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This travel guide will give you all necessary information to travel to the fourth planet in the solar system, Mars. History Trivia Sights LuggageClimateAdvice.

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Presentation on theme: "This travel guide will give you all necessary information to travel to the fourth planet in the solar system, Mars. History Trivia Sights LuggageClimateAdvice."— Presentation transcript:


2 This travel guide will give you all necessary information to travel to the fourth planet in the solar system, Mars. History Trivia Sights LuggageClimateAdvice Click on the links below to find out about Mars. Click here to receive a free inter-galactic passport Solar Map Bibliogr- aphy

3 The world on Mars would have been similar to Antarctica, very cold and dry. Mars went over a total transformation and changed it from a planet able to sustain life to the dry desert like planet we know. Three billion years ago humans would have been able to survive on Mars with just an oxygen mask and a thick coat. There was plenty of water and it had a thicker atmosphere. Back

4 The Martian day is 40 minutes longer so you will get more time to get things done. Mars is named after the Roman god of war. According to Roman mythology, Mars was the most popular god and was the protector of Rome. If you think bungee jumping and parachuting are fun wait until you get to Mars! Because of the low gravity on Mars you have super jumping abilities. The average adult can jump 2.7 metres in the air! Back

5 The Valles Marineris is one of the most sensational geological features in the galaxy. It spans about the same size as the continental United States and is about 11 kilometres deep in places. There is an area on Mars called the Tharsis Bulge, which has four huge volcanoes. These volcanoes have not erupted for millions of years. The largest volcano is called Olympus Mons. It is 27 kilometres high. A great sight to see would be the blue sunset. Because of the atmosphere around Mars the sky at sunset is bright blue. Back

6 The best time to visit mars is when the two planets are perfectly aligned. If you miss your flight you can’t just get on the next flight in the next day you have to wait twenty-six months before you can go again. If you were going to Mars I would suggest never taking your helmet off. All the liquids in your body would boil and then you would explode. Back

7 The average temperature on Mars is about -60 degrees Celsius. It can get down to -125 degrees Celsius in Winter near the poles. It can also get as high as 20 degrees Celsius on the equator. Mars may look calm from Earth but it has dust storms so big they cover the entire planet. These occur every three years and they have dust as fine as cigarette smoke. They is no ozone layer on Mars so the UV layers are extremely high. Any unprotected organism would burn in only a matter of minutes. Back

8 Make sure you pack a sturdy hard-hat because there are meteorites that fall regularly crash in the surface. Pack plenty of water because there is only solid water and not much of it at that. If you think you might play a round of golf on Mars think again because it is basically a giant sand trap. Back

9 Back To receive your free intergalactic passport go to port/receive port/receive or Call 1800 6277 and follow the prompts or Text ‘free passport’ to 04 7277 7678

10 Back

11 Music- David Bowie, Life on Mars Deep Purple, Interstellar Overdrive Elton John, Rocket man Information- idebook.htm#/T/0, Wikipedia idebook.htm#/T/0 Images- Google images

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