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ARIES-IFE SYSTEMS ISSUES Ronald Miller ARIES-IFE Project Meeting General Atomics July 1-2, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "ARIES-IFE SYSTEMS ISSUES Ronald Miller ARIES-IFE Project Meeting General Atomics July 1-2, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARIES-IFE SYSTEMS ISSUES Ronald Miller ARIES-IFE Project Meeting General Atomics July 1-2, 2002

2 Outline Target Fabrication Cost -> COE Simple Power Loop Model Modifications required to for thick-liquid case (cf. HYLIFE-II)

3 IFE Target Fab Cost -> COE Introduced at April ARIES-IFE Meeting (UW-M) based on remarks made at ISFNT-6. No recent activity on this topic. Need to reconcile with results of IAEA- TM (GA, June 17-19) for closure.

4 Simple Power Loop Model Gain curve depends on driver (KrF, HI) Solved using iDecide TM COTS - influence diagram set-up -used in deterministic (not MC) mode -workaround for recursion Thought to scale with Rep Rate (subject to question from G. Logan at April Meeting)

5 HYLIFE-II Ref. R. W. Moir, et al., Fusion Tech., 25 (Jan. 1994) 5. Pumping power does not contribute to useful thermal power.


7 HYLIFE-II Pumping Power Logan, Moir, Hoffman, Fusion Tech., 28 (Nov. 1995) 1674. Logan, Moir, Hoffman, UCRL-ID-117334 (May 1994) MathCAD model document Meier, Peterson, personal communication (June 12) updated MathCAD model Sze, personal communication (June 20)


9 Impact on COE Generally seek to minimize recirculating power fraction, ε Meier result (next chart) does not show a strong effect…

10 The 6.4 MJ, 5.9 Hz point gives near optimum COE COE vs Driver energy COE vs Rep-rate Net power = 1000 MWe

11 HI Conventional Target (full- sized) distributed radiator Gain Curve ref. D. Callahan-Miller and M. Tabak, Phys. Plasmas, 7, 5 (May 2000) 2083.  Near HYLIFE-II ref. R. Moir, et al., Fusion Tech., 25 (Jan. 1994) 5.

12 HI Driver [efficiency = f(E D )] DR 5 Hz: P E

13 HI Driver [efficiency=f(E D )] DR, 5 Hz: Recirc. Pow. Frac., ε

14 Common Assumptions Auxiliary power fraction = 0.05 Thermal conversion eff. = 0.45,0.55 5-Hz rep. rate is scalable to other P E (MWe) Recirculating power fraction does not depend on rep. Rate Last two assumptions are in dispute.

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