefits?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Industrial Revolution

2 Industrial Revolution? Sudden? Meaning? Costs vs. Benefits?

3 Economic Productivity Cotton textiles, iron, steam engine

4 Prerequisites Agricultural expansion Transportation

5 Canal Building

6 Pontcysyllte Aqueduct


8 Availability of Capital Empire matters Investors looking for solidity, not bubbles Reinvestment of profits

9 Inventiveness Inventors Attitude Enlightenment

10 Natural Resources Coal, iron, water

11 What made Britain different? Single common market Common coinage Common system of weights and measures No internal tolls Lack of regulation

12 Labor Mobility Geographically Socially

13 Primogeniture

14 Dissenters’ Schools Modern curriculum Business open

15 Dissenting innovators Thomas Newcomen James Watt

16 Costs Old jobs lost Societal disruption (mass society) Emphasis on punctuality Consumer culture Pollution

17 Benefits Work load eases Material goods

18 Process vs. Span of Time

19 The Period Poverty just more noticeable? Population growth and urbanization

20 Conclusions Mechanical labor replaces human labor Change made permanent Expectation of progress Division of labor Socialism Science weds industry

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