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1 Accountability in G20 Global Governance Marina Larionova University Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Accountability in G20 Global Governance Marina Larionova University Higher School of Economics, Moscow."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Accountability in G20 Global Governance Marina Larionova University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

2 2 The main findings of the study 1 G20 compliance with Pittsburgh and London commitments

3 3 The main findings of the study 2 The change in G20 members’ compliance

4 4 The main findings of the study 3 G8 and Non-G8 compliance with Pittsburgh summit commitments

5 5 The main findings of the study 4 G8 and non-G8 compliance with 2009 London summit commitments

6 6 The main findings of the study 5 Note: according to the 2009 Aquila G8 Summit Draft Compliance Report, the average G8 compliance with this commitment slumps to -0.78 whereas G8 average compliance with the G20 commitment was assessed at a positive score of 0.11. G20 average compliance with a commitment on fight against protectionism

7 7 The main findings of the study 6 G8 compliance with development commitments

8 8 The main findings of the study 7 G20 compliance with development commitments

9 9 Thank you!

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