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CAWSES December 10, 2005 1 CMEs H.S. Hudson Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley.

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2 CAWSES December 10, 2005 1 CMEs H.S. Hudson Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley

3 CAWSES December 10, 2005 2 Organization of talk Definitions Resources Properties (key observations; five items) Data analysis and interpretations (two items) Conclusions (advertisement)

4 CAWSES December 10, 2005 3 What is the solar corona? Low-beta plasma in a concentric cavity Slowly-varying lower boundary condition imposing vertical currents Body currents (and current sheets) in an electrically isopotential volume Massive solar wind forming a lumpy upper boundary Flaring (flares and CMEs)

5 CAWSES December 10, 2005 4 What is the solar corona? Low-beta plasma in a concentric cavity Slowly-varying lower boundary condition imposing vertical currents Body currents (and current sheets) in an electrically isopotential volume Massive solar wind forming a lumpy upper boundary Flaring (flares and CMEs)

6 CAWSES December 10, 2005 5 G. A. Gary, Solar Phys. 203, 71 (2001) (v A ~ 200  -1/2 km/s at coronal temperatures) CH Distribution of coronal plasma 

7 CAWSES December 10, 2005 6 Definitions Flare: a chromospheric transient observed in H  CME: a coronal transient observed in a white-light coronagraph

8 CAWSES December 10, 2005 7 Definitions Flare: a coronal transient observed in soft X-rays CME: a coronal transient observed in a white-light coronagraph

9 CAWSES December 10, 2005 8 Definitions Flare: a coronal transient observed in soft X-rays CME: a coronal transient observed in a white-light coronagraph ICME: a flare/CME product observed in interplanetary space

10 CAWSES December 10, 2005 9 CME Resources The CUA LASCO catalog Other coronagraphs (Mauna Loa, El Leoncito) Many non-coronagraphic databases (e.g., Nobeyama) My cartoon archive

11 CAWSES December 10, 2005 10

12 CAWSES December 10, 2005 11

13 CAWSES December 10, 2005 12

14 CAWSES December 10, 2005 13 Typical catalog entries - July 5, 2005

15 CAWSES December 10, 2005 14 Morphology Three-part events (front, cavity, core) Halo Jet-like

16 CAWSES December 10, 2005 15 Ways to infer the presence of ICMEs Hudson & Cliver, JGR 26, 25,199 (2001)

17 CAWSES December 10, 2005 16 In-situ Observations of ICMEs

18 CAWSES December 10, 2005 17 CME Properties I Masses to ~10 16 g Angular extent ~60 o Projected velocities to ~3000 km/s

19 CAWSES December 10, 2005 18 CME Properties II Solar-cycle modulation Strong association with flares and eruptive prominences Occurrence distribution function differing from that of flares - ?

20 CAWSES December 10, 2005 19 Interesting recent observations

21 CAWSES December 10, 2005 20 Movie of dimming (Aug 28, 1992) (1) Coronal Dimming

22 CAWSES December 10, 2005 21 1600A 171A Shrinkage, dimming, destruction, oscillation Helix, ribbons (separatrices?) TRACE

23 CAWSES December 10, 2005 22 Zhang et al., 2001 Timing

24 CAWSES December 10, 2005 23 Field changes are now observed with essentially every X-class flare, and they match the flare ribbon locations Survey of 15 flares by Sudol & Harvey (2004)

25 CAWSES December 10, 2005 24 “Isomagnetobars” Before After Cartoon from Hudson & Cliver, 2000

26 CAWSES December 10, 2005 25

27 CAWSES December 10, 2005 26 SUMMARY There have been many new solar flare/CME results in the past (current?) maximum Wonderful databases now exist and are being studied Another new wave of solar spacecraft is coming: Solar-B, STEREO, SDO. Alas, no HXR; double alas, no X-ray spectroscopy

28 CAWSES December 10, 2005 27 End

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