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Mechatronics 1 Week 3 & 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechatronics 1 Week 3 & 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechatronics 1 Week 3 & 4

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of week 3-4 session, students will understand kinematics of industrial robots.

3 Course Outline Forward Kinematics Homogeneous Transformation Matrix. Denavit Hartenberg (D-H) parameters. D-H Transformation Matrix Interpretation and application of homogeneous tranformation matrix Inverse kinematics.

4 Homogenous Transformation Matrix
It provides information on position and orientation in a 4x4 matrix.

5 Coordinate Frame Placement (Denavit Hartenberg Concept)
ai : length of link i di : offset distance at joint i : joint angle of link i : twist angle of link i Ref. Lee, Fu, Gonzalez, 1987

6 Rotation Matrix with D-H Parameters

7 Homogenous Transformation Matrix with D-H Parameters

8 Coordinate Frame Placement (1)

9 Coordinate Frame Placement (2)

10 Homogenous Transf Matrix
Physical Intepretation ? Ref. Craig, 1987

11 Kinematics & Inverse Kinematics
Direct Kinematics Inverse Kinematics Joint Coordinates Position & Orientation of End Effector Link Parameters

12 Inverse Kinematics Given a desired position (P) & orientation (R) of the end-effector. Find the joint variables which can bring the robot to the desired posture.

13 A shorter path is generally desirable
Inverse Kinematics More difficult Solution not unique Redundant robot Elbow-up/elbow-down configuration A shorter path is generally desirable

14 Solving The Problems Geometric approach Algebraic approach Numeric approach

15 Upper & Lower Configuration (Condition arises in Inverse Kinematics problems)

16 Kinematics (Mitsubishi RV-M1)

17 Limitation on Movement of Robot RV-M1
Kinematics (RV-M1) Limitation on Movement of Robot RV-M1 Total Span Min Max Waist 300o -150o 150o Shoulder 130o -100o 30o Elbow 110o 0o i ai αi di θi 1 -90º θ1 2 a2 = L2 θ2 3 a3 = L3 θ3

18 Work Space

19 Direction of Joint Movements
1 150o 2 30o 100o 3 110o -

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